Working Holiday Extension Work Visa - flyabroad 2019
People who are already in New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa can make a one-off application to stay an extra 3 months if they have completed at least 3 months of seasonal work in the horticulture or viticulture industries. Seasonal work can include planting, maintaining, harvesting or packing crops. You don’t have to have a job offer to apply.
No previous extensions
You must not have been granted a Working Holidaymaker Extension Work Visa before
We’ll check our records to make sure we haven’t already granted you a Working Holidaymaker Extension Work Visa.
Overview - Working Holiday Extension Work Visa - flyabroad
DURATION 3 months
With this visa you can - Working Holiday Extension Work Visa - flyabroad
Stay in New Zealand for another 3 months.
Things to note - Working Holiday Extension Work Visa - flyabroad
You can only be granted one Working Holiday Extension Visa.
Your seasonal work doesn’t need to be continuous or for the same employer.
You don’t have to have a job offer to apply.
If approved your extended visa will retain the same conditions as your initial Working Holiday Visa.
Seasonal work - Working Holiday Extension Work Visa - flyabroad
You must have already done seasonal work in New Zealand
You must have spent at least 3 months doing seasonal work in the horticulture or viticulture industries while on your current Working Holiday Visa. Evidence can include: