VETASSESS职业Property Manager 612112 物业经理职业介绍Information Sheet

Property Manager 612112 物业经理职业基本介绍


A Property Manager supervises the leasing of rental properties on behalf of owners.

以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:

  • 物业管理机构经理 Body Corporate Manager

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 房地产中介 Real Estate Agent
  • 房地产代表 Real Estate Representative
  • 商业经纪人 Business Broker


Property Manager 612112 物业经理职业评估要求

  1. Property Manager 612112 物业经理属于VETASSESS评估的Group D职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲专科AQF Certificate IV层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
  • AQF Certificate III或者IV层次学历,且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • AQF Certificate IV层次学历且专业不是与提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • AQF Certificate III层次学历且专业不是与提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有三年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得AQF Certificate IV层次学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外三年相关的工作经验(这三年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)
  1. 学历要求至少有AQF Certificate IV层次学历,相关专业可以是房地产Real Estate和物业管理Property Management

  2. 工作经验要求,学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责,包括::

  • 向租户收取和持有租金,并在约定的基础上汇给业主;collecting and holding rent monies from tenants, and remitting to owner on agreed basis
  • 监控和解决不遵守租赁条款和条件的情况并追讨租金欠款;monitoring and addressing non-compliance with terms and conditions of tenancy and pursuing rental arrears
  1. Property Manager 612112 物业经理就业情况:
  • 物业经理在租赁协议中充当租户和业主之间的中介。 他们可能为有住宅租户的房地产中介工作,或者他们可能参与带有店面或大型写字楼/零售综合体租赁的商业物业管理。 他们需要熟悉与物业相关的法律法规,并具备客户服务技能,才能有效地与业主和租户打交道。
  • 物业经理负责多种租赁和行政职责。 他们负责通过物业向潜在租户展示,并代表业主评估他们是否适合成为租户。 租户搬入后,物业经理负责收取租金,定期检查以确保物业得到维护,并代表业主组织任何维修。
  • 专门从事清洁服务的工作经历不算做是物业经理相关的。

Property Managers act as intermediaries between tenants and property owners in rental agreements. They may work for a real estate agency with residential tenants, or they might be involved in commercial property management with shopfronts or large office/retail complex leasing. They need to be familiar with laws and regulations surrounding property and have customer service skills to deal effectively with both property owners and tenants.

Property Managers are accountable for a multitude of leasing and administrative duties. They are responsible for showing prospective tenants through a property and assessing their suitability to become a tenant on behalf of the owner. When tenants have moved in, the Property Manager is responsible for collecting rent, carrying out regular inspections to ensure the property is being maintained, and organising any repairs on behalf of the owner.

Employment exclusively focussed on cleaning services would not be accepted under the Property Manager occupation.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Property Manager 612112 物业经理职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年02月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。