萨省技术移民2018年4月更新 2173 职业认证要求


加拿大工作经历是在申请professional engineer需要,根本不需要到那步







萨省2173职业认证要求说明 - 飞出国

工学学位必须申请 APEGS:2173 软件工程师和软件设计师职业申请 APEGS 认证还是 CIPS 认证由学位决定

  1. 工学学位可以按 software designer 申请但也需要 APEGS 认证;
  2. 非工学学位可以按 2173 software desinger 申请 CIPS 认证,但无法申请 software engineer;

也就是萨省允许非工学申请人评估 2173 。

If you are a software designer and have an engineering degree, you must apply through APEGS
because you have an engineering degree. An applicant with an engineering education is eligible to work as a software designer; however, APEGS licensing would still be required due to your engineering education.


In order for you to be eligible under the SINP sub-category of OID and EE, your education must match your work experience.

If you are a software engineer AND have an engineering degree, you must apply for licensure to APEGS because you have an engineering degree.

If you are a software designer AND have a computer science degree, you must apply for licensure to CIPS. You must apply to CIPS through Route 1 (education plus experience). Your education and work experience must match.

If you are a software designer and have an engineering degree, you must apply through APEGS because you have an engineering degree.


APEGS 看的是本科学位。按萨省说法对本科理学,硕士工学,如果要评估软件工程师的也是要 APEGS 认证。

An applicant with an engineering education is eligible to work as a software designer; however, APEGS must determine that, not CIPS. CIPS should not be assessing engineering degrees for SINP applicants.

Any time that an individual has a degree in engineering, they should go to APEGS. It doesn’t matter if they want to apply for software design. They can’t sidestep and go to CIPS.

The title of engineer may vary depending on the Country. The SINP wants to ensure that individuals that have engineering education and are applying to engineering NOC’s are going to APEGS for the verification, meet the Canadian Engineering standards.

If you already have I.S.P or I.T.C.P designation through CIPS and I have an engineering degree and experience as a software engineer then you would still have to apply through APEGS, as your education was completed as an engineer.


各位apegs proof of identity 需要公证或者apegs工作人员或者已认证工程师签名。请问各位如何操作的。

我想问,国内大部分title都叫engineer,叫designer的很少,至多也叫架构师。那么写个letters of explanation,解释自己的工作为设计师而不是工程师,这样就不需要apegs了。大家觉得可行否。

我有点醉了,我的major是computer science,按萨省解释,我可以才申请designer而不是engineer. 然而eca上的credential是 computer science and engineering.
1 我是工学还是非工学呢?
2 如果我是工学,还可以申请cips执照,从事desginer. 而不申请apegs从事engineer呢?

[email protected]

需要的,我的ECA evaluation 现在on hold了,显示需要我传真/邮寄学历证书。

的确很迷茫呢。 学位可是“工学学士”。。。
