VETASSESS职业评估Valuer 224512 估价师职业介绍Information Sheet (202302版)

飞出国注:以下是VETASSESS职业评估Valuer 224512 估价师职业介绍Information Sheet的官网2023年02月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。

Valuer 224512 估价师职业基本介绍-飞出国


Valuers assess the value of land, property, commercial equipment, merchandise, personal effects, household goods and objects of art.

以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:

  • 工程和机械估价师 Plant and Machinery Valuer
  • 财产估价师 Property Valuer
  • 房地产估价师 Real Estate Valuer

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 土地经济学家/财产经济学家 Land Economist/Property Economist
  • 城市和区域规划师 Urban and Regional Planner
  • 物业经理 Property Manager
  • 房地产中介 Real Estate Agent
  • 房地产代表 Real Estate Representative

Valuer 224512 估价师职业评估要求-飞出国

  1. Valuer 224512 估价师属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业是估价Valuation,估价是一门评估土地,建筑,商业,资产,及其,艺术和个人物品价值的学科。如果后续工作是地产相关的评估工作,以下专业可以算高度相关:
  • 土地及地产评估 Land and Property Valuation
  • 估价原则 Principles of Valuation
  • 租赁估值和厘定 Rental Valuation and Determination
  • 现金流分析 Cash Flow Analysis
  • 预测方法 Forecasting Methods
  • 投资组合和估价 Investment Portfolio and Evaluation
  • 物权法 Property Law
  • 土地所有权和使用权 Land Ownership and Tenure
  • 房地产开发 Property Development
  • 建筑施工概论 Building Construction Overview
  • 可行性分析 Feasibility Studies
  • 资产评估 Asset Management


  • 估价原则 Principles of Valuation
  • 经济学 Economics
  • 数学 Mathematics
  • 统计学和其他分析工具 Statistics and other Analytical Tools
  • 专业估价 Specialist Valuation
  • 估价过程中计算机的运用 Application of Computers to the Valuation Process
  • 估价商品,动产,工厂和设备 Valuing Goods, Chattels, Plant and Equipment
  • 土地和牲畜 Land and Livestock
  • 资产分类,营销和增值 Catalogues, Marketing and Promotion of Assets
  • 酒类估值 Liquor Valuation
  • 汽车估值 Motor Vehicle Valuation
  • 差饷及征税的估值 Valuation for Rating and Taxing
  • 工商管理 Business Administration
  • 现金流分析 Cash Flow Analysis
  • 财务申报 Financial Reporting
  • 消费者保护 Consumer Protection
  • 法律环境和商业 Legal Environment and Business
  1. 工作经验要求, 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责包括但不限于:
  • 检查财产,包括现场或者路过检查(快速检查)Examining property, including onsite or drive-by inspections
  • 就估价事宜提供咨询建议 Providing consultancy advice on valuation matters
  • 综合考虑市场需求,物品情况,未来趋势以及其他因素计算价值 Calculating values by considering market demand, condition of items, future trends and other factors
  • 选择估值的方法 Selecting method of valuation
  • 在法律诉讼中提供证据,调解估价事宜 Providing evidence in legal proceedings, mediating on valuation matters
  • 为仲裁目的提供租金决定 Providing rental determinations for arbitration purposes
  1. Valuer 224512 估价师就业情况:
  • 估价师专长于决定土地,建筑,财产,机械,艺术品或者个人物品的价值。如果是工作于地产背景,则估价师通常会通过检查资产,决定合适的估价方法,提供书面的评估报告等就估价事宜提供咨询建议。通常这样做的目的是为了有助于抵押贷款,租金决定和法律程序。
  • 如果工作主要内容是土地经济学,物业管理,城市区域规划和设计,则不算是与估价师相关。

Valuers specialise in determining the value of land, buildings, properties, machinery, art and/or personal items. For employment in property, Valuers provide consultancy advice on valuation matters by examining properties, determining appropriate valuation methods and providing written assessments/reports. They can do this for the purposes of mortgage lending, rental determinations and legal proceedings (arbitration purposes).

Roles with a primary focus on land economics, property management, urban and regional planning and design would not be considered relevant to the occupation of Valuer.

  1. 其他证明材料:除开VETASSESS要求的常规证明材料,申请人如有参加相关培训课程,有注册或者执业证书,也可以提供,可以再简历里注明。

Applicants may also provide details of any relevant training or professional development courses undertaken, and licences/registrations held that relate to performing the role, if applicable. These may be detailed in the Curriculum Vitae/Resume provided.


The requirements outlined in this information sheet relate to VETASSESS skills assessments for migration purposes. For particular valuation professions, additional accreditation requirements may apply. Applicants are required to perform their own research to determine any additional accreditation requirements.