188D 澳洲1500万高端投资者商业移民签证 Premium Investor Stream

澳大利亚 188D Premium Investor Stream 简称PIV,需要投资 1500 万澳币,因此中文称作澳洲高端投资者移民,至尊投资移民,土豪投资移民,超级富豪签证,适合高端高净值商务人士,一年即可获得永居签证(888) 。

澳洲 188D 高端投资者签证介绍(PIV)

澳洲 188D 1500万澳元投资移民签证项目2015年7月1日起开始实施,被誉为“超级富豪签证”的澳洲投资移民“高端投资者签证 (PIV)”,基本是为想要快速移民澳大利亚的国内高资产、高净值人士量身定做的新通道,此类签证适合于那些愿意在澳洲投资至少1500万澳币高端投资和希望在澳洲维持业务和投资活动的人士。申请者必须获得代表澳洲政府的澳大利亚贸易委员会(Austrade)的提名(不是州担保),并在收到澳大利亚政府的邀请后,才可以申请签证。

188D 1500万澳币投资签证申请条件 - 飞出国:

  • 无年龄限制
  • 无英语水平要求
  • 无学历要求
  • 无需满足评分
  • 无任何居住要求
  • 家庭净资产达到1500万澳币以上
  • 获得了代表澳大利亚政府的Austrade的邀请
  • 投资1500万澳币到政府规定的投资产品

政府规定的允许 188D 投资的产品 - 飞出国:

  • 澳大利亚证券交易所列的资产
  • 澳大利亚政府或半政府的债券
  • 公司债券或由澳大利亚交易所上市实体发行的债券(或澳大利亚上市实体的全资子公司)或投资级澳大利亚公司债券(级别由AFS执照的债务评级机构来评)
  • 澳大利亚有限公司(PTY LTD)
  • 澳大利亚房地产公司(不包括住宅地产)
  • 由澳洲注册寿险公司发行的递延年金
  • 州或领地地区政府的认可慈善捐款

Premium Investor Stream - Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188D) - flyabroad

The Premium Investor stream is by nomination of Austrade on behalf of the Australian government only. You must make a complying investment of at least AUD15 million in any of the following options:

  • Australian securities exchange listed assets.
  • Australian government or semi-government bonds or notes.
  • Corporate bonds or notes issued by an Australian exchange listed entity (or wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian listed entity) or investment grade rated Australian corporate bonds or notes rated by an AFS licenced debt rating agency.
  • Australian proprietary limited companies.
  • Real property in Australia excluding residential property.
  • Deferred annuities issued by Australian registered life companies.
  • State or territory government approved philanthropic contribution.

Income that you earn from your complying investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.

You must also have a genuine and realistic commitment to continue your business and investment activity in Australia after the conclusion of your provisional visa.

You, your partner (spouse or de facto), or you and your partner combined must have net assets of at least AUD15 million that are legally acquired, unencumbered, and available to be used to make the complying investment in Australia.

You and your partner must not have been involved in unacceptable business or investment activities.

You, your partner and other family members aged at least 18 must agree not to bring any action against the Commonwealth for any loss relating to your complying investment.​​​

澳洲 188D 1500万澳币这种没有居住要求,持有1年后可以转永居。申请条件宽松到有钱就行。