- 从VETASSESS职业评估要求来讲,大学讲师被定义为在大学里就规定的学习课程的一个或者多个科目对学生讲课并给与辅导,并在特定的知识领域进行研究。除开大学讲师这个称呼,该职业的其他称呼有副讲师,高级讲师,副教授或者教授。这些职位通常都是需要兼顾教学和研究工作的。
- 除此之外,VETASSESS还会评估只做科研的申请人,比如助理研究员和研究员,这些都是与大学讲师这个职业高度相关的职位。抛开这些不同的职位称呼,大学讲师这个职位的共同点在于:大学讲师是由大学雇佣的学术人员,需要在他们所专长的学术领域进行教学和研究。
- 大学助教,职业教育老师(非技工类),以及硕博期间的进修假期这种都不能算作大学讲师的相关工作经历。
The definition of a University Lecturer for the purpose of our assessment criteria is someone who lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and who conducts research in a particular field of knowledge.
The other titles we see in the industry for this occupation are Associate Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor. These roles generally require both teaching and research activity. However, we also assess research-only roles, such as Research Associate and Research Fellow, as highly relevant to the role of a University Lecturer.
Roles that are not considered highly relevant for the assessment of this occupation include University Tutor, Vocational Education Teacher/Polytechnic Teacher and periods of study leave (to complete Master or Doctoral studies) for which an applicant is not paid a full salary.
- 申请VETASSESS职业评估,申请人需要递交学历和工作方面的证明材料。首先,大学讲师至少都是本科学位学历,所学专业需要是与教学和研究相关的专业。除此之外,所做的工作内容应该包括:
- 准备并做授课,做专题报告,参与研讨会和实验室会议 preparing and delivering lectures, and conducting tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions
- 对特定知识领域进行研究并担任顾问 conducting research and undertaking consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
- 大学讲师职业评估需要提交研究成果的证明。在澳大利亚,大学讲师通常在参考期刊上发表原创研究成果。科研是大学讲师职业的核心工作内容,申请人需要提供其已发表的研究成果的证明。
- 是为了发现某个事实或者结论所做的科学或者学术调查 Scientific / scholarly investigation that arrives at the discovery of facts/conclusion;
- 经验过程优先于判断 Empirical processes take precedence over judgement;
- 包括一个参考目录(学术类,而不是一般的类似于杂志等参考来源)Contains a bibliography (academic and not generic sources like magazines);
- 迎合特定的受众(作者假定读者有该领域的一定层次的知识)Caters to a specific audience (the author will assume that the reader has a certain level of knowledge about the field and the topic at hand);
- 由大学出版社或者专业组织在同行评审期刊上出版 (学术期刊通常是月度或者季度出版)Published by university presses or professional organisations in peer-reviewed journals (academic journals are usually published monthly or quarterly)
- 由于被该领域的专业学者评审,有一定程度的国际认可的高学术标准 High academic standards due to rigorous peer-review by academics in the field
- 可验证可追溯的 Verifiable and traceable
- 用于职业评估,申请人需要提供至少一篇在期刊或者书籍上发表的文章。
- VETASSESS接受任何研究发表,无论是在学习期间发表还是在高度相关的工作中发表,只要发表(或接受发表)日期在过去五年内。We will accept any research publication, whether published during studies or highly relevant employment, as long as the date of publication (or acceptance for publication) falls within the last five years.
- VETASSESS能够追踪和验证出版物。 例如,发表在被 Web of Science (WoS) , Scopus 和ARC ERA Journal List索引的学术期刊上的研究论文被认为是“认可的”。 * We need to be able to trace and verify the publication. As an example, research papers published in academic journals that are indexed in Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and ARC ERA Journal List are considered ‘recognised’. Potential predatory journals and publishers are not acceptable.
- 对于同行评审文献的摘要和引文数据库中未列出的出版物,如 WoS , Scopus和ARC ERA Journal List,将进行逐案评估,同时考虑相关的质量指标,如同行评审过程。 * For publications not listed in an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, such as Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and ARC ERA Journal List, a case-by-case assessment will be conducted, taking into consideration relevant quality indicators, such as the peer-review process.
- 学历至少是本科学士学位,且专业是与教学和研究相关的。
- 合适的工作单位应该是大学和大学附属学院。且需要由单位出具推荐信说明工作内容。
- 高度相关的工作职责要包括教学和研究两方面的,同时都是有偿的。至少有一年相关工作经验,且每周不低于20小时。
- 必须提供研究方面的证明,申请人需要参照VETASSESS官方的Publication List Template填写好近五年的研究和发表文章,尽可能提供多的信息以便评估机构进行核实。
- 工作必须是全额发薪的。有些大学允许在职教职工保留岗位的同时,再去深造读博,如果这期间还是全额发薪的话,那么这段时间也可以算作工作年限。如果所拿的报酬是津贴,奖学金或者部分发薪,则该段时间不被认可为工作年限。
- 需要提交详细的个人简历,包括发表的文章,获得的奖项,政府津贴,参加的会议以及其他个人成就,方便评估机构全面了解申请人的专业活动和成就。
Six tips for your skills assessment
Before lodging your application for assessment, ensure that you meet these key requirements:
- The minimum education requirement is a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an AQF Bachelor degree or higher, in a field of study which is highly relevant to your area of teaching and research.
- Appropriate employment settings for University Lecturers include accredited universities, and colleges affiliated with accredited universities. Applicants are required to provide a Statement of Service from their university employer that confirms highly relevant tasks.
- Highly relevant tasks include both teaching and research. Your university employer must be able to confirm that you are paid to perform both tasks. The minimum requirement for employment experience is one year at an appropriate skill level, i.e. after the educational requirement is met, working a minimum of 20 hours per week.
- Demonstration of research is mandatory. Applicants are required to complete the Publication List Template which provides a comprehensive list of research/publications in the last five years prior to lodging a skills assessment application. When completing the template list, provide as much information as possible to assist your Assessment Officer in accurately tracing and verifying your research work.
- Employment must be fully paid. Some overseas universities may allow for an employee to pursue further studies relevant to their specialised area of teaching and research; for example, to complete doctoral studies at an Australian university while they remain on the payroll in a highly relevant role, such as lecturer. This period of employment can still be considered, as long as full pay is/was received during this period. Note that evidence of a stipend, scholarship, or partial payment of salary will not be accepted as appropriate remuneration.
- Don’t forget your CV! A self-authored and detailed curriculum vitae provides a comprehensive overview of your professional activities and achievements. University Lecturers will generally be able to provide a list of all their publications, awards, grants, conferences and other achievements, which may serve as additional supporting information for a skills assessment application.