A18 代表申请人的移民顾问
从新西兰指南-Administration-Status of Children born in Newzeland on or after 1 January 2006继续讨论
A18.1 免除执照的人
- a 提供移民咨询或者移民建议且建议并非系统性的或者不收费的移民顾问;
- b 议会的成员或者是员工提供移民咨询的;
- c 外交官或者领事馆的员工;
- d 新西兰公共服务部门的雇员且在工作期间/在职期间提供移民咨询的;
- e 持有实习资格证的律师,作为新西兰高级法院的律师或是相关人员;
- f 新西兰法律社区中心雇佣的志愿者,法律中心至少有一个正职律师;或者更高一级的律师中心雇佣的志愿者提供咨询服务等;
- g 新西兰公民advice局雇佣的或者是志愿者;
- h 海外的为潜在的学生签证申请者提供咨询的人;
A18 Immigration adviser acting on behalf of an applicant
A18.1 Persons exempt from licensing
The following persons are exempt from the requirement to be licensed under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007:
- a.a person who provides immigration advice in an informal or family context only, where the advice is not provided systematically or for a fee;
- b.a Member of Parliament or their staff who provides immigration advice as part of their employment agreement;
- c.a foreign diplomat or consular staff accorded protection as such under the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1968 or the Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1971;
- d.an employee of the New Zealand public service who provides immigration advice within the scope of their employment agreement;
- e.a lawyer who holds a current practising certificate as a barrister or as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand;
- f.a person employed by or working as a volunteer for a New Zealand community law centre where at least one lawyer is on the employing body of the community law centre or is employed by or working as a volunteer for the community law centre in a supervisory capacity;
- g.a person employed by or working as a volunteer for a New Zealand citizens advice bureau; and
- h.a person who provided immigration advice offshore in relation to applications or potential applications for student visas only.
A18.5 移民顾问的定义
- a 移民相关知识的建议,指导,辅助或者代理申请人处理有关新西兰移民的事宜的,可以是直接或者间接予以帮助的;
- b 但是并不包括下列的情况:
- i 提供公共适用的知识或者消息的,或者是已经由相关部门准备好的 ;
- ii 指导部长大臣,或者是移民官员,或者是难民身份保护官员,或者是licensed 移民顾问列表中的人;
- iii 从事办事员工作的,笔译或者口译工作的以及提供安置服务的相关的人员;
A18.5 Definition of ‘immigration adviser’
Immigration adviser means a person who provides immigration advice. Immigration advice:
- a.means using, or purporting to use, knowledge of or experience in immigration to advise, direct, assist, or represent another person in regard to an immigration matter relating to New Zealand, whether directly or indirectly and whether or not for gain or reward; but
- b.does not include:
- i.providing information that is publicly available, or that is prepared or made available by the Department; or
- ii.directing a person to the Minister or the Department, or to an immigration officer, or a refugee and protection officer (within the meaning of the Immigration Act 2009), or to a list of licensed immigration advisers; or
- iii.carrying out clerical work, translation or interpreting services, or settlement services. An immigration adviser can act as an agent on behalf of their immigration client.