飞出国注:以下是VETASSESS职业评估 Microbiologist 234517微生物学家职业介绍Information Sheet的官网2023年05月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。
Microbiologist 234517微生物学家职业基本介绍
A Microbiologist studies microscopic forms of life such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa.
以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:
- 细菌学家(非医学) Bacteriologist (Non-medical)
以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:
- 临床研究科学家 Clinical Research Scientist
ANZSCO 2345组别紧密相关职业Closely-related occupations in ANZSCO Unit Group 2345:
- 生物技术专家 Biotechnologist
- 其他未分类的生命科学家 Life Scientists nec (not elsewhere classified)
- 生命科学家(一般)Life Scientist (General)
- 生物化学家 Biochemist
- 植物学家 Botanist
- 海洋生物学家 Marine Biologist
- 动物学家 Zoologist
Microbiologist 234517微生物学家职业评估要求
- Microbiologist 234517微生物学家属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。
- 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业包括:
- 微生物学Microbiology,微生物学和免疫学Microbiology and Immunology,分子遗传学Molecular Genetics,生物医学Biomedical Science,生物技术Biotechnology,医学实验科学Medical Laboratory Sciences
- 以下这些专业如果有微生物学相关科目,且有至少一年专业知识领域的工作经验:动物和兽医学 Animal and Veterinary Biosciences,环境科学 Environmental Science,海洋科学 Marine Science,法医生物技术 Forensic Biotechnology,化学/生物化学 Chemistry/Biochemistry,食品科学与技术 Food Science and Technology,工程科学(微生物学研究) Engineering Science (Microbiological Research),生命科学 Life Science
- 工作经验要求, 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责包括但不限于:
- 研究细菌、藻类和真菌等微生物的生长和特性,以及它们对植物、动物和人类的影响,以开发医疗、兽医、工业、环境和其他实际应用 Studying the growth and characteristics of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, algae and fungi, and the effects they have on plants, animals and humans to develop medical, veterinary, industrial, environmental and other practical applications
- 设计和进行实验,进行观察和测量,研究信息,分析数据,准备或监督实验室报告和科学论文的准备,在科学会议和会议上展示研究结果,以及监督员工的工作 Designing and conducting experiments, making observations and measurements, researching information, analysing data, preparing or supervising the preparation of laboratory reports and scientific papers, presenting findings at scientific meetings and conferences, and supervising the work of staff
- 对细菌、病毒和真菌等微生物进行基础研究和应用研究,符合生物安全、生物安保和微生物遏制的适当监管限制 Conducting research on microscopic organisms such as bacteria, virus, and fungi for their use in basic and applied research; in line with appropriate regulatory restrictions for biological safety, biosecurity and containment of microorganism
- 在实验室环境中工作,进行和监测微观水平的科学实验或微生物诊断测试; Working in the laboratory settings, carrying out and monitoring scientific experiments on a microscopic level, or microbiological diagnostic testing;
- 通过同行评审的科学出版物、报告和评论来交流研究活动的结果,并在适当的情况下向科学、客户和社区观众进行口头报告 Communicating the outcomes of research activity by means of peer-reviewed scientific publications, reports and reviews, and giving oral presentations to scientific, client and community audiences where appropriate;
- 制定程序以提高微生物测试方法和过程的质量,并为工业微生物实验室的分析开发做出贡献;Developing procedures to improve quality of microbiological test methods and processes and contribute to assay development in industrial microbiology laboratories;
- 新方法/技术的开发、验证和实施到 QC/QA 业务部门 Development, validation and implementation of new methods/technologies into the QC/QA operational departments;
- 评估和研究微生物实验室程序(例如但不限于:方法验证、确认等),建议实验室测试的改进,并为实验室管理层提供资助申请和报告方面的帮助。Evaluating and researching microbiology laboratory procedures (such as but not limited: methods verification, validation, etc.), recommending improvements for laboratory tests, and providing assistance to the lab management for grant application and reports.
- 参与学科之间的专业互动,包括微生物学会或专业团体的会员资格 Engaging in professional interactions amongst the discipline, including membership of a microbiological society or professional body
- Microbiologist 234517微生物学家就业情况:
该科学领域与分子生物学和生物化学等其他生命科学密切相关。This field of science is closely related to other life sciences such as molecular biology and biochemistry.
微生物包括真菌和噬菌体。 微生物学家在多个领域工作,包括但不限于医学、研究和大学教学。Microscopic organisms include fungi and Bacteriophage. Microbiologists work in several fields including, but not limited to, medicine, research, and university teaching.
尽管制药、食品加工和生物技术等行业也需要他们的工作,但就业应涉及新颖的科学研究、实验和方法开发。Although their work is also required in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, and biotechnology, employment should involve novel scientific research, experimental and methodology development.
在澳大利亚,微生物学家几乎受雇于每个行业,包括食品、健康、农业、污染控制、生物技术和制药。 这可以在实验室或现场环境中。In Australia, Microbiologists are employed in nearly every industry, including food, health, agriculture, pollution control, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. This can be in a laboratory or field setting
如果工作内容是侧重于质量保证或者质量控制,只要工作中有以下内容,也是可以通过职业评估的:Employment focused on Quality Control or Quality Assurance can be assessed positively under this occupation providing that the role involves specialised tasks including:
- 开发、验证或改进现有的微生物测试方法 Developing, validating or improving existing Microbiological test methods;
- 证明有能力独立工作或在最低限度的监督下工作,并使用主动技能做出决策 Proven ability to work independently or under minimum supervision and use initiative skills to make decisions;
- 具备利用微生物研究和分析技能的能力 Demonstrated abilities in utilising microbiological research and analytical skills;
- 监督和培训技术人员/实验室助理 Supervising and training Technicians/Lab Assistants;
- 撰写实验室报告和编辑或制定程序 Writing laboratory reports and editing or developing procedures.