从 Wes 学历认证概述 继续讨论:
UnitedKingdom-英国学历-WES申请指南 - 飞出国
对于英国学历的WES申请流程,申请人需要先申请WES,付费后生成WES ref no,有了WES ref no. 后就可以要求您就读的学校将需要的资料(International_Transcript_Request 附上包含成绩科目及成绩的毕业证书)寄给WES,因为请求学校发出材料需要时间(取决于学校的效率),因此我们建议WES申请完成后及时联系学校。
英国WES学历认证(加拿大)资料邮寄指南 - 飞出国
- 申请人邮寄资料给WES
学历或毕业证复印件(Clear, legible photocopies of all diplomas and degree certificates),例如学士,硕士证书。
2. 直接从学校邮寄资料给WES
对于硕士及以下学历,无论是否完成,都是由学校直接将成绩单原件(Transcript of academic records issued by the institutions attended - showing all subjects completed and all grades/marks awarded for all years of post-secondary study)寄给WES,邮寄时需要附上WES要求的International_Transcript_Request表格,填写完整并签字。
需要首先申请人填写签字,然后反馈给学校(传真或快递)的WES请求表(具体信息您可以了解一下): http://www.wes.org/ca/required/International_Transcript_Request.pdf
For completed programs, the Diploma Supplement containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades obtained for all post-secondary study
- OR -
For partially completed programs, academic transcripts indicating all courses taken and individual grades obtained for all post-secondary study
- 对于博士学历直接由学校寄出:“confirming the awarding of the degree”。
For completed doctoral programs, a letter confirming the awarding of the degree。 需要下载的表格: http://www.wes.org/required/DegreeConferral.pdf
By postal mail or courier delivery
World Education Services
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
提醒:加拿大WES申请一定要寄给加拿大的WES,别寄给美国,下面地址在成绩单请求表上就有,不需要单独给学校,申请人只需要将 International_Transcript_Request 打印签字后传真或快递给学校主管部门就可以了。
英国学历办理WES特殊要求(Special Instructions)- 飞出国
对于下列学校,WES将通过申请人为wes邮箱([email protected])创建的 “document access ticket” 访问 Digitary® secure electronic document system 获取学历电子版。系统访问接口见下面。
If you attended one of the institutions listed below, you may provide WES with access to your electronic documents through the Digitary® secure electronic document system by creating a “document access ticket” accessible to the following email address: [email protected].
经济学和政治科学学院伦敦 London School of Economics and Political Science: http://www.lse.ac.uk/intranet/students/registrationTimetablesAssessment/certificationDocumentation/Transcripts/Alumni%202010%20onwards.aspx
布拉德福德大学 University of Bradford: https://edocs.brad.ac.uk/wallet/servlet/UserWalletApp/template/Login.vm
剑桥大学 University of Cambridge:http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/degrees/certificates/
德比大学 University of Derby: http://www.derby.ac.uk/hear
肯特大学 University of Kent: http://www.kent.ac.uk/student-records/
曼彻斯特大学 University of Manchester: Alumni | The University of Manchester
IMPORTANT: WES only accepts electronic documents through the Digitary® system. This email address is NOT for correspondence purposes or for uploading personal copies of your academic documents. Do not send documents as email attachments as they will not be accepted by WES.
To correspond with WES about your evaluation or for customer service related inquiries please click here: Contact Us | U.S. Evaluation | WES