VETASSESS职业Office Manager 512111办公室经理职业介绍Information Sheet

Office Manager 512111办公室经理职业基本介绍


An Office Manager organises and controls the functions and resources of an office such as administrative systems and office personnel.

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 接待员 Receptionists (ANZSCO Unit Group 5421)
  • 实践经理 Practice Managers (ANZSCO Unit Group 5122)
  • 私人助理 Personal Assistants (ANZSCO Unit Group 5211)
  • 秘书 Secretaries (ANZSCO Unit Group 5212)


Office Manager 512111办公室经理职业评估要求

  1. Office Manager 512111办公室经理属于VETASSESS评估的Group C职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲专科Diploma层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
  • 专科学历且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 专业科学历但专业不是与提名职业相关的,但是有相关专业的专科以下学历(等同于澳洲Certificate IV层次),那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 专科学历且专业不适于提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得专科学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外三年相关的工作经验(这三年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)

  1. 学历要求至少有专科学历,相关专业可以是工商管理Business Administration和管理学Management,其他专业要结合工作情况来看是否能算相关专业。

Other disciplines which are relevant to the employment context may be considered on a case-by-case basis (if employment is highly relevant).

  1. 工作经验要求,学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责,包括:
  • 负责办公室服务的规划和审核;设置优先次序和服务标准。contributing to the planning and review of office services, and setting priorities and office service standards
  • 分配人力资源、空间和设备。allocating human resources, space and equipment
  • 为员工分配工作并监控员工表现。assigning work to and monitoring work performance of staff
  • 管理办公室的记录和账本。managing records and accounts of the office
  • 配合专业人员开展办公业务并帮助确定问题的解决方案。liaising with Professionals to coordinate office business and to facilitate resolution of problems
  • 确保办公设备和物品的维护。ensuring office equipment and supplies are maintained
  • 确保遵守职业健康和安全守则。ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety regulations
  • 确保遵守政府法律、政策和程序。ensuring work complies with relevant government legislation, policies and procedures
  • 协调人员的活动,如雇佣、提升、绩效管理、工资单、培训和监督。coordinating personnel activities such as hiring, promotions, performance management, payroll, training and supervision
  1. Office Manager 512111办公室经理就业情况:
  • 办公室经理负责组织内文书和行政任务的顺利和高效运作。 办公室经理监督文员和行政人员的工作,并协调办公用品、工作空间管理以及办公空间内的职业健康和安全问题等行政事务。
  • 私人助理和秘书是ANZSCO 521组别的其他代码,承担组织,文书,秘书和其他行政职责以协助经理和专业人员。
  • 实践经理是ANZSCO 5122组别的,负责组织和控制专业实践的职能和资源,如行政系统和执业人员。
  • 除开常规的VETASSESS职业评估要求的材料,可能需要提供组织结构图,组织结构图需要打印在公司信头纸上,标明申请人职位,申请人上司和下属的职位,以及所有汇报给自己上司和下属的员工的职位。如果不能提供组织结构图,则需要出具法定声明写明以上信息并说明无法提供的原因。
  • 如果有其他培训或者职业证书也可以提供,可以在简历中提及。

Office Managers are responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of clerical and administrative tasks within an organisation. Office Managers oversee the work of clerical and administrative personnel and coordinate administrative matters such as office supplies, workspace management, and occupational health and safety issues within the office space.

Personal Assistants and Secretaries are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO Minor Group 521, and perform organisational, clerical, secretarial and other administrative tasks in support of Managers and Professionals.

Please note: Practice Managers are classified elsewhere under ANZSCO Unit Group 5122. Practice Managers organise and control the functions and resources of professional practices such as administrative systems and practice personnel.

If you are nominating this managerial occupation, you must submit an organisational chart. An organisational chart should include the company letterhead, your job position and those of your superiors and subordinates as well as all positions reporting to your immediate supervisor and to your direct subordinates. If you are unable to obtain an organisational chart from your employer, please provide a statutory declaration outlining the required information and the reasons why this information cannot be provided.

You should also provide details of any relevant training or professional development courses undertaken. These may be detailed in the Curriculum Vitae/Resume provided.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Office Manager 512111办公室经理职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年02月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。