加拿大学生工作许可 - 校内工作 Work on campus

加拿大学生工作许可(Students) 继续讨论:

加拿大学生工作许可(Students) - 飞出国

校内工作(Work on campus) - 飞出国

申请人如果符合以下情况,不需要工作许可就可以直接在校内工作(work on campus at the institution):

  • 全日制学生:或者在按照公立教育机构规则和条例运营,病情只是收到政府50%以上的财政援助的私立高等教育机构(当前只有魁省的私立教育机构满足);或者在加拿大省政府认可的可以授予学位的私立教育机构。
    • a public post-secondary institution, such as a college or university, or a collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec or
    • a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as a public institution, and receives at least 50 per cent of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify) or
    • a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees and
  • 持有有效的学习许可


