



The assessment process involves several stages, including a thorough review and analysis of all the information available through the documents you have provided. We carefully assess qualification and employment documents against their relevance to your nominated occupation.

As a part of this process, the assessment team may identify gaps in information. Your assessment officer may also wish to contact you or your nominated referee to confirm the purpose of the role, skill level required for the position or the authenticity of your evidence. We conduct an interview to address these issues.

Interviews can be conducted at any stage of the assessment process, whether it is an initial assessment or a review of an unsuccessful outcome. This is a crucial step and the information collected from the interview will be considered alongside the documents supplied in making a decision on the application.


  1. 背调一般是通过电话进行的。有时候,面试也有可能通过视屏会议的形式进行。当申请人接到VETASSESS的背调电话时,需要记住审核官员是已经审核了申请人的材料但是觉得信息有缺失才进行的背调。

Interviews with applicants can be conducted by phone. Occasionally, an interview may also be scheduled via a video conferencing service.

As an applicant, when you receive a call from us, it is important to remember that the assessment team have already reviewed your application and wish to either clarify certain aspects of your role or address gaps in information available through official documents.

  1. 背调通常是10-30分钟时长,根据申请个案情况以及信息缺失程度,面试所问的问题以及时长会有所区别。

A typical interview can be between 10 - 30 minutes. However, the exact questions and the duration depend on the application and the nature of gaps identified by the assessment team.

  1. VETASSESS所进行的背调都是英文的,不提供翻译。这样也是侧面证明申请人不仅仅具备提名职业的技能,还能在澳洲发挥这些技能。

It is VETASSESS policy that interviews with applicants are conducted in English and no interpreter is allowed. This supports the intention that applicants are not only skilled in their nominated occupation but also able to transfer their skills to the Australian workforce.


  1. 接到背调电话时,VETASSESS首先会表明来电意图,在正式背调之前,VETASSESS先会问几个问题以确认申请人的身份,并告知电话会进行录音。
  2. VETASSESS会询问申请人所工作的公司以及日常工作职责,对应这些职责,会问到关于这个岗位所需要的技能及知识。
  3. 对于背调的问题没有特定的模式,但是,审核官会给足申请人时间阐述自己的工作内容。
  4. VETASSESS背调的目的主要是要了解申请人工作的主要核心,所做工作内容需要道德技能以及工作职能范围。


  1. 针对申请人提供的用于评估的工作履历,每一段工作履历的推荐人都有可能接到背调电话。如果提供了推荐人的工作电子邮箱,VETASSESS也有可能通过电子邮件的形式确认工作内容。因为推荐人的回答会对整个评估结果起到至关重要的作用,因此,提供一位合适的推荐人尤其重要。一般说来,推荐人最好是比申请人职位高的,比如主管或者直属经理或者HR经理,但是最重要的是,这位推荐人需要了解申请人的职位和日常工作职责。VETASSESS不接受平级同事作为推荐人。
  2. 背调推荐人的时候,VETASSESS会通过问问题以确认申请人的工作情况,工作岗位性质,汇报线,以及大体职责。所以,建议申请人可以提前告知推荐人,并提醒推荐人可能会接到VETASSESS的背调电话。
  3. 鉴于时区不同以及工作繁忙等因素,VETASSESS有可能没那么容易联系上推荐人,但是,VETASSESS会多次在不同日期不同时间点尝试联系推荐人。如果推荐人时间不方便,审核官会安排其他合适的时间。在某些情况下,VETASSESS会用推荐人的本国语言进行背调。

As a part of the application, applicants are required to nominate a referee for each of their listed periods of employment.

In certain cases, the assessment team may wish to verify the employment by contacting your nominated referee by phone. Employment verification may also be conducted by email if you have supplied the referee’s official company email address. The information gathered through employment verification is crucial and forms a very important component in arriving at the final assessment outcome. Nominating a suitable referee is therefore vital to a Skills Assessment application. While nominating a referee, it is ideal to list someone senior to you, such as a supervisor or direct manager, or your HR manager. Above all, you should nominate someone who is familiar with your role and understands your daily responsibilities. We can’t accept someone who is at the same level as you or reporting to you as a referee.

When conducting an interview with the referee, the assessor may ask them several questions to verify your employment claims, clarify the purpose of the role, reporting structure and your overall responsibilities. It may help to speak with your referee beforehand and remind them that they may receive a call from us to verify employment claims.

Considering the differences in time zones between countries and busy schedules, it can be difficult to establish contact with referees. However, our assessment team will make multiple attempts at different times and on separate days to try to get in touch with your employers. If the time is not suitable for the referee, the assessment officer may schedule another time that suits. In some instances, we may conduct interviews with referees in their native language.


  1. 申请人接到VETASSESS的背调电话,并不一定意味着申请有问题。同样的道理,接到背调电话也不代表申请就会通过。
  2. 如果接听VETASSESS背调电话的时间不方便,可以要求审核官换一个时间再打。
  3. 如果对于背调的问题不是很清楚,可以要求审核官重复一遍或者进一步说明这个问题。
  4. 不要提供不准确或者错误的信息,否则将会引起诚信问题并对职评结果不好。
  5. 背调过程中提供清晰,简明以及准确的信息可以使得评估流程更加顺畅。
  6. VETASSESS经常会遇到背调时联系不上申请人或者推荐人,遇到这种情况,VETASSESS会要求申请人提供其他联系方式或者安排一个合适的时间进行电话背调,这也会导致审理时间延长。因此,如果申请人或者推荐人信息有变更,请申请人即使更新给VETASSESS,这样的话,如果有背调就会更顺畅一些。
  7. 背调结束后,如果VETASSESS在出具最终评估结果前,认为还需要进一步的信息,会通过在线系统告知。