亲属在南澳的可以申请南澳链式移民 chain-migration-family-member-in-south-australia

链式移民(Chain migration)-家属在南澳(飞出国-南澳州担保)


  • 链式移民既允许申请州职业列表上特殊条件申请中的职业州担保,也允许申请补充技能列表中的职业州担保。

  • 你必须拥有学士学位或更高学历资格证书。技能评估中必须包含所并认可获得的资格证书。允许澳洲(或境外)资格证书。

  • 在南澳的直系亲属必须满足下列要求:必须是(外)祖父、(外)祖母、父亲、母亲、兄弟姐妹、继(养)父母或其子女;

  • 必须年满18周岁;必须是澳洲永久居民或公民;

  • 必须目前在南澳居住且最近12个月一直在南澳居住;

  • 必须填写法定声明,确保自己符合链式移民的所有要求。

  • 链式移民有配额限制。一旦达到该配额,该类别所有申请将会关闭或会有更多申请要求。

Chain migration is a state nomination pathway providing access to a broader
list of occupations. This pathway is for skilled workers who meet all skilled nomination requirements and have an
immediate family member permanently residing in South Australia.

  • Chain migration allows you to apply for occupations listed as ‘Special conditions apply’ on the State Occupation List or occupations listed on the Supplementary Skilled List.
  • You must have a bachelor degree or higher qualification. The qualification completed must be included and recognised on your skills assessment. Australian or overseas qualifications are acceptable.
  • Your immediate family member in South Australia must meet all requirements listed below:
  • Your family member residing in South Australia must be your grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother or sister. You can still apply if it’s your step or adoptive parent/ sibling.
  • Your family member must be over 18 years of age.
  • Your family member in South Australia must be either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen.
  • Your family member must be currently residing in South Australia and have resided in South Australia for the last twelve months.
  • Your family member in South Australia is required to complete a statutory declaration to confirm that they meet the all chain migration requirements
  • Quotas apply to nominations under the chain migration category. Once this quota is reached, applications under this category may be closed or further requirements may apply.
