塔斯马尼亚定居一年直系亲属可担保489 Category 4 – Family in Tasmania - Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

塔斯马尼亚亲属担保489偏远地区移民 - Category 4 – Family in Tasmania - Subclass 489

飞出国:主申请人有在塔州定居一年以上的且已经获得永居或公民身份一年以上的的直系亲属:父母,兄弟姐妹,子女,姑叔舅姨,祖父母等,且TA们愿意提供担保和支持的话,可以担保申请人用 489 类别申请塔州偏远地区担保。


其他要求是申请人只需要通过职业评估,雅思4个6,同时满足 EOI 的 65 分(包括489偏远地区担保10分): 2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

更多参考飞出国论坛: 2019年澳洲移民塔州TAS州担保政策-飞出国塔斯马尼亚州移民新政

Category 4 – Family in Tasmania - Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

To be considered for this category you must have a DIRECT family member who:

  • is/has been an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen for a minimum of 12 months
  • is currently and has resided in Tasmania for a minimum of 12 months
  • is a direct relative such as a parent, brother, sister, child, aunt, uncle, or grandparent
  • agrees to support and assist you in the process of gaining employment in Tasmania upon your arrival in Tasmania

Please note: relationships by marriage are not acceptable for this category. You (the applicant) must hold the direct relationship with the sponsoring family member.


提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk)或 预约面谈 : https://flyabroad.me/contact/。
