塔斯曼尼亚489小生意类别 - Category 5 – Small Business Owner - Tasmania Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

塔斯马尼亚 489 小生意类别 - Category 5 – Small Business Owner - Tasmania Subclass 489 - 飞出国


其他需要申请人只需要通过职业评估,雅思4个6,同时满足 EOI 的 65 分(包括489偏远地区担保10分): 2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

更多参考飞出国论坛: 2019年澳洲移民塔州TAS州担保政策-飞出国塔斯马尼亚州移民新政

Category 5 – Small Business Owner - Tasmania Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

If you are living outside Australia, you are not eligible to apply for this category. You may be eligible to apply for nomination for the Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa under two other categories - Category 3A – Overseas applicant (TSOL) or Category 3B – Overseas applicant (Job offer).

You can apply for this category if your business is operating in Tasmania. If your business is operating in another state of Australia, you are required to demonstrate a genuine intention and commitment to move the business to Tasmania.

To be considered for category 5, you must:

  • demonstrate that you have past business ownership or management experience in starting a similar business and/or in an industry closely related to the proposed business
  • provide evidence and demonstrate your business’s profitability: that is, your business has been making profit in the last two years, or has the potential to be profitable in the next two years
  • demonstrate your financial capacity to support projected establishment and running costs, along with your initial settlement in Tasmania
  • provide a comprehensive business plan with:
    • evidence of thorough research into, and understanding of, the target market
    • research and understanding of relevant industry conditions, licensing and/or registration requirements for the business in Tasmania
    • realistic market opportunities for your proposed business in Tasmania, particularly where the business would be competing with other similar existing businesses already established in Tasmania.

You can find helpful information about establishing a business in Tasmania on the Business Tasmania website.


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