VETASSESS职业评估Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员职业介绍Information Sheet

Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员职业基本介绍

社会专业人员从当前和历史的角度研究和研究人类行为、社会和制度,并口头表达口头陈述,并将文本和录制的口头材料从一种语言转录成另一种语言。 该职业组涵盖未在其他地方分类的社会专业人士。

Social Professionals research and study human behaviour, society and institutions from current and historical perspectives, and verbally render spoken statements, and transcribe text and recorded spoken material from one language into another. This occupation group covers Social Professionals not elsewhere classified.

以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:

  • 人类学家 Anthropologist
  • 犯罪学家 Criminologist
  • 地理学家 Geographer
  • 遗产顾问 Heritage Consultant
  • 语言学家 Linguist
  • 假释委员会成员 Parole Board Member
  • 政治学家 Political Scientist
  • 社会学家 Sociologist
  • 交通分析师 Transport Analyst
  • 哲学家 Philosopher

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 历史学家 Historian
  • 口译 Interpreter
  • 翻译 Translator
  • 考古学家 Archaeologist


NEC职业意思是not elsewhere classified其他未分类的。如果提名职业是NEC职业,申请人需要确认其学历和工作履历是与某一特定的职业相关的。如果申请人的职责与NEC职业相符,而不与其他职业代码的相符,则可以被考虑评估NEC职业。申请人也需要附上一个COVER LETTER说明提名NEC职业的合理原因。

Some occupations assessed by VETASSESS are listed as ‘nec’ which means ‘not elsewhere classified’. If nominating one of these occupations, you must ensure that your qualifications and employment are highly relevant to one of the occupation titles given in the ANZSCO description for the particular occupation. Other specific occupation titles which cannot be found elsewhere in ANZSCO will be considered on a case-by-case basis as long as they are relevant to the ‘nec’ codes. In order to be assessed against an ‘nec’ code, your occupation would generally be described as non-classified, yet specialised or related to its ANZSCO Unit Group description.

Your employment in these nominated occupations should not better match another ANZSCO code (whether assessed by VETASSESS or not). When considering whether to nominate an ‘nec’ occupation, you should consider the ANZSCO sub major group description and determine whether your skills best fit this category.

VETASSESS conducts a case-by-case assessment to determine whether the employment can be considered highly relevant to the classification. If an applicant’s employment is highly relevant to another ANZSCO occupation, the same period of employment cannot be assessed suitably against an ‘nec’ classification, regardless of whether the occupation is available for migration purposes or not.

Specialisations within the Social Professionals nec classification include (but are not limited to): Anthropologist, Criminologist, Geographer, Heritage Consultant, Linguist, Parole Board Member, Political Scientist, Sociologist, Transport Analyst, and Philosopher.

Applicants should provide a cover letter that justifies the rationale for choosing an ‘nec’ category.

Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员职业评估要求

  1. Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

  2. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业需要是与所从事职业的专业相关,比如,社会学家需要是社会学专业,跨专业学历也可以算作相关专业,只要是学历和工作之间是有明确关联的。通常说来,社工专业不算做相关专业,因为社工专业的教育形式和职业导向是不一样的,社会学通常是集中于研究和学习,但是社工更多的是设计运用社会相关知识以帮助个人和家庭。

This occupation requires a qualification of high relevance to the field of expertise in which the employment is undertaken. For example, a Sociologist must have an AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree in the field of Sociology. Interdisciplinary qualifications can also be considered if there is a clear connection between the qualification and employment.

Qualifications in Social Work would generally not be considered highly relevant to Social Professionals nec due to the very different educational pathways and career outcomes. While Sociologists and Social Workers draw on a similar body of knowledge, Sociology generally focuses on research and study, while Social Workers are more directly involved with applying knowledge about society to assist individuals and families.

  1. 工作经验要求, 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责包括但不限于:
  • 组织、验证、评估和解释历史、政治、社会学、考古学、人类学和语言学数据 Organising, authenticating, evaluating and interpreting historical, political, sociological, archaeological, anthropological and linguistic data;
  • 对人类活动进行历史和文化研究,准备和展示研究成果 Undertaking historical and cultural research into human activity, and preparing and presenting research findings;
  • 研究和理解城市发展趋势对规划和可持续性的影响 Researching and understanding trends in urban development with implications for planning and sustainability;
  • 分析和比较当代政治制度和趋势 Analysing and comparing contemporary political systems and trends;
  • 分析和报告人口变化及其对社会和经济系统的影响 Analysing and reporting on demographic changes and implications for social and economic systems;
  • 对广泛的社会现象的道德和伦理方面做出新的思考 Contributing new thinking on the moral and ethical aspects of a broad range of social phenomena;
  • 研究和了解不同的文化及其随着时间的发展和变化 Researching and understanding different cultures and their development and changes over time.
  1. Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员就业情况:
  • 社会专业人士从当前和历史的角度研究和研究人类行为、社会和机构。 为了获得积极的结果,需要参与研究。 根据工作性质,申请人应当有参与基础或应用研究。
  • 社会专业人士可以在各种组织中工作,例如大学、非营利机构、研究和咨询团体、多边组织和政府机构

Social Professionals research and study human behaviour, society and institutions from current and historical perspectives. For a positive outcome, involvement in research is required. In line with the nature of employment, applicants are expected to be involved in basic or applied research.

Social Professionals may work in a variety of organisations, such as universities, non-profit institutions, research and advisory groups, multilateral organisations and government bodies.

  1. 如果社会科学(社会学/人类学/地理学等)博士学习期间的工作,有获得一定的津贴或者奖学金,不能算做工作经验。用于职业评估的工作经验,需要是基于有偿工作且薪资水平符合该职业的市场水平。

VETASSESS will not accept doctoral studies supported only by a living allowance and/or scholarships. Consistent with Department of Home Affairs’ requirements, for skilled employment to be considered ‘remunerated’, applicants must be engaged in the occupation on a paid basis, generally at the award or market rate of the occupation. A person receiving minimal living allowances or scholarships designed to cover study expenses would not be considered to be remunerated.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Social Professionals NEC 272499其他未分类的社会专业人员职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2020年11月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。