Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) 澳洲父母团聚移民签证

Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) 澳洲年迈父母团聚移民签证-(804 Visa)

1. 签证特点(Features)

申请 804 签证需要申请人已经在澳大利亚居住多年,其子女是澳大利亚公民,永久居民或者在澳大利亚定居的新西兰合法居民。

The Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) lets older parents live permanently in Australia if they are the parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia.

2. 此类别签证可以享受的待遇 What this visa lets you do


  • 可以在澳大利亚无限期定居
  • 可以在澳大利亚工作和学习
  • 享受澳大利亚的医疗保险,报销医疗费用
  • 申请澳大利亚的合法居民(符合条件的情况下)
  • 担保符合条件的亲属为永居
  • 获签起五年间可以到澳大利亚旅游(五年之后则需要居民往返签证或者别的签证往返澳大利亚)
  • stay in Australia indefinitely;
  • work and study in Australia;
  • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses;
  • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible);
  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence;
  • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after that time, you will need a resident return visa or another visa to return to Australia).

申请之前(Before you apply)

804父母团聚移民签证等待获签的时间可能很久(可能需要30年),所以申请人可以考虑申请贡献类高龄父母团聚移民签证( Contributory Aged Parent visa),大概两年时间。

  • 对于贡献类高龄父母团聚移民签证(属于临时签证,884签证-子签证),分两个阶段进行签证申请,申请人可以先申请临时签证,之后申请换成永居签证。
  • 贡献类高龄父母团聚移民签证(864签证)是永居签证,通过签证申请支付高龄父母移民的全部费用。


Instead of waiting, you could consider a Contributory Aged Parent visa, which is usually finalised in less than two years;

  • the Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884) gives a two-stage visa pathway in which you can first apply for a temporary visa and later for a permanent visa ;
  • the Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864) is a permanent visa that lets you pay the full costs of Contributory Parent migration through just one visa application.

If you apply for a Contributory Parent visa, you will pay a higher application charge. A longer assurance of support with a larger bond would also be required before you could be granted a Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864). The higher charges offset some costs to the community, such as the costs of health and welfare services.

旅游签证 Tourist Visa


If you plan to get a new passport, you should do so before applying for your visa. Your visa is linked to the passport number you use in your application. If you get a new passport after you have lodged your application, you must give the details of your new passport to the Parent Visa Centre.

护照 Your Passport


不能继续逗留 No further stay condition


You cannot apply for this visa if you already hold another visa that has a ‘No further stay’ condition.
Contact us if you are not sure whether your current visa conditions prevent you from applying for a further visa while you are in Australia.

费用 Cost

Pay the first instalment when you lodge the application.
Pay the second instalment when we tell you to. You must pay it for us to grant the visa.


You might have to pay other costs, such as the costs of health assessments and police certificates, or any other certificates or tests. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements. You will also be asked to organise an assurance of support, which includes a bond, before a decision is made on your application.

804 签证网址: Department of Home Affairs
