VETASSESS职业评估Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师职业介绍Information Sheet

Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师职业基本介绍


Orthoptists diagnose and manage eye movement disorders and associated sensory deficiencies.

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 验光师 Optometrist
  • 眼科医生 Ophthalmologist

Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师职业评估要求

  1. Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业可以是视觉矫正Orthoptics

  2. 工作经验要求, 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责包括但不限于:

  • 通过测量视力和屈光不正来评估眼部健康和视觉功能,并测试视觉通路、视野、眼球运动、视力自由度和眼压的功能,以及使用特殊的眼部测试设备进行其他测试 Assessing ocular health and visual function by measuring visual acuity and refractive error, and testing the function of visual pathways, visual fields, eye movements, freedom of vision and intraocular pressure, and performing other tests using special eye test equipment;
  • 诊断眼球运动障碍和双眼功能缺陷 Diagnosing eye movement disorders and defects of binocular function;
  • 开处方运动以协调眼睛的运动和聚焦 Prescribing exercises to coordinate movement and focusing of eyes;
  • 管理眼动障碍项目,指导和咨询患者使用矫正技术和眼保健操 Managing programs for eye movement disorders, and instructing and counselling patients in the use of corrective techniques and eye exercises;
  • 进行预防性筛查计划 Conducting preventative screening programs;
  • 为视障人士进行康复计划 Conducting rehabilitation programs for the visually impaired.
  1. Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师就业情况:

视觉矫正师是受过大学培训的专职医疗保健从业人员,他们专门研究眼球运动障碍以及与眼睛和视觉系统障碍相关的诊断程序。 视觉矫正师提供各种眼部和视力障碍的评估和管理。 视觉矫正师在一系列环境中工作,包括医院、私人诊所、低视力和康复机构、社区卫生领域、临床研究中心、大学和眼科销售行业。 眼科医生不能算作该职业,而是有对应的 ANZSCO 代码 253914 眼科医生。

Orthoptists are university-trained, allied health care practitioners who specialise in disorders of eye movements and diagnostic procedures related to disorders of the eye and visual system. Orthoptists offer assessment and management of various ocular and vision disorders. Orthoptists work in a range of settings, including hospitals, private practices, low vision and rehabilitation settings, community health areas, clinical research centres, universities and within the ophthalmic sales industry. Ophthalmologist cannot be considered under this occupation as it is classified as ANZSCO code 253914 Ophthalmologist.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Orthopist 251412视觉矫正师职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年03月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。