

堪培拉491和190 Matrix打分将分别排名邀请-飞出国


  1. 目前ACT官方最新指南Matrix打分标准如下:
OVERSEAS RESIDENT堪培拉境外申请人评分标准-飞出国
评分项及要求 打分
Previous ACT residence; or time spent in the ACT in the last EIGHT years? ACT居住经历或者近八年在ACT居住的时长 How long did you previously live in Canberra?; or Have you visited Canberra and stayed for at least seven consecutive nights? 超过五年加20分;三到五年加15分 ;一到三年加10分;堪培拉旅游7天加5分
Nominated Occupation 提名职业
Is your nominated occupation open or closed on the current ACT Occupation List? Caveats may apply. If you cannot comply with a caveat, the nominated occupation is deemed to be closed and you cannot claim points in this category. 如果提名职业是open,但是有星标,不满足星标要求则视为Closed Open职业加20分; Closed职业或者视为Closed职业不加分
English proficiency 英语能力 4个8加15分;4个7加10分; 4个6为0分
Spouse/partner English proficiency 配偶英语能力 4个7或者4个8加5分; 4个6不加分
工作offer需要与提名职业相关;雇主需要在ACT已经运营至少两年,且该雇佣需要是真实的需求雇佣海外雇员 有ACT Offer加10分
Relevant Work experience 工作年限
需要是提名职业相关的工作,工作经验需要与ACT经济相关;You must have a current Skill Assessment with point’s advice showing dates of the relevant work experience assessed. 职业评估函需要注明算作相关工作经验的年限;Your relevant work experience must be recorded on your SkillSelect EOI. 需要在EOI中填写了相关工作经验 十年或以上连续工作加20分;近八年内有五年工作加10分;近五年内有三年工作加5分;少于三年的不加分
Spouse/partner employment 配偶工作加分
总的前提:配偶当前在职,近十二个月内有工作六个月,且有4个6的语言成绩; 对应左边的要求
1. They are working in an occupation that is open on the ACT Occupation List and they hold a valid skill assessment that is relevant to their current occupation. If they cannot comply with a caveat e.g. ACT job offer, the nominated occupation is deemed to be closed; or 1. 当前从事的是open职业,且有对应的职业评估,加15分
2. They are working in a skilled occupation and they have a valid skill assessment which is relevant to their current occupation; or 2. 有与当前职业相关的职业评估,加10分
3. They are working in any occupation and they have a qualification from an Australian or overseas institution. Their qualification does not have to be relevant to their current occupation. 3. 有高等学历,不限定职业,学历不要求与职业相关,加5分
Teriary Qualification 高等学历 博士加20分,硕士加15分,本科或者trade certificate加10分,专科(至少两年全日制学习)加5分,其他情况不加分
You must have a letter of course completion from the ACT institution to evidence the claimed period and location of study. 需要提供ACT学校开具的完成信,注明读书期间以及读书地点 四年及以上加20分
You must be resident in Canberra during your claimed period of study. Distance education or online attendance is not accepted. 读书期间需要在堪培拉居住,远程教育或者在线学习不算 三年加15分
A Professional Year undertaken in the ACT meets the one year study criteria. 在ACT完成的专业年满足一年学习要求;Two or more courses, including a PY, may be counted to evidence the period of ACT study as long as the courses are not concurrent. 两个或者以上的课程,包括专业年,只要不是同期进行的,都可以算入ACT学习年限 两年加10分
The courses do not have to be continuous. 所读课程不要求连续 An academic year is at least a total of 46 weeks. 一学年至少46周 一年加5分;其他情况不加分
Close family ties ACT亲属 身份是澳洲公民或者永居的亲属,加20分
Do you have a close family member who has lived in Canberra for the last two years? 亲属近两年居住在堪培拉 身份是澳洲临时居民的亲属,加5分
A close family member is defined as a spouse/ partner, parent, child, brother, sister or grandparent of the main applicant or their spouse/ partner. 亲属包括主申请或者副申请的配偶,父母亲,子女,兄弟姐妹,祖父母 其他情况不加分
Assets in Canberra 堪培拉资产 对应左边的要求,三类情况都是可以分别加5分
1. You (and a spouse/partner if applicable) have invested at least $250,000 cash to purchase a residential or commercial property in Canberra (purchase of land only does not meet this criteria)? You must hold the Certificate of Title or a rates notice to evidence ownership. 申请人或者配偶在堪培拉购买住宅或者商业房产,价值25万澳币,且能提供Certificate of Title或者rates notice
2. You have purchased/established a business in Canberra. You have majority ownership and minimum $200,000 turnover in one of the last two years. 申请人在堪培拉购买或者成立了公司,持有大部分股份,且近两年中有一年的营业额不低于20万澳币
3. You have invested in a start-up business in the ACT that is typically technology oriented and has high growth potential.申请人在堪培拉投资了一个创业公司,该公司是技术型的且有高增长潜力
  1. 新版指南与20190701版指南Matrix打分标准不同点在于:
  • 新版指南对于ACT居住打分要求提高,以前是ACT居住四年可以拿20分,新版是需要居住五年才可以拿20分
  • 新版指南对于堪培拉资产加分里面的商业投资这块要求提高,之前是要求所投资的公司年营业额是10万澳币即可,新版提高到20万澳币


  1. 目前ACT官方最新指南Matrix打分标准如下:
CANBERRA RESIDENT堪培拉境内申请人评分标准-飞出国
评分项及要求 打分
LENGTH OF Current ACT residence 当前ACT居住情况
近八年内在堪培拉居住的时间 五年以上加25分 (飞出国注:此为新增项)
Your bank statement must evidence your claimed date of arrival in Canberra. 银行流水需要能证明达到堪培拉的日期 四到五年加20分
You must record any period away from Canberra (seven days or more) in the ‘Summary of ACT residence’ at 达到7天或以上不在堪培拉的时间需要说明 三到四年加15分
For each year of residence claimed, you can have holiday’s (up to six weeks per year) without it affecting your claimed period of ACT residency. 在堪培拉任意12个月内的居住不能有超过6周的离开 两到三年加10分
You must record any period away from Canberra (seven days or more) in the ‘Summary of ACT residence’ at 达到7天或以上不在堪培拉的时间需要说明 一到两年加5分
You can study interstate for one or two days a week. However if you have studied more than two days a week interstate, you will not be considered an ACT resident for that period. 每周1-2天的跨州学习是可以接受的,超过2天/周则不能算入ACT居住时间 少于一年0分
English proficiency 英语能力 4个8加15分;4个7加10分; 4个6为0分
Spouse/partner English proficiency 配偶英语能力 4个7或者4个8加5分;4个6不加分
Nominated Occupation 提名职业
Is your nominated occupation open or closed on the current ACT Occupation List? Caveats may apply. If you cannot comply with a caveat, the nominated occupation is deemed to be closed and you cannot claim points in this category. 如果提名职业是open,但是有星标,不满足星标要求则视为Closed Open职业加20分; Closed职业或者视为Closed职业不加分
Length of current ACT employment 当前ACT工作年限
在递交Matrix之前的两年内是否有在堪培拉工作;不限职业; 不限定全职或者永久,但是每周工作小时不低于20小时;可以同时为多个ACT雇主工作 工作12个月以上加10分;
可以是自雇;每周净可税收入要不低于500AUD,且公司需要在堪培拉已经运营至少12个月 工作6-12个月加5分
ACT employment – skill level ACT工作技能级别 对应满足左边所列的要求
ACT工作要求:在递交Matrix之前已经在堪培拉工作三个月;该工作需要是连续的,任何不带薪的休假都需要有医学证明;工作不要求必须是全职或者永久的,但是每周工作小时不低于20小时;对于全职工作,每年可税收入不低于5万AUD,对于兼职或者临时工,时薪不低于26AUD 申请人从事的工作是open职业且与提名职业相关,EOI中需要勾选relevant;可以加20分
可以同时为多个ACT雇主工作,但是需要时同一个职业同一个技能级别 申请人持有457或482签证,雇主是ACT雇主,且EOI中需要勾选relevant;可以加15分
可以是自雇,每周净可税收入要不低于500AUD,且公司需要在堪培拉已经运营至少12个月 申请人当前是从事open职业,但是不是其提名职业,可以加10分
需要有与当前职业相关的高等学历 ,该工作经历需要在EOI中填写 申请人从事的是ANZSCO代码1-3打头的职业,加5分;其他情况为0分
Spouse/partner employment 配偶工作加分
配偶当前在ACT或者周围通勤地区工作(30分钟路程);配偶需要有不低于4个6的语言成绩;在递交Matrix之前已经在堪培拉工作三个月;该工作需要是连续的,任何不带薪的休假都需要有医学证明 ;工作不要求必须是全职或者永久的,但是每周工作小时不低于20小时; 可以为多个雇主工作或者自雇 对应左边的要求
1. 从事的是open职业工作,需要有与当前工作相关的职业评估,可税收入不低于时薪26AUD 1. 当前从事的是open职业,且有对应的职业评估,加15分
2. 有与当前ACT工作相关的职业评估,可税收入不低于时薪26AUD 2. 有与当前职业相关的职业评估,加10分
3. 当前在堪培拉工作,不限职业,不限技能级别; 3. 任意职业的工作,加5分
Spouse/partner employability 4. 如果配偶工作不到三个月,但是有高等学历(通过三年全日制学习获得),学历不限定澳洲还是澳洲境外的,不限定与哪个职业相关,且有4个6的语言成绩 4. 高等学历,加5分
Teriary Qualification 高等学历 博士加20分,硕士加15分,本科或者trade certificate加10分,专科(至少两年全日制学习)加5分,其他情况不加分
Years of study at an ACT Tertiary Institution. ACT学习加分 :近八年在ACT的学习经历,包括就读CRICOS注册课程或者专业年
需要提供ACT学校开具的完成信,注明读书期间以及读书地点 四年及以上加20分;
读书期间需要在堪培拉居住,远程教育或者在线学习不算 三年加15分
在ACT完成的专业年满足一年学习要求 两年加10分
两个或者以上的课程,包括专业年,只要不是同期进行的,都可以算入ACT学习年限;所读课程不要求连续 ,一学年至少46周 一年加5分;其他情况不加分
Close family ties ACT亲属
亲属近两年居住在堪培拉,亲属包括主申请或者副申请的配偶,父母亲,子女,兄弟姐妹,祖父母 身份是澳洲公民或者永居的配偶或者子女,加20分;身份是澳洲公民或者永居的父母,祖父母,或者兄弟姐妹,加10分;其他情况不加分
Assets in Canberra 堪培拉资产
1. 申请人或者配偶在堪培拉购买住宅或者商业房产,价值25万澳币,且能提供Certificate of Title或者rates notice
2. 申请人在堪培拉购买或者成立了公司,持有大部分股份,且近两年中有一年的营业额不低于20万澳币 对应左边的要求,三类情况都是可以分别加5分
3. 申请人在堪培拉投资了一个创业公司,该公司是技术型的且有高增长潜力
  1. 新版指南与20190701版指南Matrix打分标准不同点在于:
  • 新版指南明确提出证明ACT堪培拉居住的银行流水需要体现到达堪培拉的日期
  • 新版指南明确指出配偶工作加分的前提之一是需要有4个6的语言


  1. 堪培拉Matrix打分整体变化不大,只是将对应的一些细节更加具体化,2020年1月1日前递交的Matrix按照20190701版指南执行,之后的按照新版指南执行,并没有说会追溯之前递交的matrix,那么意味着堪培拉境外申请人在2020年元旦之前递交Matrix还有机会190,毕竟按照新指南,能有ACT雇主offer或者居住的境外申请人少之又少。

The ACT 491 / 190 nomination eligibility and Matrix criteria (1 January 2020) applies to ALL Canberra Matrix submitted on or after 1 January 2020.

If you submit a Canberra Matrix on or before 31 December 2019, the ACT 190 nomination guidelines @1 July 2019 applies. Your Matrix score is valid for six months.

The Matrix will automatically expire six months after submission if an invitation is not issued. Once a Matrix has lapsed, it cannot be reactivated.

  1. 按照新版指南,Matrix邀请将按照491和190分别发放,目前说的还是按月邀请,按月邀请和之前指南里的说法是一样的,但是之前的实际邀请情况是1-2周左右就能邀请一轮,总的说来,应该是取决于堪培拉的担保配额情况。

Separate invitation rounds will be held for the 190 and 491 nomination streams. Invitations are generally issued on a pro rata monthly basis, though this varies according to ACT Government priorities and current program settings. The number of invitations issued will vary in each round. The cut-off for selection will depend on the number and quality of Matrix submitted.

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