VETASSESS职业评估University Lecturer 242111大学讲师职业介绍Information Sheet

University Lecturer 242111大学讲师职业基本介绍


University Lecturers lecture students and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conduct research in a particular field of knowledge.


  • 副讲师 Associate Lecturer
  • 高级讲师 Senior Lecturer
  • 副教授 Associate Professor
  • 教授 Professor
  • 助理研究员 Research Associate
  • 研究员 Research Fellow

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 大学助教 University Tutor
  • 职业教育老师/理工学院教师 Vocational Education Teacher / Polytechnic Teacher


University Lecturer 242111大学讲师评估要求

  1. University Lecturer 242111大学讲师属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

Applicants must also have at least one year of highly relevant, post-qualification employment, at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years.
Applicants will not meet the required skill level if:

  • the qualification(s) are not at the required educational level;
  • the qualification(s) are not in a highly relevant field of study;
  • the employment has been completed prior to the completion of the qualification.

A positive assessment of both qualifications and employment is required for a positive Skills Assessment Outcome.

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,专业是与所教科目或者研究领域相关的专业就算是相关专业。This occupation requires a qualification in a university academic discipline of high relevance to the required teaching and research specialisation.

  2. 工作经验要求,高度相关的工作职责:

  • 以教学为主的大学讲师的工作职责,包括:

    • 准备并做授课,做专题报告,参与研讨会和实验室会议 preparing and delivering lectures, and conducting tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions
    • 给论文、作业和考卷评分 preparing and marking essays, assignments and examinations
    • 为学生提供学术或相关事宜建议 advising students on academic and related matters
    • 参加部门和教职工会议、学术会议和研讨会 attending departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars
    • 监督研究生,荣誉生以及个别辅导员的工作 supervising work programs of postgraduate and honours students and tutorial staff
    • 参与设置课程和学位的要求,修订课程和学术规划 participating in setting course and degree requirements, curriculum revision and academic planning
    • 任职于校董会、教务处、教职工和其他委员会和教授委员会 serving on council, senate, faculty and other committees and professorial boards
    • 对特定知识领域进行研究并担任顾问 conducting research and undertaking consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
    • 鼓励和引导课堂讨论 stimulating and guiding class discussions
    • 编辑参考书以作为阅读作业 compiling bibliographies of specialised materials for reading assignments
  • 非教学/研究为主的大学讲师的工作职责,包括:

    • 从事相关领域研究,且该领域与学校/教职工现有优势上形成战略上的互补,以期在原创期刊上发表原创和创新成果 undertaking research in an area strategically complementary to the existing strengths of the school/faculty with the view to publish original and innovative results in refereed journals
      • 在学术研讨会以及国内国际会议上介绍研究 presenting research at academic seminars and at national and international conferences
      • 与其他国家或者国际水平的研究人员一同协作 collaborating with other researchers at a national and/or international level
      • 积极寻求并获得外部资金,包括准备研究方案并提交给外部资金机构 actively seeking and securing external funding including the preparation and submission of research proposals to external funding bodies

University Lecturer 242111大学讲师职业说明

  1. 大学讲师是大学雇佣的学术类职工,需要同时教课且在所属的学术领域有做研究。

University Lecturers are academic staff employed by universities who are required to both teach and conduct research in their academic field.

  1. 大学讲师这个提名职业包括了教学为主和非教学为主的岗位。其中,教学和科研都要兼顾的有讲师,副讲师,高级讲师,副教授和教授等,非教学的岗位或者只做研究的岗位,比如助理研究员和研究员这种,通常都不需要进行教课,但是只要所做的学术研究可以提供证明文件,仍然可以满足评估要求。

This occupation includes both teaching and non-teaching roles. Teaching roles, such as Lecturer, Associate Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor require involvement in both teaching and research. Non-teaching roles, or research-only roles, such as Research Associate and Research Fellow, would generally not be required to teach at all, but will still meet the assessment requirements if evidence of scholarly research is provided.

  1. 要通过职业评估,所做研究相关的证明是必须的。所有提名大学讲师职业的申请人都需要提供近五年内发表的(被采纳待发表)的至少一篇与教学和科研相关领域的文章。

For a positive skills assessment outcome, demonstration of research is mandatory. Applicants are required to provide evidence of at least one publication, relevant to their field of teaching and research, published (or accepted for publication) within the last five years.

  1. 与提名职业高度相关的工作经验需要是有偿工作。如果申请人无法证明所做的研究工作是有偿的,则不满足评估要求。

A positive assessment of highly relevant employment is confirmation that an applicant is paid to perform these tasks. If applicants are unable to provide evidence that they are paid by their employer to conduct research, in the form of a Statement of Service which is supported by research evidence, they will not meet the requirements for this occupation.

  1. 大学讲师在进修假期间(仍是在案职工且拿的学校全薪)所读的课程或者所做的研究与之前所从事的教学科研工作相关,则还是可以被评估机构认可。但是需要注意的是,只有带全薪的进修假期才算,如果进修期间所拿的报酬是津贴,奖学金或者部分发薪,则该段时间不被认可为工作年限。

For University Lecturers who are on paid study leave (remain on the payroll and receive their full salary) to pursue a course of studies or to undertake research connected to the role in which their employment experience is assessed as highly relevant, the employment period for study leave may be considered. However, only paid study leave at full pay will be accepted as appropriate remuneration. Evidence of payment in the form of a stipend, scholarship or partial payment of salary will not be accepted.

  1. 如果申请人所任教的机构是一所大学的附属学院,如果满足:1. 所做的研究满足技能等级要求,2.所教的科目是本科学历层次的,其工作经验可以认可。

Employment which is carried out at an affiliated college of an accredited university (e.g. in the subcontinent) can be accepted for this occupation, provided that 1) the applicant can demonstrate that they were conducting research at an appropriate skill level, and 2) the applicant taught subjects at, or above, Bachelor degree level.

  1. 学术研究是大学讲师职业申请人的核心工作之一,因此,一般需要提供已发表的学术研究的证明:
  • 由国际认可的大学出版社或者专业机构出版
  • 经过严格的同行评审,可证实,可追溯

Research is a core task of the University Lecturer occupation and applicants are expected to demonstrate their consistent involvement in research by providing evidence of published academic research.

The research output should exhibit the following:

  • published by internationally recognised university presses or a professional organisation;
  • subject to a rigorous peer-review process, be verifiable and traceable.
  1. 而对于学术研究发表的评估则是case-by-case的,会综合考虑国际认可度,同行评审,历史发表情况,以及其他相关质量因素,比如,研究文章是发表在Web of Science和Scopus认可的学术期刊上。

The assessment is made on a case-by-case basis considering international recognition, the peer-review process, publication history, and other relevant quality indicators. For example, research papers published in academic journals that are indexed in Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus are considered ‘recognised’.

  1. 要被认可为学术研究,则研究工作需要满足:
  • 是为了发现某个事实或者结论所做的科学或者学术调查 Scientific / scholarly investigation that arrives at the discovery of facts/conclusion;
  • 经验过程优先于判断 Empirical processes take precedence over judgement;
  • 包括一个参考目录(学术类,而不是一般的类似于杂志等参考来源)Contains a bibliography (academic and not generic sources like magazines);
  • 迎合特定的受众(作者假定读者有该领域的一定层次的知识)Caters to a specific audience (the author will assume that the reader has a certain level of knowledge about the field and the topic at hand);
  • 由大学出版社或者专业组织在同行评审期刊上出版 (学术期刊通常是月度或者季度出版)Published by university presses or professional organisations in peer-reviewed journals (academic journals are usually published monthly or quarterly)
  • 由于被该领域的专业学者评审,有一定程度的国际认可的高学术标准 Internationally recognised high academic standards due to being reviewed by academics in the field.
  1. 用于职业评估,申请人需要提供期刊书籍上所发表的文章用于评估证明 For assessment purposes, applicants may provide evidence of published research in the form of published articles in journals and books.

  2. 如果申请人的职位是大学讲师,只有备课教课的工作,没有学术研究方面的职责,则不满足评估要求。

Applicants with the position title ‘University Lecturer’, but with no scholarly research duties, would not meet the criteria of this occupation. Teaching duties alone, such as the preparation and presentation of lectures, will not meet the skill level for positive assessment.

  1. 如果申请人是短期的学者,比如某个特定的学期从事教学和其他职责,一般说来这种情况的,不会同时从事教学和科研,那么也就不符合大学讲师这个提名职业。但是如果每周工作有20小时,然后有同时从事教学和研究的工作,那么只要能提供相关证明,也可以按照大学讲师来提名。

Sessional academics are casual faculty members who perform teaching and other agreed duties for specific academic terms. Sessional academics are normally employed in teaching roles and do not have research responsibilities. However, sessional academic roles can be assessed positively if consistently engaged in both teaching and research for at least 20 hours per week as part of their paid employment. Applicants should provide official evidence from their employer to support these claims.

  1. 申请人如果实在澳大利亚的大学担任大学讲师的工作,暂时没有研究成果发表,也会具体情况具体分析。通常会看申请人之前的学术成就和头衔。

Applicants who have already gained employment as a University Lecturer at an accredited Australian university, but have not had any research published yet, may be assessed on a case-by-case basis. This would be based on the submission of evidence confirming their formal academic rank and title.

  1. 提名大学讲师,申请人需要提交Publication List ,列明申请人近五年内所发表的文章,包括发表文章的名称,期刊名称,作者,ISSN/ISBN,DOI等,而对于有教学的大学讲师则需要著名所教科目以及学历层次。

Applicants nominating for this occupation are required to provide evidence of their academic research by submitting a Publication List (see Publication List Template). Publications in the last five years (prior to lodging an application) will be required for a positive skills assessment. Those applicants in dual teaching and research roles will also be required to provide details of their area and level of teaching (e.g. units taught and degree program).

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