201907 ACT 境内申请人190州担保申请条件 Canberra residents - The eligibility for ACT 190 nomination

堪培拉居民申请 ACT 州担保的要求 - 飞出国201907

飞出国 ACT 州担保:如果申请人或申请人家庭成员(配偶子女)在澳洲但不在ACT则无法申请ACT州担保;主申请人已经在ACT工作3个月才能按境内类别申请。配偶和子女可以在澳洲境外但不能在澳洲其他州生活。如果配偶和子女在澳洲境内则需要在 ACT 内居住满3个月才能提交申请。

  • 堪培拉境内申请人可以申请 ACT 州担保职业列表上的所有职业,包括 open 的和 close 的。open 职业在 Matrix 里有额外加分。
  • 主申请人需要已经在 ACT 工作3个月,不要求全职,但要求连续,且每周至少20个小时,当然允许同时为多个雇主工作或自雇,工作地点必须是 ACT 境内
  • 提名 ANZSCO 代码1或2开头的职业需要英语达到 proficient 对应雅思4个7或PTE 4个65

飞出国对 ACT 官方说明翻译 - 20190701 Canberra residents 申请 ACT 190 的要求:

您必须满足以下最低标准才能通过填写堪培拉评分表(Matrix)达对 ACT 190提名的兴趣。

  • 即使该职业被关闭,您也可以在ACT职业列表中提名该职业。但是,只有开放职业才能在堪培拉矩阵的“提名职业”类别中获得加分。如果您希望提名开放职业,但您不能满足附加要求“caveat”(如果适用),该职业被视为关闭状态。

  • 您必须在Matrix提交日期之前的三个月内在堪培拉生活和工作。虽然就业不必是全职或永久性的,但必须是连续的。你必须每周至少工作20个小时。带薪年假或个人假符合就业标准。任何无薪假期(包括产假)的索赔必须通过有效的医疗证明来证明。

  • 您也可以为多个ACT雇主工作或在ABN上自雇。如果您受雇于’ACT地区’的新南威尔士州雇主,您必须证明您的工作活动位于ACT。请注意:实习,津贴,奖学金和志愿者职位不适用于此标准。

  • 如果您提名ANZSCO主要职业组1(经理)或组2(专业)职业,您必须拥有符合“熟练”或“优秀”英语的民政事务级别的当前英语测试结果(4个7)。

  • 如果您在申请中包括配偶/伴侣和/或子女,并且他们在澳大利亚,他们必须在提交Matrix之前的三个月内住在堪培拉。

  • 如果您为配偶/伴侣的英语能力或就业能力申请Matrix加分,您必须提供以下关系证据:结婚证书,民事伴侣关系/工会登记或VEVO(在线签证授权验证)自己或配偶的二级申请人身份/伙伴。 请注意: 完成在线申请时,您必须声明该关系是真实的,并符合内政部关于配偶/伴侣关系的要求。如果担心这种关系不真实,ACT政府将通知内政部。

  • 您必须签署一份法定声明,承诺继续在签证授予之日起在堪培拉生活和工作至少两年。

请注意:如果您,您的配偶/伴侣或子女在澳大利亚其他州或地区居住或工作,您将无资格获得ACT 190提名。

Canberra residents - The eligibility for ACT 190 nomination - flyabroad

You must meet the following minimum criteria before you can express an interest in ACT 190 nomination by completing the Canberra Matrix.

  • You can nominate any occupation on the ACT Occupation List, even if that occupation is closed. However, only open occupations will score points in the ‘Nominated Occupation’ category in the Canberra Matrix. If you wish to nominate an open occupation but you cannot comply with a ‘caveat’ (if applicable), the occupation is deemed to be closed.

  • You must be living and working in Canberra for the three months immediately before the date of Matrix submission. While the employment does not have to be fulltime or permanent, it must be continuous. You must be working a minimum 20 hours per week. Paid annual or personal leave meets the employment criteria. Any claim for unpaid leave (including maternity leave) must be evidenced by a valid medical certificate.

  • You may also work for more than one ACT employer or be self-employed on an ABN. If you are employed by a NSW employer in the ‘ACT Region’, you must demonstrate that your work activity is located in the ACT. Please note: internships, stipends, scholarships and volunteer positions are not considered employment for this criterion.

  • If you are nominating an ANZSCO Major Occupation Group 1 (Managers) or Group 2 (Professionals) occupation, you must have a current English test result that meets the Home Affairs level of ‘proficient’ or ‘superior’ English.

  • If you are including a spouse / partner and/or children in your application, and they are in Australia, they must have lived in Canberra for the three months immediately before the date of Matrix submission.

  • If you claiming Matrix points for a spouse’s/partner’s English ability or employability you must provide the following evidence of the relationship: marriage certificate, civil partnership/union registration, or VEVO (Visa Entitlement Verification Online) secondary applicant status for yourself or spouse/partner. Please note: When completing the online application, you must declare that the relationship is genuine and meets Home Affairs’ requirements relating to spouse / partner relationships. The ACT Government will inform Home Affairs if concerns are held that the relationship is not genuine.

  • You must sign a Statutory Declaration committing to continuing to live and work in Canberra for at least two years from date of visa grant.

Please note: You are not eligible for ACT 190 nomination if you, your spouse / partner or children are living or working in another Australian state or territory.


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