加拿大探亲访问签证清单(有过访加记录) Visit your children or grandchildren

加拿大访问签证(临时居留签证) visit(temporary resident visas) 继续讨论:

探亲访问签证清单(有过访加记录) - 飞出国

Checklist for Prior Travel to Canada (For clients who have previously obtained a Visa and have travelled to Canada in the past five years)Temporary Resident Visa Applications
曾经去过加拿大 (在过往五年中曾获得过签证并且访问过加拿大的人士)临时居留签证申请审核表

  1. Completed “Application for a Temporary Resident Visa” (IMM 5257). An Application form is required for each applicant, including each accompanying child.
    填写完整的“临时居民访问签证申请表 (IMM5257)”。每位申请人及每名随行子女均需一份单独的申请表格。

  2. Completed “Family Information” form (IMM 5645) for you and each accompanying family member aged 18 years old and above, completed in English or French AND Chinese.
    申请人及每位年满 18 周岁及以上的随行家庭成员完整填写“家庭信息表”(IMM5645),请使用中英文或中法文填写

  3. Two (2) identical photos of the applicant and each accompanying family member, colour or black and white taken against a plain white or light coloured background within the last 6 months. The frame size is 35mm X 45mm. On the back of one photo in each set, write the name in pinyin and date of birth (day/month/year) of the person appearing in the photo.
    申请人及每位随行的家庭成员每人需递交两张相同的在最近六个月内拍摄的彩色或黑白照片,背景为纯白色或浅色。相片外框大小为 35 毫米 X 45 毫米。每张照片后以拼音注明此人的姓名及出生日期(日/月/年)。

  4. A valid passport for the applicant and each accompanying family member. There must be one completely blank page other than the last page, available in each passport and each passport must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to travel

  5. Two (2) self-addressed adhesive labels with the applicant’s current address in Chinese characters (no envelope). 两份用中文写有申请人现住址的粘性贴纸 (无需信封)。

  6. The correct application processing fee paid in cash. Fee is non- refundable. 以现金支付正确的申请受理费。受理费不予退还。

  7. “Use of a Representative” form (IMM5476E) if someone has assisted you in making this application. 如有第三方人士帮助你准备此次申请,请填写代理人信息表(IMM5476E)。

  8. For children less than 18 years old, Parental Letter of Consent from your non-accompanying parent(s) authorizing your travel. This letter should contain the dates of travel and your parent(s)’ contact information.
    18 岁以下的申请人需有其未随行父/母出具的同意其旅行的父母同意函,此函应包含申请人旅行日期及其父母联系方式 等信息。

  9. If you were issued a Temporary Resident Visa as a visitor in the past five years and visited Canada, respected the conditions of your visit, and departed from Canada at the end of the period authorized for your stay: you are only required to submit a statement explaining your current purpose of travel to Canada with your application.
    若你在过往五年中曾被签发过临时居民访问签证并且 到访过加拿大,未违背访问的相关要求、且在被授权 的逗留期限结束后离开了加拿大: 你只需递交一份陈述你此次申请访加目的的说明
