加拿大新入籍法案本月或下月实施-19th June, 2015-effective-date-of-bill-c24

加拿大公民权申请综述 继续讨论:

Bill-24 公民法修正案 19th June, 2014 通过,按照惯例是通过1年后正式实施,也就是 2015年5月19日,星期五前后。

An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
[Assented to 19th June, 2014]

当然,具体实施时间现在还没有定论,至今 “Nobody knows. Maybe. Maybe not.” ,但是总有一天会实施,还没提交入籍申请的做好准备按照新入籍要求去准备。

新入籍法对打算入籍的人要求更严格,需要住的时间更久,作假成本更高,同时增加了其他要求和限制,与原先的规定相比,Bill-24 2015年新修正案主要变化如下:

  1. 公民入籍所需时间由目前4年内必须住满3年,提高到6年内要住满4年;
  2. 这个4年内居民每年在加拿大境内居住超过183天;
  3. 取消了非居民居住时间可部分折算成入籍居住时间的条款(临居时间不用打折) ;
  4. 增加了“入籍后在加拿大居住的意向”条款;
  5. 需要参加入籍考试的年龄范围提高到14至64岁。申请人语言(英语或法语)及文化课考试成绩达标;
  6. 历史上因某些原因失去加拿大国籍的人有机会重新入籍,这个与中国移民关系不大;
  7. 有刑事犯罪记录的人不能申请入籍;
  8. 对入籍顾问(代理人)监管更加严格(严防帮着作假行为);
  9. 对入籍造假的惩罚更严格(10万加元罚款和/或入狱5年);
  10. 移民部长有更大权利(终审权),可以随时否决任何一宗入籍申请案;
  11. 移民部长有更大权利,有权破格授予公民权;
  12. 由移民部长来定义完整申请文件及申请所需支持文件;
  13. 减少处理入籍申请的步骤,从3个程序减少到1个;
  14. 税务要求:只有在6年中的4年里有加拿大税务记录的人才有申请入籍的资格;
  15. 拥有双国籍的加拿大公民如果卷入和加拿大敌对的武装冲突,或被法庭裁定从事恐怖活动、间谍活动和其他叛国活动,其加拿大国籍可以被取消。永久居民如果卷入这些活动,入籍申请将被拒绝;
  16. 增加对在加拿大军队服役人员的入籍快速通道。

Some changes include:

  • New residency requirements of 4 years (1,460 days) out of 6 years for citizenship eligibility
  • Permanent Residents must be physically present in Canada for 183 days (minimum) per year in 4 out of 6 years
  • Time spent in Canada as a non-permanent resident (non-PR) does not count towards the 6 years
  • A new “intent to reside” provision
  • Citizenship applicants who are aged 14-64 must meet language requirements, and pass the citizenship test
  • Applicants must meet knowledge requirement in English or French
  • Strengthen restrictions on citizenship for people with foreign criminal charges and convictions
  • Applicants may be refused because of fraud
  • Shortening of the citizenship granting process from 3-steps to 1-step
  • Adult applicants must file Canadian income taxes to be eligible for citizenship

下面是 Bill-24 关于公民入籍相关内容的全文及其他相关说明的链接:





Have you been a permanent resident, and physically been in Canada for at least 3 of the last 5 years?

  • 1095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application


Each day spent physically in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person before becoming a permanent resident within the last 5 years will count as one half day, with a maximum of 365 days, towards your physical presence.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
