
20180802 魁北克移民新规 New Quebec Immigration Regulations -飞出国

飞出国:魁北克时间 20180718 ,魁北克移民局官网法语版发布最新魁北克移民规则概述,这些移民新规将与2018年8月2日正式生效,并影响魁北克技术移民,投资移民,企业家移民,经验类移民移民。飞出国论坛同时提供法语版及英语翻译版。


从现在起(Dorénavant,From now on),魁北克常规技术移民都需要提交 EOI 意向申请,获得魁北克邀请后才能申请移民。这与所有其他移民类别 EOI 系统一样(加拿大众多省提名,澳洲技术移民,新西兰技术移民),也与加拿大联邦 EE 系统类似。

魁北克技术移民将提升打算定居蒙城之外申请人和持有有效 job offer 的申请人申请机会。

看意思,现在申请魁北克技术移民都是 EOI 邀请制了,8.2就实施。而之前说的815前的5000现在还没有定论。



20180802 后魁北克投资移民将更加重视法语好的投资移民申请人。








New Quebec Immigration Regulations

The new Regulation respecting immigration to Quebec (RIQ) was enacted by the government to improve Québec’s immigration action and to promote the full participation of immigrants in the development of Quebec and its regions. The coming into force of this new regulation on August 2 will allow the full implementation of the Quebec Immigration Act.

The RIQ aims to improve all the programs of the Department of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion and to give all Quebec regions the benefit of immigration.

Here are the major changes that the RIQ is making to major immigration programs.

Expression of Interest System and Regular Program for Skilled Workers (PRTQ)

The Department will be able to implement the new immigration system based on the declaration of interest, in order to select, on a continuous basis, people whose profile meets the socio-economic needs of the regions of Quebec.

From now on, people interested in immigrating to Quebec under the Regular Skilled Worker Program will have to file a declaration of interest form. Only those invited will be able to apply for permanent immigration. In addition, changes have been made to the program in order to promote the establishment of candidates outside the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal and those with a job offer validated by the Ministère, including a job offer validated for low-skilled jobs.

Investor Program

The changes to the Investor Program are aimed at increasing its economic impact for Quebec and at improving the retention of immigrant investors, particularly through the selection of French-speaking candidates, while allowing Québec to remain competitive in the Québec market. business immigration.

Entrepreneu Program

In order to encourage the arrival of dynamic and innovative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who contribute to the economic development of their host community, new provisions concerning the program for immigrant entrepreneurs are included in the new regulation. As of August 2, 2018, the program will have two components, one that encourages the creation of innovative businesses and another that will promote the creation and acquisition of small and medium-sized businesses in all regions of Québec.

Quebec Experience Program

To meet the labor needs of businesses in the regions, improvements to the Quebec Experience Program have been made. These will facilitate the transition from temporary resident status to permanent resident status, particularly for spouses already employed in Quebec and temporary workers, regardless of their skill level.

Temporary Foreign Worker Program

In order to better protect temporary foreign workers and to educate employers about their responsibilities to them, the contract of employment will now be mandatory for all temporary foreign workers, regardless of their level of employment. the skill required by the job or the salary offered.

Refugee Abroad Program - Collective Sponsorship

The creation of new categories of guarantors makes it possible to recognize the expertise of organizations that have been working for many years to welcome and support refugees in Quebec. This will encourage the establishment of sponsored refugee populations in the regions and will allow closer supervision and monitoring of guarantors, in order to ensure the successful care and integration of sponsored refugees in Quebec.

For details on the Quebec Immigration Regulation, consult the [official document] (Salesforce B2B Commerce) published in the Gazette officielle du Québec, July 18, 2018 .

Nouveau Règlement sur l’immigration au Québec

Le nouveau Règlement sur l’immigration au Québec (RIQ) a été édicté par le gouvernement afin d’améliorer l’action du Québec en matière d’immigration et de favoriser la pleine participation des personnes immigrantes au développement du Québec et de ses régions. L’entrée en vigueur de ce nouveau règlement, le 2 août prochain, permettra le plein déploiement de la Loi sur l’immigration au Québec.

Le RIQ vise à améliorer l’ensemble des programmes du ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion et à faire bénéficier toutes les régions du Québec de l’apport de l’immigration.

Voici les grands changements que le RIQ apporte aux principaux programmes d’immigration.

Système de déclaration d’intérêt et Programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés (PRTQ)

Le Ministère pourra mettre en œuvre le nouveau système d’immigration basé sur la déclaration d’intérêt, afin de sélectionner, en continu, des personnes dont le profil répond aux besoins socioéconomiques des régions du Québec.

Dorénavant, les personnes intéressées à immigrer au Québec dans le cadre du Programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés devront déposer un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêt. Seules les personnes invitées pourront présenter une demande d’immigration permanente. De plus, des changements ont été apportés au programme afin de favoriser l’établissement de candidats et de candidates hors de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal et ceux possédant une offre d’emploi validée par le Ministère, incluant une offre d’emploi validée pour des emplois peu spécialisés.

Programme des investisseurs

Les modifications apportées au Programme des investisseurs visent à accroître ses retombées économiques pour le Québec et à améliorer la rétention des immigrantes et immigrants investisseurs, notamment par la sélection de candidates et de candidats francophones, tout en permettant au Québec de demeurer compétitif sur le marché de l’immigration d’affaires.

Programme des entrepreneurs

Afin de favoriser la venue d’entrepreneuses et d’entrepreneurs dynamiques et innovants qui contribuent au développement économique de leur collectivité d’accueil, de nouvelles dispositions concernant le programme destiné aux immigrants entrepreneurs sont incluses dans le nouveau règlement. À partir du 2 août 2018, le programme comportera deux volets, soit un qui encourage la création d’entreprises innovantes et un deuxième qui favorisera la création et l’acquisition de petites et moyennes entreprises dans l’ensemble des régions du Québec.

Programme de l’expérience québécoise

Pour répondre aux besoins de main-d’œuvre des entreprises en région, des améliorations au Programme de l’expérience québécoise ont été apportées. Ces dernières faciliteront le passage du statut de résident temporaire à celui de résident permanent, en particulier pour les conjoints et les conjointes qui occupent déjà un emploi au Québec et les travailleuses et travailleurs temporaires, peu importe leur niveau de compétence.

Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires

Dans le but de mieux protéger les travailleuses et travailleurs étrangers temporaires ainsi que de renseigner les employeurs au sujet de leurs responsabilités à leur égard, le contrat de travail sera maintenant obligatoire pour l’ensemble des travailleuses et travailleurs étrangers temporaires, peu importe le niveau de compétence exigé par l’emploi ou le salaire offert.

Programme des personnes réfugiées à l’étranger – parrainage collectif

La création de nouvelles catégories de garants permet de reconnaître l’expertise d’organismes qui œuvrent depuis de nombreuses années à l’accueil et au soutien des personnes réfugiées au Québec. Ceci favorisera l’établissement en région des personnes réfugiées parrainées et permettra un encadrement et un suivi plus étroit des garants, afin d’assurer une prise en charge et une intégration réussie des personnes réfugiées parrainées au Québec.

Pour connaître les détails concernant le Réglement sur l’immigration au Québec, consultez le document officiel publié dans la Gazette officielle du Québec du 18 juillet 2018.



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问:8.2 是满足通过分(单身50,已婚59)就可以在线申请吗?

答:魁北克8.2后常规技术移民实施 EOI ,申请人需要先在 EOI 系统里提交申请意向,然后等待邀请。



飞出国论坛里有一篇介绍 EOI 和 EE 关系的文章,加拿大联邦EE和EE下省提名及省提名EOI关系 。里面明确说到过魁北克技术移民和加拿大EE没有关系的。魁北克是自己的移民系统,魁北克实施 EOI 后也不进入加拿大联邦EE。

魁北克 EOI 系统会有自己的评分标准(筛选依据),这个细节还没有出来。这个排名的标准大概率与当前的评分标准有区别。就像加拿大联邦技术移民 FSW 评分标准用于判断申请人是否可以进池子,而加拿大 EE 系统的 CRS 评分标准用于帅选申请人一样。

满足当前的评分标准属于合格申请人,能不能获邀要看申请人在 EOI 系统里的排名。获得邀请后才有资格申请,而不是先到先得抢配额。

魁北克技术移民之前的评分标准只是门票,可以进入 EOI(海选),然后会再面试: CSQ 魁北克技术移民 - 飞出国技术移民


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/



1829-A-20180718-quebec.pdf (2.6 MB)




如果没有新的计分体系,按照这个标准进行 EOI 筛选的话相同分数的申请人会很多,能提分的是孩子,法语,英语这些吧,现在去魁北克读书也来不及了。

20180802 魁北克技术移民评分标准 魁北克技术移民82新政 EOI 评分标准-20180718版 REGULAR SKILLED WORKER PROGRAM Points Grid

20170308 魁北克技术移民评分标准 2017 年魁北克技术移民评分标准 The Québec skilled worker selection grid


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


魁北克技术移民 EOI 系统说明-飞出国

魁北克常规技术移民必须先提交 EOI 意向申请,然后等待邀请,EOI 申请有效期1年,获得邀请后需要在90天内补交资料。

§1. Expression of interest

  1. A foreign national of the economic class must, to file an application for selection under the regular skilled worker program, have filed with the Minister an expression of interest to settle in Québec and have been invited by the Minister to file the application.
  2. The Minister invites a foreign national who has filed an expression of interest to file an application for selection, without the invitation criteria being applied, where the foreign national is staying in Québec as a diplomat, consular officer, representative or official, duly accredited, of a foreign country or of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Québec or Canada is a member and who carries out official duties in Québec, or is a member of the staff of any such diplomat, consular officer, representative or official.
  3. An expression of interest is valid for a period of 12 months as of the date of its filing by the Minister in the expressions-of-interest bank.
  4. The expression of interest of a foreign national who files an application for selection after having been invited by the Minister, and those of the foreign national’s spouse and dependent child of full age included in the application become invalid.
  5. The expression of interest of a foreign national who fails to file an application for selection, not later than 90 days after having been invited by the Minister, becomes invalid.
  6. The Minister withdraws from the bank the expression of interest that is invalid.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/



法语B2还是魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 的核心,然后就是完成合格课程(毕业3年内)或2年内工作1年。

III - Québec experience program

33. The Minister selects, under the Québec experience program, a foreign national who has stayed in Québec for the main purpose of studying if the foreign national

(1) obtained from a Québec educational institution, during the 3 years preceding the date of filing of the application, a university diploma attesting to a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or a doctorate, a diploma of college studies in a technical program or a secondary vocational diploma which, alone or with an attestation of vocational specialization obtained consecutively, attests to 1,800 hours or more of continuing training and leads to a trade;
(2) has not begun a new program of studies in Québec since the issue of the diploma referred to in paragraph 1
(3) shows an intermediate oral knowledge of French, level 7 or level 8 according to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent and, as the case may be,
(a) has completed his or her program of studies in Québec in French;
(b) has filed the result of a standardized test showing the oral knowledge of French;
(c) has filed a document certifying that the foreign national has met the requirements relating to the practice of a profession governed by a professional order in accordance with section 35 of the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11); or
(d) has successfully completed at least 3 years of full-time studies in French at the secondary or post-secondary level or an intermediate French course, level 7 or level 8 according to that scale or its equivalent, offered by a Québec educational institution in Québec;
(4) stayed in Québec for at least half the duration of his or her program of studies and complied with the conditions of the stay;
(5) does not have a scholarship including a condition of return to the foreign national’s country at the end of the program of studies or has complied with that condition; and
(6) complies with Factor 9, that deals with financial self-sufficiency, of the Selection grid for the economic class in Schedule A.

34. The Minister selects, under the Québec experience program, a foreign national staying in Québec with the main purpose of working or taking part in a youth exchange program under an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if the foreign national
(1) has complied with the conditions of the stay;
(2) does hold full-time employment in Québec and held such employment during a period of at least 12 months in the 24 months preceding the date of filing of the application;
(3) shows an intermediate oral knowledge of French, level 7 or level 8 according to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent and, as the case may be,
(a) has completed the program of studies in Québec entirely in French
(b) has filed the result of a standardized test showing the oral knowledge of French;
(c) has submitted a document certifying that the foreign national has met the requirements relating to the practice of a profession governed by a professional order in accordance with section 35 of the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11); or
(d) has successfully completed at least 3 years of full-time studies in French at the secondary or post-secondary level or an intermediate French course, level 7 or level 8 according to that scale or its equivalent, offered by a Québec educational institution in Québec; and

(4) complies with Factor 9, that deals with financial self-sufficiency, of the Selection grid for the economic class in Schedule A.

  1. The holder of a work permit issued under section 205 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227) as accompanying spouse may apply and be selected by the Minister if the holder meets the conditions provided for in paragraphs 1 to 4 of section 34.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/







需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


8.2 之前 Applications for selection certificates filed 不追溯

Applications for selection certificates filed 不是 fill ,不是 file,也不会是 CSQ,大家的理解是 816,613 之前抢上的不追溯。你怎么理解?

flyabroad: Applications for selection certificates filed before 2 August 2018, except those filed under the Québec experience program, are continued and decided under the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals and the Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals (chapter I-0.2, r. 2) as they read on 1 August 2018.

flyabroad 201804: chapter I-0.2, r. 2 Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals
Act respecting immigration to Québec (chapter I-0.2, s. 3.4).

I-0.2, r. 2 -Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals-flyabroad.pdf (3.0 MB)


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


大蒙特利尔都会区的定义 - 魁北克技术移民 job offer 加分少的地区

Municipalités - Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


魁北克系统维护,魁北克 EOI 系统准备好了?

蒙特利尔时间7.26 17点到7.27 0:30 之间系统维护。蒙特利尔时间与北京时间正好差12个小时(晚12个小时),也就是北京时间明天(7.27)早上5点到中午12点半之间系统维护,明天中午12点半后系统恢复(没说要抢配额或高分选)。

那个时间魁北克会突然抢配额吗?不会对我们大陆这么仁慈吧 :joy:

En raison d’un entretien technique, Mon projet Québec sera hors service le 26 juillet 2018, de 17 h 00 à 00 h 30 (heure de Montréal).

Due to technical maintenance, Mon projet Québec will be out of service on July 26, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 00:30 a.m. (Montréal time).


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


“3年技术专科高分受训领域也无额外加分” 这是什么意思啊?

之前3年技术专科如果受训属于 section A 或 B 的话学历分会直接拿10分,现在没有这个政策了,所以是无额外加分。这个主要是针对之前政策的明确说明。