2019.12.3 南澳SA最新州担保职业清单 State Nominated Occupation List


  1. 部分职业要求85分,除去州担保的15分,申请人自身需要70分。常见的包括销售和市场营销经理/Sales and Marketing Manager,广告经理 / Advertising Manager,企业服务经理 / Corporate Services Manager,公共关系经理 / Public Relations Manager,采购供应及分销经理 / Supply and Distribution Manager,客户服务经理 / Customer Service Manager,金融经纪 / Finance Broker,保险经纪 / Insurance Broker;

  2. 部分职业要求75分,除去州担保的15分,申请人自身需要60分。常见的包括联络官 / Liaison Officer,数学家 / Mathematician,结构工程师 / Structural Engineer,交通工程师 / Transport Engineer,房地产代表 / Real Estate Representative,以及部分科学家,医疗人员,社会工作者相关职业;

  3. 部分职业,没有最低分数要求,仅要求4个6.5/总分7,或者4个7/总分7.5,常见的包括统计学家 / Statistician,经济学家 / Economist,管理顾问 / Management Consultant,组织和方法分析师 / Organisation and Methods Analyst,信息和组织专业人员NEC / Information and Organisation Professionals nec,广告专员 / Advertising Specialist,公共关系专员 / Public Relations Professional;

  4. 部分职业4个6即可,常见的包括城市和区域规划师 / Urban And Regional Planner,网页设计师 / Web Designer,平面设计师 / Graphic Designer,电影和视频编辑 / Film and Video Editor,保险代理人 / Insurance Agent,家庭支持工作家 / Family Support Worker,以及多数技工类、农业相关职业。

  5. 值得一提的是,计算机相关职业,也是没有最低分数要求的。不过今年除了信息和通信技术经理/NEC ICT Managers nec,今年基本都已满额关闭,2020年7月新财年大家还是有申请机会的~

20191203 南澳最新州担保清单 - 飞出国

ANZSCO 南澳担保职业名称 - 飞出国 雅思及工作要求 当前状态
121212 花农 / Flower Grower 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121213 水果或坚果种植者 / Fruit or Nut Grower 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121214 谷物,油籽草种植者 / Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121215 葡萄种植者 / Grape Grower 4个6,仅491,wine区机会多 高 2019-12-03
121216 混合作物农民 / Mixed Crop Farmer 4个6,仅491, Not available for High Points nomination from 08/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 08/07/2019 Special 2019-12-03
121221 菜农(澳洲) / Vegetable Grower 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121299 作物农民NEC的 / Crop Farmers nec 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121312 肉牛农民 / Beef Cattle Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121313 奶牛农民 / Dairy Cattle Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121317 混合畜牧农民/ Mixed Livestock Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121318 养猪农民 / Pig Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121321 家禽饲养 / Poultry Farmer 4个6,仅491 Special 2019-12-03
121322 羊农民 / Sheep Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
121411 混合作物和牲畜农民 / Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
131112 销售和市场营销经理 / Sales and Marketing Manager 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分 , Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
131113 广告经理 / Advertising Manager 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
131114 公共关系经理 / Public Relations Manager 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 85分, See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
132111 企业服务经理 / Corporate Services Manager 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
132211 财务经理 / Finance Manager 雅思4个7(总分7.5),3年相关工作经验;南澳毕业生需已在南澳从事相关工作12个月; Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
132311 人力资源经理 / Human Resource Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
132511 研究和开发经理 / Research and Development Manager 4个7(或总分7.5), Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 85 points required for chain migration category 高 2019-12-03
133111 施工项目经理 / Construction Project Manager 4个7(或总分7.5), Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
133112 项目建造师 / Project Builder 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 85分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
133211 工程师经理 / Engineering Manager 4个7或总分7.5, offshore 85分,3 years’ work experience in field; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
133411 制造商 / Manufacturer 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Research job opportunities for your particular specialisation; 高 2019-12-03
133511 生产经理(林业) / Production Manager (Forestry) 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Opportunities may be stronger in forestry regions (i.e. Limestone Coast); 高 2019-12-03
133512 生产经理(制造业) / Production Manager (Manufacturing) 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Research job opportunities for your particular specialisation; 低 2019-12-03
133513 生产经理(采矿) / Production Manager (Mining) 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
133611 采购供应及分销经理 / Supply and Distribution Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
133612 采购经理 / Procurement Manager 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 85分,additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
134211 医疗管理员 / Medical Administrator 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 85分,additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
134212 护理临床主任 / Nursing Clinical Director 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分 Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
134213 初级卫生机构经理 / Primary Health Organisation Manager 4个7(或总分7.5), Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 85 points required for chain migration category Special 2019-12-03
134214 福利中心经理 / Welfare Centre Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
134299 卫生和福利服务经理NEC / Health and Welfare Services Managers nec 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
135112 信息和通信技术项目经理 / ICT Project Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
135199 信息和通信技术经理NEC / ICT Managers nec 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
139911 艺术管理者或经理 / Art Administrator or Manager 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
139914 质量保证经理 / Quality Assurance Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 85分, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
139999 专家经理 NEC / Specialist Managers nec 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85分,不包含 Ambassador, Archbishop and Bishop,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Research job opportunities for your particular specialisation; 高 2019-12-03
141111 咖啡馆或餐厅经理 / Cafe or Restaurant Manager 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,offshore 85分,See additional instructions 低 2019-12-03
141311 酒店或汽车旅馆经理 / Hotel or Motel Manager 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,85 points required for chain migration category; See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
141999 住宿和接待经理NEC / Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,offshore 85分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
149212 客户服务经理 / Customer Service Manager 4个7.5或总分8,仅491,offshore 85分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
149311 会议和活动组织者 / Conference and Event Organiser 4个6.5或总分7, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
149913 设施经理 / Facilities Manager 4个6.5或总分7, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
149914 金融机构分公司经理 / Financial Institution Branch Manager 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,3年相关工作经验,南澳毕业生需已在南澳从事相关工作12个月;Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Special 2019-12-03
211311 摄影师 / Photographer 4个6, 准备好自雇,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); Special 2019-12-03
212314 电影和视频编辑 / Film and Video Editor 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
222112 金融经纪 / Finance Broker 4个6.5或总分7,offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
222113 保险经纪 / Insurance Broker 4个6.5或总分7,offshore 85分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
223112 招聘顾问 / Recruitment Consultant 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
224112 数学家 / Mathematician 4个7或总分7.5, offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
224113 统计学家 / Statistician 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 09/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 09/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
224214 记录管理员 / Records Manager 4个6.5或总分7,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
224311 经济学家 / Economist 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
224711 管理顾问 / Management Consultant 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
224712 组织和方法分析师 / Organisation and Methods Analyst 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
224912 联络主任联络官 / Liaison Officer 4个7(或总分7.5),仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
224999 信息和组织专业人员NEC / Information and Organisation Professionals nec 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225111 广告专员 / Advertising Specialist 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225211 ICT客户经理 / ICT Account Manager 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225212 信息和通信技术业务发展经理 / ICT Business Development Manager 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225213 信息和通信技术销售代表 / ICT Sales Representative 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225311 公共关系专员 / Public Relations Professional 4个6.5或总分7,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
225499 技术销售代表NEC / Technical Sales Representatives nec 4个6.5或总分7,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 低 2019-12-03
232111 建筑师 / Architect 4个6.5或总分7,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 12/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 12/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
232212 测量员 / Surveyor 4个6.5(或总分7) Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
232312 工业设计师 / Industrial Designer 4个6.5或总分7,准备好自雇,Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); Special 2019-12-03
232411 平面设计师 / Graphic Designer 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 07/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 07/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
232412 插图画家 / Illustrator 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
232413 多媒体设计师 / Multimedia Designer 4个6,仅491 Special 2019-12-03
232414 网页设计师 / Web Designer 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 12/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 12/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
232611 城市和区域规划师 / Urban And Regional Planner 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233111 化学工程师 / Chemical Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233211 土木工程师 / Civil Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233212 岩土工程师 / Geotechnical Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
233213 工料测量师 / Quantity Surveyor 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233214 结构工程师 / Structural Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233215 交通工程师 / Transport Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
233311 电气工程师 / Electrical Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233411 电子工程师 / Electronics Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233511 工业工程师 / Industrial Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233512 机械工程师 / Mechanical Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233513 生产或工厂工程师 / Production or Plant Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233611 采矿工程师(不包括石油) / Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233612 石油工程师 / Petroleum Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 02/12/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 02/12/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
233999 其他工程专业人员 / Engineering Professionals nec 4个7或总分7.5,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 06/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 06/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234111 农业顾问 / Agricultural Consultant 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234112 农业科学家 / Agricultural Scientist 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234113 护林员 / Forester 4个6, Not available for High Points nomination from 08/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 08/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); Opportunities may be stronger in forestry regions (i.e. Limestone Coast) Special 2019-12-03
234211 化学家 / Chemist 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 08/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 08/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234212 食品技师 / Food Technologist 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234213 葡萄酒生产商 / Wine Maker 4个6,仅491,wine区机会多 高 2019-12-03
234411 地质学家 / Geologist 雅思4个7(总分7.5),3年相关工作经验;南澳毕业生需要已在南澳从事相关工作12个月;Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234412 地球物理学家 / Geophysicist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234413 水文地质学家 / Hydrogeologist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234511 生命科学家(普通) / Life Scientist (General) 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234513 生物化学家 / Biochemist 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234514 生物技术专家 / Biotechnologist 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234515 植物学家 / Botanist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234516 海洋生物学家 / Marine Biologist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234517 微生物学家 / Microbiologist 4个7或总分7.5, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234518 动物学家 / Zoologist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234599 生命科学家的NEC / Life Scientists nec 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
234611 医学实验室科学家 / Medical Laboratory Scientist 4个7(或总分7.5),Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
234914 物理学家(医学物理学家) / Physicist (Medical Physicist Only) 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 / Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 85 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
241511 特别需要教师 / Special Needs Teacher 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
241512 聋哑教师 / Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
241513 视障教师 / Teacher of the Sight Impaired 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
241599 特殊教育教师NEC / Special Education Teachers nec 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
242211 职业教育教师 / Vocational Education Teacher (Trades) 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,仅491, Skills assessment by TRA required; 高 2019-12-03
249212 舞蹈老师(补习) / Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) 4个6.5或总分7,offshore 75 分,准备好自雇,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
249214 音乐教师(补习) / Music Teacher (Private Tuition) 4个6.5或总分7,offshore 75 分,准备好自雇,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
249299 私人导师和教师NEC / Private Tutors and Teachers nec 4个6.5或总分7,准备好自雇,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); Special 2019-12-03
251211 医用放射诊断技师 / Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
251214 超声检查技师 / Sonographer 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
251312 职业健康与安全顾问 / Occupational Health and Safety Advisor 4个7(或总分7.5),Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
251411 验光师 / Optometrist 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
251911 健康推广主任 / Health Promotion Officer 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
252111 脊医 / Chiropractor 4个7(或总分7.5),offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
252411 职业治疗师 / Occupational Therapist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,3年专业相关工作经验,rovisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
252511 物理治疗师 / Physiotherapist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,3年专业相关工作经验,rovisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
252611 足病诊疗师 / Podiatrist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,3年专业相关工作经验,rovisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
252711 听力学家 / Audiologist 4个7或总分7.5,3年专业相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 02/12/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 02/12/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
252712 语言病理学家 / Speech Pathologist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,3年专业相关工作经验,rovisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253111 普通科医生 / General Practitioner 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Full - General registration in Australia is required; 高 2019-12-03
253112 居民医疗官 / Resident Medical Officer 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Full - General registration in Australia is required; 高 2019-12-03
253211 麻醉师 / Anaesthetist 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 75 分,Seeadditional instructions 高 2019-12-03
253321 儿科医生 / Paediatrician 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253399 专家医师NEC的 / Specialist Physicians nec 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253411 精神科医生 / Psychiatrist 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253511 外科医生(普通) / Surgeon (General) 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253514 矫形外科医生 / Orthopaedic Surgeon 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
253999 其他医疗执业人员 / Medical Practitioners nec 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Full - General registration in Australia is required; Special 2019-12-03
254111 助产士 / Midwife 4个7或总分7.5,offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254311 护士经理 / Nurse Manager 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254412 注册护士(老年护理) / Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) / Registered Nurse (Child And Family Health) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254414 注册护士(社区卫生服务) / Registered Nurse (Community Health) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254415 注册护士(重症监护和紧急) / Registered Nurse (Critical Care And Emergency) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
254416 注册护士(发展迟缓) / Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered Nurse (Disability And Rehabilitation) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254418 注册护士(医学) / Registered Nurse (Medical) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
254421 注册护士(医疗实践) / Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254423 注册护士(围手术期) / Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
254424 注册护士(手术) / Registered Nurse (Surgical) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
254425 注册护士(儿科) / Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验, offshore 75 分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
254499 其他注册护士 / Registered Nurses nec 4个7或总分7.5,5年专业相关工作经验,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
261111 ICT业务分析师 / ICT Business Analyst 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
261112 系统分析员 / Systems Analyst 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
261211 多媒体专家 / Multimedia Specialist 4个7或总分7.5, Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
261212 Web开发员 / Web Developer 4个7或总分7.5,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
261311 分析程序员 / Analyst Programmer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
261312 开发程序员 / Developer Programmer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
261313 软件工程师 / Software Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
261314 软件测试员 / Software Tester 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
261399 软件和应用程序员NEC / Software and Applications Programmers nec 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
262111 数据库管理员 / Database Administrator 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
262112 信息和通信技术安全专家 / ICT Security Specialist 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
262113 系统管理员 / Systems Administrator 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263111 计算机网络和系统工程师 / Computer Network and Systems Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263112 网络管理员 / Network Administrator 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263113 网络分析师 / Network Analyst 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263211 ICT质量保证工程师 / ICT Quality Assurance Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263212 信息和通信技术支持工程师 / ICT Support Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263213 信息和通信技术系统测试工程师 / ICT Systems Test Engineer 4个7或总分7.5,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions Special 2019-12-03
263299 信息和通信技术支持和测试工程师NEC / ICT Support and Test Engineers nec 4个7或总分7.5,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
272114 康复顾问 / Rehabilitation Counsellor 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272115 学生顾问辅导员 / Student Counsellor 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272199 辅导员NEC / Counsellors nec 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272311 临床心理学家 / Clinical Psychologist 4个7(或总分7.5),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272312 教育心理学家 / Educational Psychologist 4个7(或总分7.5),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272314 心理治疗师 / Psychotherapist 4个7(或总分7.5),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
272399 心理学家NEC / Psychologists nec 4个7(或总分7.5),Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
272499 社会专业人员NEC / Social Professionals nec 雅思4个6.5(总分7),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; Research job opportunities for your particular specialisation; 高 2019-12-03
272511 社工 / Social Worker 4个6.5(或总分7),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 低 2019-12-03
272612 康乐主任 / Recreation Officer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
272613 福利工作者 / Welfare Worker 4个6.5或总分7,仅491,2年相关工作经验, Offshore 75分,南澳留学毕业生需要已经在南澳工作12个月,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
311111 农业技术员 / Agricultural Technician 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,Not available for High Points nomination from 12/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 12/07/2019 Special 2019-12-03
311213 医学实验室技术员 / Medical Laboratory Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
311215 药剂技术员 / Pharmacy Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
311216 病理收集员(澳洲)-抽血员(新西兰) / Pathology Collector 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,Offshore 75分,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
311299 医疗技师NEC / Medical Technicians nec 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
311411 化学技术员 / Chemistry Technician 4个6.5(或总分7),Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
311412 地球科学技术员 / Earth Science Technician 4个6.5(或总分7),Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
311413 生命科学技术员 / Life Science Technician 4个6.5(或总分7),Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
311499 其他科学技术员 / Science Technicians nec 4个6.5(或总分7),Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
312111 建筑绘图员 / Architectural Draftsperson 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312211 土木工程绘图员 / Civil Engineering Draftsperson 4个6.5(或总分7),3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312212 土木工程技术员 / Civil Engineering Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312311 电气工程绘图员 / Electrical Engineering Draftsperson 4个6.5(或总分7),3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312312 电气工程技术员 / Electrical Engineering Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 09/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 09/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312611 安全检查员 / Safety Inspector 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491 Special 2019-12-03
312911 维护规划员 / Maintenance Planner 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491 Special 2019-12-03
312912 冶金或材料技术员 / Metallurgical or Materials Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
312913 矿副 / Mine Deputy 4个6.5(或总分7),仅491,Offshore 75分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
312999 建筑及工程技术员NEC / Building and Engineering Technicians nec 4个6.5或总分7,仅491,Offshore 75分,See additional instructions; Research job opportunities for your particular specialisation 高 2019-12-03
313111 硬件技术员 / Hardware Technician 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
313112 ICT 客户支持 / ICT Customer Support Officer 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
313113 Web管理员 / Web Administrator 4个7或总分7.5,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
313199 信息和通信技术支持技术员NEC / ICT Support Technicians nec 4个6.5或总分7,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
321111 汽车电工 / Automotive Electrician 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
321211 汽车技工(普通) / Motor Mechanic (General) 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
321212 柴油汽车技工 / Diesel Motor Mechanic 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
321213 摩托车技工 / Motorcycle Mechanic 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
321214 小型发动机技工 / Small Engine Mechanic 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
322211 钣金行业工人 / Sheetmetal Trades Worker 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
322311 金属构造工 / Metal Fabricator 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
322312 压力焊工 / Pressure Welder 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
322313 焊工(甲等) / Welder (First Class) 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
323211 钳工(普通) / Fitter (General) 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
323212 钳工和车床工 / Fitter and Turner 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
323213 钳工,焊工 / Fitter-Welder 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
323214 金属机械师(甲等) / Metal Machinist (First Class) 4个6,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5),See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
323299 金属钳工和机械师NEC / Metal Fitters and Machinists nec 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
323412 模具工人 / Toolmaker 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
324111 钣金工人 / Panelbeater 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
324211 车身修理工 / Vehicle Body Builder 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
324212 汽车翻修工 / Vehicle Trimmer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
324311 汽车油漆技工 / Vehicle Painter 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
331111 瓦工 / Bricklayer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
331112 石匠 / Stonemason 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
331211 木工和细木工 / Carpenter and Joiner 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
331212 木匠 / Carpenter 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
331213 细木工 / Joiner 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
332111 地板工 / Floor Finisher 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
332211 绘画工人 / Painting Trades Worker 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
333111 玻璃工 / Glazier 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
333211 纤维泥水匠 / Fibrous Plasterer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
333212 固体泥水匠 / Solid Plasterer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
333311 屋顶铺瓦工 / Roof Tiler 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
333411 墙和地板瓦工 / Wall and Floor Tiler 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
334111 管道工(普通) / Plumber (General) 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
334112 空调和机械服务水管工 / Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
341111 电工(普通) / Electrician (General) 4个6,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
342111 空调和制冷技工 / Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
342311 商业机械技工 / Business Machine Mechanic 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
342313 电子设备行业工人 / Electronic Equipment Trades Worker 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
342314 电子仪器行业工人(普通) / Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
342315 电子仪器行业工人(特别类) / Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) 4个6,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
351111 面包师 / Baker 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
351112 糕饼师 / Pastry Cook 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
351211 屠宰及熟肉加工 / Butcher or Smallgoods Maker 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
351311 主厨 / Chef 4个6,Offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
351411 厨师 / Cook 4个6,仅491,Offshore 75分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
362211 园丁(普通) / Gardener (General) 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
362212 树艺师 / Arborist 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
362213 园艺师 / Landscape Gardener 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
362311 球场管理员 / Greenkeeper 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
362411 托儿所保育员 / Nurseryperson 4个6,仅491 高 2019-12-03
391111 理发师 / Hairdresser 4个6,仅491,3年相关工作经验,南澳留学毕业生需要已经在南澳工作12个月 高 2019-12-03
393213 裁缝 / Dressmaker or Tailor 4个6,准备好自雇,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); 高 2019-12-03
394111 细木工 / Cabinetmaker 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
399111 船舶构造和维修 / Boat Builder and Repairer 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
399112 造船工人 / Shipwright 4个6,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) 高 2019-12-03
411111 救护主任 / Ambulance Officer 4个6.5或总分7,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 02/12/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 02/12/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
411211 牙齿卫生员 / Dental Hygienist 4个6,仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
411213 牙科技师 / Dental Technician 4个6,仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
411214 牙科治疗师 / Dental Therapist 4个6,仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
411311 措施满足治疗师 / Diversional Therapist 4个6,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
411411 登记护士 / Enrolled Nurse 4个7或总分7.5,仅491,offshore 75分,Seeadditional instructions 高 2019-12-03
411711 社区工作家 / Community Worker 4个6.5或总分7,仅491,offshore 75分,南澳留学毕业生需要已经在南澳工作12个月,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
411712 残疾人服务主任 / Disabilities Services Officer 4个6,仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
411713 家庭支持工作家 / Family Support Worker 4个6,仅491,offshore 75分,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
411716 青年工人 / Youth Worker 4个6.5或总分7,仅491,offshore 75分,2年相关工作经验,南澳留学毕业生需要已经在南澳工作12个月,See additional instructions 高 2019-12-03
452315 游泳教练或导师 / Swimming Coach or Instructor 4个6,offshore 75分,Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5); See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
511111 合同管理员 / Contract Administrator 4个6.5或总分7,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 07/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 07/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
511112 计划或项目管理员 / Program or Project Administrator 4个6.5或总分7,3年相关工作经验,Not available for High Points nomination from 05/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 05/07/2019; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5) Special 2019-12-03
611211 保险代理人 / Insurance Agent 4个6,仅491,Not available for High Points nomination from 04/07/2019; Not available for Chain Migration nomination from 04/07/2019 Special 2019-12-03
612112 物业经理 / Property Manager 4个7(或总分7.5),仅491,offshore 75分,了解相关注册课程和当地市场,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03
612115 房地产代表 / Real Estate Representative 4个7(或总分7.5),仅491,offshore 75分,了解相关注册课程和当地市场,See additional instructions; 高 2019-12-03

20190701最新南澳州担保清单 - 澳洲技术移民2019-2020 年度南澳州担保职业清单 South Australia Lists of State Nominated Occupations