萨省技术移民2018年4月更新 2173 职业认证要求

2173 软件工程师改由 APEGS 认证

2018年4月萨省技术移民更新 SINP In-Demand Occupation List 的认证要求 SINP Requirements Related to Professional Status or Licensure
(for regulated occupations or those with professional certification standards in Canada and/or Saskatchewan)。

2173 软件开发职业被划分为 2173 Software engineers 和 2173 Software designers 职业,工学学位申请人需要通过 APEGS:

NOC 职业 201804 萨省职业认证要求 - 飞出国
2173 Software engineers If your Bachelor’s degree is in Engineering, you must apply to the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) for a letter showing that your application for registration as an Engineer-in-Training has been approved or, a letter from APEGS indicating that you have been assigned Confirmatory Exams.
2173 Software designers Provide documentation from the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS) showing your:

  * Candidate Membership as an Associate Information Technology Professional (AITP); or,
  * [Certified Membership as an Information Systems Professional]
(Certification – CIPS)(I.S.P); To be eligible for the SINP OID and EE sub-categories, you must apply for Route 1: Education plus Experience Route Application with CIPS, or,
  * Certified Membership as an Information Technology Certified Professional of Canada (ITCP).

For more information, visit the provincial regulator the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS).

萨省清单里的工程师职业都是要求提供 APEGS 的 Engineer-in-Training 成功注册 letter 或已经安排验证性考试(Confirmatory Exams)。2147 Computer engineers 职业不再明确说明 (except software engineers and designers),因为 software engineers 职业也归 APEGS 认证。

Please provide a letter from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing that your application for registration as an Engineer-in-Training has been approved, or, a letter from APEGS indicating that you have been assigned Confirmatory Exams.


These occupations are forecasted to be in-demand in Saskatchewan over the next five years.

NOC 萨省紧缺职业-飞出国 SINP紧缺职业-flyabroad 萨省注册要求
0211 工程师经理 Engineering managers APEGS
2131 土木工程师 Civil engineers APEGS
2132 机械工程师 Mechanical engineers APEGS
2133 电气和电子工程师 Electrical and electronics engineers APEGS
2141 工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers APEGS
2147 计算机工程师 Computer engineers APEGS
2151 建筑师 Architects CACB Or BEFA
2154 土地测量师 Land surveyors CBEPS
2173 软件工程师和设计师 Software engineers and designers 工学 APEGS & 软件设计师 CIPS of: AITP or ISP or ITCP
2175 网页设计师和开发人员 Web designers and developer CIPS of: AITP or ISP or ITCP
4151 心理学家 Psychologists Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
4212 社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers CASW
4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants ECEC
3211 医学实验室化验师 Medical laboratory technologists SSMLT
3216 医用超声检查 Medical sonographers Sonography Canada Or ARDMS
0423 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services None
1122 企业管理咨询的专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting None
2212 地质和矿产技师和技术员 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians None
2121 生物学家及相关科学家 Biologists and related scientists None
2123 农业代表,顾问和专家 Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists None
2225 园林和园艺技术人员和专家 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists None
2242 电子维修技师(家用和商用设备等) Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) None
2243 工业仪器仪表的技术人员和机械师 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics None
6331 屠宰,切肉和鱼贩-零售及批发 Meat cutters SATCC
7231 机械师和加工和模具督察 Machinists SATCC
7272 橱柜制作 Cabinetmakers SATCC
7311 建筑装配工和工业技工 Industrial mechanics SATCC
7312 重型设备技师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics SATCC
7321 汽车维修技师,卡车和公共汽车力学和机械维修 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics SATCC
7322 汽车车身维修师 Motor vehicle body repairers SATCC
7237 焊工和相关机器操作员 Welders SATCC
0811 自然资源经理和渔业经理 Managers in natural resources production and fishing None
0821 农业经理 Managers in agriculture None
0911 制造业经理 Manufacturing managers None
0912 公用事业经理 Utilities managers None

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2175 Web designers and developer 认证要求也有补充:To be eligible for the SINP OID and EE sub-categories, you must apply for Route 1: Education plus Experience Route Application with CIPS。

Provide documentation from the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS) showing your:

For more information, visit the provincial regulator the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS).

我在做 Evaluation Type: Course by Course Evaluation (ICAP),资料要求提交的我看来看去就是学位证复印件,成绩单似乎应该由CDGDC寄出。我在CDGDC做学位英文认证还有就是成绩单英文认证。我在仔细阅读需要邮寄给WES的资料清单中,请教:





The WES Canada fax number is 416-972-9004.

By Postal Mail or Courier Delivery

WES Reference No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
World Education Services
Attention: Documentation Center
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3



请教下大神, APEGS 认证 首先要先成为 Member-in-training Application Process,我看到当 学历评估的结果 通过后,会有 确认考试 Confirmatory Exams 这个不会真的要去加拿大去考试吧??



Writing Exams Overseas

You may write exams outside of Canada. You must write your exam at a Canadian
Embassy or Consulate the same day as everyone else writes the exam in Canada. You
must make the arrangements with someone at the Embassy/Consulate to invigilate
your exam. Please contact the APEGS office at [email protected] for more


例如计算机工程师考察的知识点: https://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Sites-Management/FileDownload/DataDownload/34470/Software/pdf/1/1033

Exam Application Process

If you have been assigned confirmatory exams then you must choose the exams you want to write. You must choose two exams from group A one from group B of the appropraite syllabus below. You do not have to write all the exams at the same time.

Number and Order of exams

You do not have to write all the exams at the same time. We suggest that you write
one at a time. You can choose which exam you want to write first. We suggest you
choose your best subject.



不需要考试的吧,只是考了 Code of Ethic 就可以了,然后就是工作经验加成绩单认证就可以了
Application Requirements:

1 - Current CIPS Membership

2 - Certification Application Review Fee Payment

3 - Pass the CIPS Ethics Exam

4 - At least 1,000 hours of IT work experience in last 12 months

5 - References for last 2 years

6 - I.S.P. Application – Education + Experience

1 个赞

你说的这个是CIPS认证,2173职业需要 2 个认证 APEGS + CIPS

要求不是member in training就行了么?专业工程师有难度,难道要到professional才行么?紧缺职业清单不是这么写的吧!

WES的reference number 在传真中如何弄,写在学位证复印件上,还是另外弄张纸一起传过去




International Engineering Graduates

Required Documents

  • Member-in-training application form and fee ($210)
  • World Education Services(WES) ICAP course-by-course credential assessment. If you have a WES ECA report you must upgrade to ICAP course-by-course. ECA report is not acceptable.
  • Academic Assessment fee ($210)
  • Self-assessment
  • Official program syllabus (required if you graduated within the past 10 years)
  • Proof of Identification Form
  • Resume
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