

对可以给魁北克技术移民加分的有效 job offer (VJO),魁北克移民局会考核雇主,job offer 和候选人(被给予job offer的雇员)都进行考核。

魁北克雇主首先是已经在魁北克注册一年,job offer 提供全职长期工作,职位要求是 NOC 0,A,B,C类(且不能是 647 的家庭护理类工作),满足最低工资标准。


这些是 82 新政之前的 82,针对 82 新政的要求应该会很快有新消息,改变首先是对雇主区域又做了更详细的划分,其次可能对雇主资格,招聘流程要求(例如当地的广告要求)增加明确限制。

8.2 高分选后,对申请人来说分数每高一分就多一线希望,雇主offer作为加分的重要因素,势必拥有job offer的申请人会增加,而移民局也势必会对这种情况加强审核。飞出国会跟进魁北克移民局对 VJO 的最新要求。

Recruitment and Selection Program for Economic Candidates


5.1 General VJO for Regular Skilled Worker Program

The presence of the Validated Job Offer factor in the Skilled Worker Selection Grid aims to facilitate the permanent selection of candidates who meet - or whose spouse or common-law partner meets - a specific need of a Quebec employer , especially in the region. This factor also aims to:

  • encourage the candidate abroad to start as quickly as possible the steps required to obtain a job in Quebec;

  • Encourage more new workers to settle outside the Greater Montreal Area (RMM);

  • facilitate the selection of candidates already employed in Quebec as temporary workers, when their profile meets the needs of Quebec.

The candidate covered by a validated job offer (or that of their spouse or common-law partner) is allocated points on the selection grid, which increases if the job offered is outside the RMM. His application must be dealt with in priority, before that of the other candidates of the regular program of skilled workers. Procedures for the selection process and priority processing of applications are presented in Section 4 of this chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4.1.8).

The requirements that apply to the candidate covered by a validated job offer are similar to those of all qualified worker candidates, including that of qualifying for the selection grid, which ensures:

  • that the candidate has a profile such that he will be able to settle successfully in Québec and contribute to the achievement of his economic, demographic and linguistic objectives;

  • That this candidate will continue to meet Quebec’s economic needs in the medium and longer term, in the context of a constantly changing economy.

The Applicant or his / her spouse must also demonstrate that he / she meets the requirements of the position offered and that he or she meets the requirements for entry to the occupation within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) or the requirements applicable to the occupation. Québec, including that of holding, if required, a certificate

eligibility or licensure of a regulatory body (professional corporation or association). He will have to commit himself in writing to this job upon admission as a permanent resident of Canada.

DCS for which the principal applicant or the spouse or common-law partner is the subject of a validated job offer are treated as a priority. The procedures for processing the application of a qualified worker candidate, with or without a validated job offer, are presented in Section 4 of this chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4).

5.2 Regulatory Requirements for the Validation of a Job Offer

Under Schedule A of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (RSRE), factor 7, a validated job offer is that made by an employer in Québec to a foreign national or to his spouse or common-law partner who accompanies for a permanent and full-time job which, moreover, satisfies the following conditions:

  • the employment is of a level of competence superior to D within the meaning of the NOC and the worker fulfills the conditions of access to the profession as well as the particular requirements for access to it in Quebec;

  • employment is not included in NOC 647 Intermediate Group (Family Support and Child Care);

  • hiring in Quebec is likely to have positive or neutral effects on the Quebec labor market, basing the assessment on creating or maintaining jobs, developing or transferring skills or knowledge, or resorbing a shortage of manpower in the profession or trade concerned;

  • his hiring in Québec is not, or is likely to be, prejudicial to the settlement of a labor dispute in the place of employment in which the foreign national is employed, or to the employment of another person concerned by such a labor dispute, and does not contravene the application of the Labor Code (RSQ, C-27);

  • an employer who has been carrying on a business in Québec for at least 12 months undertakes in writing to reserve the employment for the foreign national or his spouse, where applicable, and the foreign national or his spouse, as the case may be, undertakes to written to hold this position upon admission to Canada.

5.3 Filing of the application for a job offer validated by an employer

After having inquired about the conditions required to hire a permanent foreign worker, the employer who wishes to validate an offer of employment must submit to the Ministère the validated Job Offer form accompanied by the following documents: a letter indicating his intention to hire a worker foreign. This letter, on the letterhead of the company concerned, must specify the title of the job offered, the name of the candidate and his date of birth, as well as the name and the contact information of the person responsible for hiring.

  • the legal proof of registration of the company;
  • a copy of the most recent financial statements, signed by an accountant;
  • the curriculum vitae of the candidate;
  • a copy of the candidate’s diplomas;
  • a copy of the candidate’s passport;
  • the payment of fees required for the examination of a validated Job Offer.

The letter of intent must be sent to the Direction of Economic Immigration-Quebec (DIEQ) or the Quebec Immigration Service (SIQ) covering the territory concerned.

Upon receipt of the letter of intent to hire, a letter of correspondence is sent to the employer with the Validation of Employment form and the Additional Information form. These last two forms must be returned to the MIDI accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the candidate and, where applicable, of the authorization to practice the profession or regulated profession of the regulatory body concerned, as well as documents following:

The Validation of Permanent Employment form, duly completed and signed, must also be accompanied by the fees required for the examination of a permanent job offer. For terms of payment of fees, see Chapter 4 of Component 5 (SEE GPI 5-4).

Individual reference number corresponds to the immigration file number of the foreign worker covered by the job offer, if applicable. It is also indicated whether the job offered is located in the Greater Montreal Area (RMM) or outside of it. The list of cities and boroughs included in the RMM can be found in Appendix 3 of this chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, APPENDIX 3).

5.4 Examination of the application for a validated job offer

The review of an application for a validated Job Offer with respect to the regulatory requirements consists of three steps:

  • the analysis of the company;
  • the analysis of the job offer;
  • the candidate’s skills analysis.

5.4.1 Business Analysis

5.4.2 Analysis of the job offer Procedure for the determination of wages.

If the employment offered is covered by a collective agreement or decree, the salary must comply with the provisions of this agreement or decree.

The employment is not covered by a collective agreement or decree, the Ministry determines the wage rate by referring to the document Hourly wage by Occupation and Interval by Quartile in Quebec (PDF, 1.3 MB) by Emploi-Québec. The hourly wage to be applied is established according to the work experience required by the employer:

For occupations not listed in the Emploi-Québec document, the Ministère is refers to the Government of Canada Job Bank website. In this case, the employer must offer the median hourly wage of the region where the job or salary is median schedule for all of Québec, if regional data is not available.

The last source of the Department is the Quebec Total Compensation Survey.

the Quebec Institute of Statistics (ISQ). Salary is established according to the procedure described in the Emploi-Québec document.

The Department ensures that the business has been in business for more than 12 months. This verification is made from information such as the date of foundation, economic activities, financial statements, number of employees, planning of manpower requirements, etc. Need for manpower

The need for labor is examined on the basis of:

Labor Market Information (LMI) services and Emploi-Québec regional economists are sources of information in this regard;

reasonable efforts made by the employer for residents of Quebec to perform this job or train

  • publication of the job offer in newspapers, journals or the electronic media;
  • the use of Emploi-Québec services or a personnel recruitment firm;
  • the possibility, in the short term, of filling the job by a graduate from an educational institution located in Québec;
  • information on the number of people who have applied for the post and, if applicable, the reasons for refusing their application;
  • the description of the position to be filled by the employer, namely the description

Tasks and responsibilities, as well as the requirements and qualifications required according to those described in the NOC or the requirements that apply in Quebec for the practice of the trade or related trades;

  • the working conditions and the salary offered, under the Act respecting labor standards and conditions in force in the economic sector for the type of job to be filled;

  • the evolution and turnover of the employer’s workforce, including

where applicable, immigrants established in Quebec, those hired previously in this program, and temporary workers hired under temporary foreign worker hiring programs. Company visit

If necessary, a visit of the company may be necessary for the following reasons:

  • the employer makes an initial request for a validated job offer. It’s a new employer that does not have an open file at MIDI yet;

  • additional verifications are necessary, either at the level of the viability of the enterprise, or at the level of the offer of employment, taking into account the sector of economic activities, the size of the enterprise, the nature of the position and the availability of written or electronic information about the company.

5.4.3 Analysis of the candidate’s skills

The Ministry determines whether the candidate (or, where applicable, his or her spouse) is qualified to take up the job.

To do this, he determines:

  • if the candidate concerned has the required qualifications, by comparing the information contained in his CV, his diplomas and the work certificates, if applicable, with the job description of the job, the employer’s training requirements and the specific experience and specifications described by the employer on the validated Employment Validation Job Offer form and the Supplementary Information form in the “Job Information (Continued)” section.

  • if the successful candidate meets the licensing requirements by comparing the information contained in his / her resume (and supporting documentation) with the requirements outlined in the NOC or with the requirements for the practice of profession in Quebec. If applicable, an audit is conducted to determine whether the candidate has obtained authorization to practice the profession or trade regulated by the regulatory body concerned.

5.5 Decision

Following the evaluation of the job offer and the skills of the candidate or his / her spouse, the possible decisions are the acceptance of the validation of the job offer or its refusal.

5.5.1 Acceptance of a validated job offer

The Ministry indicates its acceptance by ticking the “Accepted” box on the form. Validation of permanent employment. The acceptance of a validated Job Offer application is confirmed by a letter to the employer. Selection of the candidate

The candidate and, where applicable, his / her spouse are evaluated in priority with regard to all the factors of the selection grid.

Procedures for evaluating selection factors and criteria are presented in Section 3 of this chapter (GPI 3-1, SECTION 3). Remember that the points on the Validated Job Offer factor can be allocated to the principal applicant or the spouse targeted by a validated job offer.

5.5.2 Refusal of Validated Job Offer Application

If the validated job offer does not meet the regulatory requirements or if the candidate does not have the skills in view of the job offer, the letter of refusal of the application for a job offer validated is sent to the employer in which the reason for refusal is indicated.


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魁北克有效雇主 offer 申请流程。

Apply to hire a permanent foreign worker

Here is the procedure for hiring a permanent foreign worker:

1. If you believe you meet the [requirements for hiring a permanent foreign worker] (https://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/employeurs/en/employer-permanent/conditions-requises/index.html) (validated job offer factor from the Selection Grid), complete the form [Validated Job Offer] (https://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/publications/fr/form/validation-emploi -permanent-dyn.pdf) (dynamic PDF, 809 KB) and forward it to the Department of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion with the following documents:

To these documents, you must enclose the payment of the [fees required] (https://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/employeurs/en/employer-permanent/apply/fees.html) for the examination a validated job offer.

Send it to the [Registration and Benchmarking Branch] (https://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/coordonnees/addresses-quebec.html).

1. If your file is deemed responsive, you may be contacted by a Ministry official for further information. The decision of the Ministry will then be sent to you by mail.

2. If your job offer is approved, you will receive by mail the letter of acceptance and a copy of the validated job offer form.

Recruitment steps

** If the candidate you wish to hire on a permanent basis is already employed and has a Temporary Work Permit **, you are not required to take steps to fill the position by hand. local application before submitting your application, and you do not need to provide any evidence of it.

However, ** if the candidate you want to hire on a permanent basis is abroad or not already employed while holding a temporary work permit **, you must take such steps before submitting an application job offer validated. Please note that proof of your recruitment process will be required at the time of submission of your application.

Here are the recruitment procedures that you must perform at a minimum:

  • Post the position for four consecutive weeks in the six months preceding the submission of your application to hire a permanent foreign worker;
  • Post the job on the site * Emploi-Québec’s online placement *;
  • Also use at least one other recruitment method. Depending on the type of job, posting may be done on job search websites or general websites such as Monster, Jobboom or Workopolis.

If you have not been able to fill the position with the local workforce, then you can apply to hire a permanent foreign worker.

When submitting your application, you will need to provide proof of your recruitment process, explaining the nature of the application and the results obtained. You will also be required to attach a copy of the advertisements to the vacant position you posted on Emploi-Québec’s * Placement en ligne * website and other specialized job search websites. If you are not authorized to post on Emploi-Québec’s * Placement en ligne * web site (for example, if you wish to recruit a physician on a fee-for-service basis), you must justify it in writing.


Faire une demande pour embaucher un travailleur étranger permanent

Voici la marche à suivre pour embaucher un travailleur étranger permanent :

  1. Si vous croyez satisfaire aux conditions requises pour embaucher un travailleur étranger permanent (facteur Offre d’emploi validée de la Grille de sélection), remplissez le formulaire Offre d’emploi validée (PDF dynamique, 809 Ko) et transmettez-le au ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion accompagné des documents suivants :
  • une copie des diplômes du candidat;
  • une copie du passeport du candidat;
  • une copie du permis de travail du candidat et de ses trois derniers talons de paye, s’il est déjà à votre emploi;
  • une preuve légale de l’enregistrement de votre entreprise;
  • une copie de vos états financiers les plus récents, signés par un comptable;
  • les preuves de vos démarches de recrutement;
  • le curriculum vitae du candidat;
  • le Formulaire d’autodéclaration de l’employeur (A-0700-PF) (PDF dynamique, 178 Ko);
  • le paiement des frais exigés pour l’examen d’une offre d’emploi validée.

À ces documents, vous devez joindre le paiement des frais exigéspour l’examen d’une offre d’emploi validée.

Expédiez le tout à la Direction de l’enregistrement et de l’évaluation comparative.

  1. Si votre dossier est jugé recevable, il se pourrait qu’un agent du Ministère vous contacte afin d’obtenir un complément d’information. La décision du Ministère vous sera ensuite transmise par la poste.

  2. Si votre offre d’emploi est approuvée, vous recevrez par la poste la lettre d’acceptation et une copie du formulaire d’offre d’emploi validée.

Démarches de recrutement

Si le candidat que vous souhaitez recruter de façon permanente est déjà à votre emploi et qu’il détient un permis de travail temporaire , vous n’êtes pas tenu de faire des démarches pour combler le poste par la main-d’œuvre locale avant de présenter votre demande, et vous n’avez pas besoin de fournir de preuves de celles-ci.

Toutefois, si le candidat que vous voulez embaucher de façon permanente est à l’étranger ou n’est pas déjà à votre emploi tout en détenant un permis de travail temporaire , vous devez effectuer de telles démarches avant de présenter une demande d’offre d’emploi validée. Précisons que des preuves de vos démarches de recrutement vous seront demandées au moment de la présentation de votre demande.

Voici les démarches de recrutement que vous devez minimalement effectuer, soit :

  • Afficher le poste pendant quatre semaines consécutives, dans les six mois précédant la présentation de votre demande pour embaucher un travailleur étranger permanent;
  • Afficher le poste sur le site Placement en ligne d’Emploi-Québec;
  • Avoir aussi recours à au moins une autre méthode de recrutement. Selon le type d’emploi, l’affichage peut être fait sur des sites Web spécialisés en recherche d’emploi ou des sites Web généraux tels Monster, Jobboom ou Workopolis.
L’annonce du poste à pourvoir doit comprendre le nom commercial de l’entreprise, son adresse, le lieu de l’emploi, les coordonnées de la personne ressource, le titre du poste et ses fonctions, les compétences requises (le nombre d’années d’expérience et la formation scolaire) ainsi que le salaire offert. De plus, elle doit paraître à deux endroits minimalement.

Si vos démarches n’ont pas permis de pourvoir le poste par la main-d’œuvre locale, vous pourrez alors présenter une demande pour embaucher un travailleur étranger permanent.

Au moment de la présentation de votre demande, vous devrez fournir les preuves de vos démarches de recrutement en expliquant la nature de celles-ci, ainsi que les résultats obtenus. Vous devrez également joindre une copie des annonces sur le poste à pourvoir que vous avez fait paraître sur le site Placement en ligne d’Emploi-Québec et sur les autres sites Web spécialisés en recherche d’emploi. Si vous n’êtes pas autorisé à afficher sur le site Placement en ligne d’Emploi-Québec (par exemple si vous souhaitez recruter un médecin payé à l’acte), vous devrez le justifier par écrit.

Assurez-vous de joindre à votre envoi tous les documents requis pour ne pas retarder l’examen de votre demande.

Étapes réservées au travailleur étranger qui a une offre d’emploi validée

  • Le travailleur étranger qui a une offre d’emploi validée doit utiliser l’espace sécurisé Mon projet Québec pour faire une demande de Certificat de sélection du Québec, quel que soit l’endroit où il réside dans le monde. Sa demande sera évaluée selon des critères de sélection qui concernent directement sa personne et ses compétences.
  • Si le travailleur étranger obtient un Certificat de sélection du Québec, il devra ensuite déposer une demande de résidence permanente (visa) à titre de travailleur qualifié sélectionné par le Québec auprès du Bureau de réception centralisée au Canada, à Sydney en Nouvelle-Écosse.
  • Le gouvernement du Canada évaluera le dossier médical du travailleur étranger et de celui de chacun des membres de sa famille. Il effectuera aussi un contrôle de sécurité.
  • Si le travailleur étranger passe avec succès cette étape, le gouvernement du Canada lui délivrera un visa de résidence permanente.

102x83 Pour en savoir plus

Travailleurs permanents – Faire une demande d’immigration officielle


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
