3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants- FLYabroad NOC
Dental technologists and technicians design, prepare and fabricate dentures and dental devices as prescribed by dentists and other specialists. Dental laboratory assistants assist dental technologists and technicians in preparing and fabricating dentures and other dental devices. They are employed in dental laboratories. Dental technologists and technicians who are supervisors are included in this unit group.
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理头衔范例 Example Titles- FLYabroad NOC
- 陶瓷义齿铸工 ceramic denture moulder
- 牙科实验室助理 dental laboratory assistant
- 牙科技师 dental technician
- 牙科技师主管 dental technician supervisor
- 牙科技师 dental technologist
- 义齿整理工 denture finisher
- 义齿蜡模样板工 denture wax pattern former
- 正畸带制造商 orthodontic band maker
- 注册牙科技师 registered dental technician
- 注册牙科技师 registered dental technologist
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理主要职责 Main duties- FLYabroad NOC
牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理执行部分或全部下列职责:Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants perform some or all of the following duties:
Design, fabricate or repair dental devices including full or partial dentures, orthodontic appliances, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, clasps and bands, and implants -
Prepare plaster models and moulds from dental impressions -
Prepare wax bite-blocks and impression trays -
Cast gold or metal alloys for bridges and denture bases -
Pack plastic material in moulds to form full or partial dentures -
Mould wax over denture set-up to form full contours of artificial gums -
Make orthodontic bands from gold, silver, stainless steel or other metals -
Finish metal framework of dentures and polish and buff dentures to obtain natural finish -
May consult with dentists or other specialists on problematic dental cases -
May train and supervise other dental technicians and dental laboratory assistants in fabricating dentures and other dental devices -
May perform administrative functions for the dental laboratory.
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理任职要求 Employment requirements- FLYabroad NOC
Dental technologists and technicians are required to complete a college program in dental technology -
Four or more years of on-the-job training under the supervision of a registered dental technologist or technician. -
Registration with a regulatory body is required for dental technologists and technicians in all provinces except in Manitoba and the territories. -
Dental laboratory assistants usually require secondary school and up to two years of on-the-job training.
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理附加信息 Additional information- FLYabroad NOC
- 经过培训,经验和注册登记后,牙科实验室助理可能晋升到牙科技师及技术员职位。
Dental laboratory assistants may progress to dental technologist and technician positions with training, experience and registration.
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理其他分类 Classified elsewhere- FLYabroad NOC
- 牙科助理 Dental assistants 3411
- 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗 Dental hygienists and dental therapists 3222
- 假牙技师 Denturists 3221
3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理职称头衔 All titles- FLYabroad NOC
- 学徒假牙制造商 apprentice dental prosthesis maker
- 牙科技师学徒 apprentice dental technician
- 齿凳成型工,假牙 bench moulder, dentures
- CDT(牙科技师认证) CDT (certified dental technician)
- 陶瓷铸工,假牙 ceramic caster, dentures
- 陶瓷义齿铸工 ceramic denture caster
- 陶瓷义齿技工 ceramic denture mechanic
- 陶瓷义齿技工- 制模工 ceramic denture mechanic-moulder
- 陶瓷义齿制模工 ceramic denture moulder
- 陶瓷制模工,假牙 ceramic moulder, dentures
- 认证的牙科技师 certified dental technician
- 冠和桥牙科技师 crown and bridge dental technician
- 牙科陶瓷铸工 dental ceramic caster
- 牙科陶瓷制模工 dental ceramic moulder
- 牙科陶艺工 dental ceramist
- 牙科实验室助理 dental laboratory assistant
- 牙科实验室钳工 dental laboratory bench worker
- 牙科实验室技术员 dental laboratory technician
- 牙科实验室技术员助理 dental laboratory technician assistant
- 牙科假体制造商 dental prosthesis maker
- 牙科技师 dental technician
- 牙科技术员学徒 dental technician apprentice
- 牙科技师主管 dental technician supervisor
- 牙科技师 dental technologist
- 义齿台成型工 denture bench moulder
- 义齿终结工 denture finisher
- 义齿框架装订工 denture framework finisher
- 义齿打包机 denture packer
- 义齿安装工 denture setter
- 义齿安装工/男/女 denture set-up man/woman
- 义齿微调抛光工 denture trimmer-polisher
- 义齿蜡模成型工 denture wax pattern former
- 义齿蜡模成型工 - 金属框架 denture wax pattern former – metal framework
- 框架装订工,假牙 framework finisher, dentures
- 金属牙科技师 metal dental technician
- 闭塞边缘成型工 - 假牙 occlusion rim former – dentures
- 正畸带制造商 orthodontic band maker
- 正畸牙科技师 orthodontic dental technician
- 正畸假体制造商 orthodontic prosthesis maker
- 正畸技师 orthodontic technician
- 石膏成型机 - 假牙 plaster moulder – dentures
- RDT(注册牙科技师) RDT (registered dental technician)
- RDT(注册牙科技师) RDT (registered dental technologist)
- 注册牙科技师 registered dental technician
- 注册牙科技师 registered dental technologist
- 安装员/男/女 假牙 set-up man/woman, dentures
- 主管,牙科技师 supervisor, dental technician
- 技师,牙科实验室 technician, dental laboratory