如何解读ACS评估函? Understanding the ACS Result Letter

飞出国前面解读过ACS 职业评估申请指南 - Skills Assessment Guidelines for Applicants,今天带大家了解一下如何解读ACS评估函(result letter)。

职业评估函(a suitable skills assessment result letter)是澳大利亚移民申请过程中申请人需递交给移民局的职业评估证明。ACS职业评估完成后,评估函通过邮件发送给申请人。评估函主要包括4个部分:

第一部分(Section 1)

根据申请人所选择的提名职业代码(ANZSCO Code)说明评估结果(suitability outcome)。比如所选提名职业为261313 Software Engineer,评估结果为suitable for …:


第二部分(Section 2)

如ACS职业评估通过,评估函将只列明所适用的(suitable)ICT 学历、AQF对等性以及ICT内容,而被认定为ICT内容不足(Insufficient in ICT Content)、无法认定(Not Recognised)或者非ICT学历(Not an ICT qualification)的qualifications将不会体现在评估函上。比如申请人获得某大学计算机科学专业的理学学位,评估认定等同于澳大利亚学历资格框架(AQF)下的计算机专业学士学位:


第三部分(Section 3)

根据ACS适用性标准(Suitability Criteria ),评估函会写明技术水平要求起始日期(Skill Level Requirement Met Date),Skill Level Requirement Met Date之后的所有相关工作经验,都属于“Skilled Employment”并适用于技术移民评分(EOI)加分。

注意:Suitability Criteria要求的工作经验不属于Skilled Employment并且不能用于EOI加分,这里指的就是我们平常所说ACS扣减年限,参考acs计算机职业评估扣减年限的说明,以及ACS 职业评估申请指南 - Skills Assessment Guidelines for Applicants。比如申请人2017.9.11满足了Skill Level Requirement,那么可以用于EOI加分的工作经验就是从2017.9.11开始算起:


第四部分(Section 4)

列明所有被认定为符合ICT professional level并且与提名职业高度相关的工作经验:

  • 评估函所列employment截止日期为职评申请递交的日期;

  • Country of employment 分为“Australia”和“Out of Australia”两种;

  • 未被ACS认可的工作经验将被单独列出,并标注不认可的原因,比如材料不全(Not assessable due to insufficient documentation):



1. Concurrent Employment(同时雇佣)


2. Not Closely Related to the Nominated ANZSCO (与提名职业不高度相关)


3. Not Assessable due to Insufficient Documentation(申请材料不全)

申请人提供的材料不满足ACS职业评估指南的要求,或者不足以满足assessment criteria。

4. Not Assessable due to Insufficient Detail (申请信息不充分)


Understanding the ACS Result Letter

ACS result letters are issued via email at the completion of an ACS skills assessment.

A suitable result letter can be submitted as evidence of a skills assessment to the Department of Home Affairs.

Section 1

States the suitability outcome under the ANZSCO code chosen by the applicant.

Section 2

Will ONLY report on suitable ICT qualifications and its AQF comparability and the ICT content.

Qualifications assessed as “Insufficient in ICT Content”, “Not Recognised” or “Not an ICT qualification” will NOT be reported in a suitable ACS result letter.

Section 3

The result letter will show the “Skill Level Requirement Met Date” which is determined by the ACS Suitability Criteria.

All relevant work experience completed after the “Skill Level Requirement Met Date” will be considered “Skilled Employment” and eligible for points under the skilled migration points test.

The work experience required to meet the suitability criteria is NOT included as “Skilled Employment” and is NOT eligible for points under the skilled migration points test.

The ACS assessment process will seek to find the earliest “Skill Level Requirement Met Date” possible for each assessment.

Section 4

All work experience assessed at an ICT professional level and closely related to the nominated ANZSCO code will be displayed here.

Employment dates can only be calculated until the date of submission.

ACS report Country of employment as either “Australia” or “Outside Of Australia”

Work experience assessed as unsuitable will be displayed here with the reason why it was not accepted.

Common scenarios for unsuitable work experience:

Concurrent Employment

When one employment period is performed at the same time as another employment episode. Only one episode of employment can be accepted at any one time.

Not Closely Related to the Nominated ANZSCO

Based on the information provided in the documentation the duties have been assessed as not being closely related to the nominated occupation.

Not Assessable due to Insufficient Documentation

The documentation provided does not meet the requirements as per the Skills Assessment Guidelines or is not sufficient to meet our assessment criteria.

Not Assessable due to Insufficient Detail

The documentation provided does not contain sufficient information in order for us to make an assessment.
