从新西兰指南-Administration-Immigration adviser acting on behalf of an applicant继续讨论
A19 区分安全或者是危险信息的决定以及可靠的决策
a 信息可能根据决策的制定或者处理决定的过程获知,如果移民官认为信息可能存在影响安全的危险因素等;
b 根据2009移民法案,申请信息与决策的制定有很必要的联系,移民官员可能有如下的要求:
i 要求相关机构的主要行政官员的口头的或者书面陈述,且内容需要由机构的executive认可并决定;
ii 需要安全机构的帮助或者安全认定;
c 不要求在法庭上或者法院上予以关于briefing的证明;
d 移民官员或者部长可能有如下的情况:
i 根据classified信息决定签证的签发,或者是入境/驱逐出境等决定;
ii 指导难民身份保护官员根据相关信息制定难民保护的决定;
iii 参照移民和保护法院法庭的clssified信息;包括:
- 法庭或者法院的申诉;
- 向法庭的申请;
- 复核之前的处理过程;
iv 根据劳工部门主要官员的信息保证申请,或者是申请复审或者release的回应等;
e 相关机构的主要官员,且为移民部长或者官员提供classified information的人员需要保证如下的条件:
i 提供的信息需要真实保证不能虚假且不能有误导性作用;
ii 机密的或者不机密的信息都需要提供;
iii 与最终决定相关的机密的信息需要提供,知道形成最终的决定或者是最终处理相关决定;
f 如果主要官员或者是相关的机构更新信息,或者取消或者是增加某些相关信息,移民官需要进行进一步的考虑;
g 如果相关机构的主要行政官员撤销机密信息:
i 相关的机密信息需要保密且不能被决策者,法庭法院等披露;
ii 决策者,法庭,法院等必须做出决定或者决定如何处理相关事件;
- 不考虑机密信息(但是需要考虑法庭的相关信息);
- 申诉的情况下,或者是进行复核审理的过程,这些信息并不适用于申诉或者复核审理的情况。
h 主要的移民官或者是相关的人员可以随时指导相关的人向相关机构反馈classied信息;
A19 Determination that classified information relates to matters of security or criminal conduct and may be relied on in decision-making
- a.Classified information may be relied on in making decisions or determining proceedings if the Minister of Immigration determines that the classified information relates to matters of security or criminal conduct.
- b.Where classified information may be relevant to a making a decision under the Immigration Act 2009, the Minister of Immigration may:
- i.request an oral or a written briefing from the chief executive of the relevant agency, and if so, the content of briefing is to be determined by the chief executive of that agency; and
- ii.seek the assistance of such security cleared assistants as he or she thinks fit.
- c.No person may be called to give evidence in any court or tribunal in relation to the content of the briefing or anything coming to his or her knowledge as a result of the briefing except as provided for in the Immigration Act 2009 for the tribunal or court.
- d.The Minister of Immigration may:
- i.rely on the classified information to make a visa decision, an entry decision or a deportation decision; or
- ii.direct that a refugee and protection officer may rely on the information to make a refugee and protection status determination; or
- iii.refer the classified information to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal or a court, as applicable, if the information is first to be relied on:
- oin an appeal to the Tribunal or the court; or
- oin an application to the Tribunal or
- oin review proceedings; or
- iv.refer the information to the Chief Executive of the Department of Labour to make an application for a warrant of commitment, or an application or a response to an application for review or release, in accordance with section 325 (to continue to be detained until a determination is made on the application).
- e.The chief executive of a relevant agency who provides classified information to the Minister of Immigration must ensure that:
- i.the information is provided in a manner that does not, by reason of the omission of any other relevant classified or non-classified information, give a misleading view of the information supplied; and
- ii.any classified or non-classified information that is favourable to the person subject to the decision or proceedings is also provided; and
- iii.any further classified information that becomes available and that is relevant to the decision or proceedings is provided until the decision is made or a decision on the proceedings is made.
- f.If the chief executive of a relevant agency updates, withdraws or adds to the classified information provided to the Minister of Immigration, the Minister of Immigration must make a further determination under A19(a) as to whether the information may be relied on.
- g.If the chief executive of a relevant agency withdraws any classified information:
- i.the classified information must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed by the decision maker, the Tribunal, or the court (as the case may be); and
- ii.the decision maker, the Tribunal, or the court must continue to make the decision or determine the proceedings:
- without regard to that classified information (but subject to matters to be considered by the Tribunal); and
- in the case of an appeal, a matter or review proceedings, as if that information had not been available in making the decision subject to the appeal, matter, or review proceedings.
- h.The chief executive of the relevant agency may at any time direct any person to return classified information to the relevant agency.
A19.1 机密Classifed信息的定义
- a 机密信息是相关机构的主要官员确认书面形式或者别的形式的信息不能被披露,除非根据相关法案明确规定,原因如下:
- i 信息是A19.1C节中规定的;
- ii 信息的披露可能披露A19.1d中的规定;
- b 相关机构的主要官员一定不能够委托任何他人确认机密信息的权利;
- c 根据A19.1a,如下的情况,信息会失效:
- i 信息可能导致身份,提供细节,或者是信息的来源,信息的本质,内容,信息的范围等与相关机构帮助或者操作过程披露的;
- ii 信息关于特殊操作过程或者提议的处理过程;
- iii 已经由另一个国家政府提供提供给相关机构的,其他国家的相关的政府部门,或者是国际组织的信息,不能由相关机构对信息进行披露;
- d 根据A19.1 (a)(ii)如下的信息披露方式信息会失效:
- i 损害新西兰安全或者是新西兰国际上的信誉或者安全的;
- ii 损害新西兰政府公布信息的真实程度的信誉的,即新西兰政府在其他国家政府或者是国际组织中的信誉的;
- iii 影响法律的有效性,包括阻止,调查,防御侦查以及影响法律公平的;
- iv 危害任何人人身安全的;
A19.1 Definition of ‘classified information’
- a.Classified information means information that the chief executive of a relevant agency certifies in writing cannot be disclosed, unless expressly provided for under the Act, because:
- i.the information is of a kind specified in A19.1(c) below; and
- ii.disclosure of the information would be disclosure of a kind specified in A19.1(d) below.
- b.A chief executive of a relevant agency must not delegate to any person the ability to certify information as classified information under A19.1(a) above.
- c.Information falls under section A19.1(a)(i) above if it:
- i.might lead to the identification, or provide details, of the source of the information, the nature, content, or scope of the information, or the nature or type of the assistance or operational methods available to the relevant agency; or
- ii.is about particular operations that have been undertaken, or are being or are proposed to be undertaken, by the relevant agency; or
- iii.has been provided to the relevant agency by the government of another country, an agency of a government of another country, or an international organisation, and is information that cannot be disclosed by the relevant agency because the government, agency, or organisation from which the information has been provided will not consent to the disclosure.
- d.Disclosure of information falls under A19.1(a)(ii) above if the disclosure would be likely:
- i.to prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand or the international relations of New Zealand; or
- ii.to prejudice the entrusting of information to the Government of New Zealand on a basis of confidence by the government of another country, an agency of a government of another country, or an international organisation; or
- iii.to prejudice the maintenance of the law, including the prevention, investigation, and detection of offences, and the right to a fair trial; or
- iv.to endanger the safety of any person.
A19.1.1 相关机构的定义
- a 航空安全服务部门;
- b 新西兰民航局;
- c 惩教署;
- d 内部事务部;
- e 劳工部门;
- f 政府安全通讯局;
- g 新西兰海事局;
- h 新西兰农业部和林业部;
- i 渔业部;
- j 外交部和贸易部;
- k 新西兰海关服务;
- l 新西兰国防部门;
- m 新西兰警察;
- n 新西兰安全情报局;
A19.1.1 Definition of ‘relevant agency’
In relation to any classified information, a relevant agency is any of the following agencies that hold, were the source of, or were provided with, that classified information:
- a.Aviation Security Service;
- b.Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand;
- c.Department of Corrections;
- d.Department of Internal Affairs;
- e.Department of Labour;
- f.Government Communications Security Bureau;
- g.Maritime New Zealand;
- h.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;
- i.Ministry of Fisheries;
- j.Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
- k.New Zealand Customs Service;
- l.New Zealand Defence Force;
- m.New Zealand Police;
- n.New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.
A19.1.15 处理机密信息的定义
- a 处理机密信息的定义即处理机密信息的过程:
- i 当申请需要进行申诉处理的时候需要进行处理机密信息;
- ii 由法院或者法庭进行申诉而提出;
- iii 根据防御或者信息监控而提出;
A19.1.5 Definition of ‘proceedings involving classified information’
- a.Proceedings involving classified information means any proceedings in which classified information:
- i.was relied on in making the decision appealed against or subject to review proceedings (including a decision of the Immigration and Protection Tribunal); or
- ii.is first raised or proposed to be raised in the course of an application to the Tribunal or an appeal or in review proceedings; or
- iii.is raised in an application under detention or monitoring.
A19.1.10 机密信息的保护
- a 根据2009年移民法案,机密信息不应该披露,除非特殊规定法院或者法庭等需要这些相关信息;
- b A19.1.10a中提到的并没有限制或者影响1975年监察法案,1982年官方信息法案,1993年隐私法案等;
- c 法院或者法庭可能要求或者强制要求相关的机构,移民官员或者是根据2009年移民法案披露机密信息的其他人(但是并没有损害相关的机密信息的);
A19.1.10 Protection of classified information
- a.Classified information relied on for the purpose of making any decision or determining any proceedings under the Immigration Act 2009 must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed, except as provided for under the Act to the Tribunal, a court, a Special Advocate, counsel assisting the court, or a special adviser.
- b.A19.1.10(a) above does not limit or affect the application of the Ombudsmen Act 1975, the Official Information Act 1982, or the Privacy Act 1993, but otherwise applies despite any other enactment or rule of law to the contrary.
- c.Neither the Tribunal or any court may require or compel the chief executive of the relevant agency, the Minister of Immigration, or any other person to disclose any classified information in any proceedings under the Immigration Act 2009 (but without derogating from Tribunal access and Court access to classified information).
A19.1.15 关于申诉或者指控的总结
a 根据机密信息作出相关决定之前(可能对反对决定的人造成损害的的决定),必须根据相关机构的相关的主要官员同意或者是移民局官员或者难民保护的相关官员;
b 移民官员或者难民保护官员需要促进申诉总结的形成;
c 申诉总结需要按照A19.1.15a中的规定更新并制定,被影响的人需要被提供更新的申诉总结:
i 决策的制定或者取消需要根据提议的机密信息,除非所有的机密信息都被取消;
ii 相关机构的主要官员增加或者更新机密信息,同时影响决策的制定;
d 申诉的总结并不要求:
i 列出文件或者包括机密信息的其他材料;
ii 详细陈述各种文件的内容或者其他包括机密信息的材料资源;
iii 指定文件的资源或者其他包括机密信息的材料资源;
e 申诉总结的规定只适用于关于机密信息的处理,或者是相关以下信息的决定:
i 申请签证,申请如下签证:
ii 申请人被驱逐出境的责任;
iii 难民身份保护保护人员相关决策事宜,如果决策是由难民保护官员制定的;
f 如下的情况,申诉总结并不要求提供:
i 如果有关决定是由拥有绝对自由裁量权的决策者制定;
ii 与利益或者申请签证相关的;
iii 申请过渡签证;
iv 新西兰境外的申请人申请临时入境签证;
v 移民控制地区签证申请相关;
vi 与申请临时入境许可相关;
A19.1.15 The Summary of Allegations
- a.Before a relevant decision is made that relies on any classified information that may be prejudicial to the person who is the subject to the proposed decision, a summary of allegations arising from the classified information must be agreed on by the chief executive of the relevant agency and either the Minister of Immigration or the refugee and protection officer as applicable.
- b.The Minister of Immigration or the refugee and protection officer must forward the summary of allegations to the person who is the subject of the proposed decision for comment, and specify a time by which any comment may be provided.
- c.The summary of allegations must be updated and agreed as stated in A19.1.15(a) above, and the person affected provided with an updated summary of allegations, where:
- i.any classified information that was proposed to be relied on in making the decision is withdrawn (unless all of the classified information is withdrawn); or
- ii.the chief executive of the relevant agency adds to or updates the classified information that will be relied on in making the decision.
- d.The summary of allegations is not required to:
- i.list any documents or other source material containing classified information; or
- ii.detail the contents of any documents or other source material containing classified information; or
- iii.specify the source of any documents or other source material containing classified information.
- e.The provision of a summary of allegations only applies where classified information is to be relied on, or may be relied on, in the making of any decision in relation to:
- i.an application for a visa, if the application is for:
- oa residence class visa; or
- oa temporary visa or a limited visa, and the applicant is onshore; or
- ii.a person’s liability for deportation; or
- iii.any matter to which refugee and protection status determinations apply, if the decision is to be made by a refugee and protection officer.
- f.The summary of allegations is not required to be provided:
- i.if the decision concerned is in the absolute discretion of the decision maker; or
- ii.in relation to expressions of interest or invitations to apply for a visa, or
- iii.to applicants for transit visas; or
- iv.to applicants for temporary entry class visas who are outside New Zealand; or
- v.in relation to applications for visas made in an immigration control area or a place outside New Zealand that is designated by the Chief Executive of the Department of Labour where entry permission may be granted; or
- vi.in relation to applications for entry permission.
A19.1.20 根据机密信息制定决策的理由
- a 根据移民官员或者难民保护官员做出的prejudicial decision,做出决定的主要人员必须得到书面形式的通知:
- i 决策的制定必须根据相关的机密信息;
- ii 决策的理由;
- iii 申诉的权利,尊重决定的权利;
- iv 可以进行申诉的话,代表权需要进行特殊的声明;
- b 根据A19.1.15e规定,申诉权是可行的,移民官员或者是难民保护官员,需要通知指定的机构或者是相关人员;
- c 移民官员或者难民保护官员,需要对于决策的原因进行记录,包括提出的一些理由等,以及除了法院法庭或者相关机构不能处理决策的原因等;
- d 如下情况,决策的理由不要求提供:
- i 如果有关决定是由拥有绝对自由裁量权的决策者制定;
- ii 与利益或者申请签证相关的;
- iii 申请过渡签证;
- iv 新西兰境外的申请人申请临时入境签证;
- v 移民控制地区签证申请相关;
- vi 与申请临时入境许可相关;
A19.1.20 Reason for decision made that relied on classified information
- a.Following a prejudicial decision by the Minister of Immigration or refugee and protection officer of a kind referred to in A19.1.15(e), the person who is the subject of the decision must be informed, in writing, of:
- i.the fact that classified information was relied on in making the decision; and
- ii.the reasons for the decision (except to the extent that providing reasons would involve a disclosure of classified information that would be likely to prejudice the interests referred to in A19.1(d)) and contain the information required under s23 of the Official Information Act 1982 as if the reasons were given in response to a request to which that section applies; and
- iii.the appeal rights, if any, available in respect of the decision; and
- iv.if appeal rights are available, the right to be represented by a special advocate.
- b.Where appeal rights are available in respect to a decision of a kind referred to in A19.1.15(e), the Minister of Immigration or a refugee and protection officer, as applicable, must notify the designated agency that a decision relying on classified information has been made under the Immigration Act 2009.
- c.The Minister of Immigration or a refugee and protection officer, as applicable, must prepare a record of the reasons for the decision, including any reasons arising from the classified information, which may not be accessed or disclosed except as required by the Tribunal or courts, or to the chief executive of the relevant agency.
- d.The reasons for the decision are not required to be provided:
- i.if the decision concerned is in the absolute discretion of the decision maker; or
- ii.in relation to expressions of interest or invitations to apply for a visa; or
- iii.to applicants for transit visas; or
- iv.to applicants for temporary entry class visas who are outside New Zealand; or
- v.in relation to applications for visas made in an immigration control area or a place outside New Zealand that is designated by the chief executive where entry permission may be granted; or
- vi.in relation to applications for entry permission.
A19.1.25 机密信息的解除
- a 相关机构的主要官员以书面形式通知可以不再像A19.1中规定的信息机密定义保密信息;
- b 信息机密解除的日期开始,信息不再具有机密性,2009年移民法案中对于其他要求的处理可能也适用其他信息使用者的要求。
A19.1.25 Declassification of classified information
- a.Information can be declassified when the chief executive of the relevant agency certifies in writing that, as from a specified date, the classified information is no longer classified information within the definition of classified information at A19.1.
- b.From the date of the declassification, the information is no longer subject to any confidentiality, processes or other requirements of the Immigration Act 2009 that apply to classified information or the users of the information.
A19.1.30 No right of complaint to Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
No complaint may be made to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security about any situation or set of circumstances relating to an act, omission, practice, policy, or procedure done, omitted, or maintained (as the case may be) in connection with a decision under the Immigration Act 2009 involving classified information (including a determination in proceedings involving classified information).