Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员职业基本介绍
A Medical Administrator plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates medical programs and clinical services in a hospital or other health service facility, maintains standards of medical care, provides leadership to ensure an appropriately skilled medical workforce, and contributes to health service planning.
- 医疗经理 Medical Manager
- 医疗主管 Medical Superintendent
- 临床服务总监 Director of Clinical Services
- 医疗服务总监 Direcotr of Medical Services
以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:
- 执业医生 Practicing Doctors/Physicians (sometimes called Medical Officers or
Registrar) - 实习生/培训生 Interns / Trainee
- 实践经理 (医疗实践业务经理)Practice Managers (the business manager of a medical practice)
- 其他卫生和社会福利服务经理 Other Health and Welfare Services Managers
- 基层卫生机构经理 Primary Health Organisation Managers
- 工作于医疗机构的行政人员 Administrative staff working in a medical setting
Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员职业说明
- Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员通常是一家医院或者医疗服务机构最高的医疗管理职位,这个职位通常是优秀的经验丰富的医生升职到高层次的专科医疗管理员角色,通常是由管理或者医疗管理方面的高等学历。
- VETASSESS从评估要求来讲,近五年内有一年高度相关的工作经历即可。但是需要申请人注意的是,在澳洲,这个职业通常是需要五年学历后的相关工作经验才可以胜任的。医疗管理员是一个管理职位,管理医疗人员的工作。管理人员侧重于管理工作,而不是要同时从事医疗工作。
- 医疗管理员需要非常熟悉医疗体系和医疗管理,这个职业需要较高的技能水平,但是所做的工作不同于执业医生,医疗官员,户李经理,实习生,医院行政人员和福利中心经理。医疗管理员不会直接参与病人的诊断和治疗。医疗管理员的学历,培训以及日常工作内容也需要注意不同于医疗办公室行政人员,行政人员通常是协助医疗执业人员处理一些报告,医疗记录,安排病人住院,订单采购等工作的。
- 申请医疗管理员的职业评估,申请人需要提交具体的岗位描述,需要列明该岗位的入门要求,职责的技能水平以及性质。同时,需要递交详细的组织结构图,可以看出工作单位的规模以及申请人的汇报线。申请人需要能提供工作材料证明自己是医院或者医疗机构管理医疗服务的管理人员。
Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员评估要求
- Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。
This occupation requires a qualification that is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher degree*.
In addition to this, applicants must possess at least one year of highly relevant postqualification employment, at an appropriate skill level, in the last five years. If the qualification(s) are not at the required educational level, and/or not in a highly relevant field of study, or if the employment has been completed prior to the qualification, then the overall assessment outcome will be negative.
- 学历要求至少有本科学位
- 申请人需要有医学学历
- 申请人如果是牙医,护理,药学学历,不算相关学历
- 申请人如果有相关医学学历基础上,还有卫生管理或者公共卫生相关的研究生学历,将会更加有利
- 工作经验要求
- 医疗管理员通常是医院或者医疗服务机构最高的医疗管理职位
- 高度相关的工作职责,包括:
- 对医疗服务,设施,组织,中心或医院提供总体指导和管理 providing overall direction and management for the service, facility, organisation, centre or hospital
- 为医疗,护理,专职卫生和行政人员制定,实施和监督相关程序,政策和标准 developing, implementing and monitoring procedures, policies and standards for medical, nursing, allied health and administrative staff
- 协调和管理健康和福利计划以及临床服务 coordinating and administering health and welfare programs and clinical services
- 监督和评估用于健康的资源 monitoring and evaluating resources devoted to health
- 控制行政运作,包括预算规划,报告准备,物资,设备和服务的经费 controlling administrative operations such as budget planning, report preparation, expenditure on supplies, equipment and services
- 与其他卫生和福利提供者,理事会,资助机构进行沟通,讨论健康和福利服务运营和协调事务 liaising with other health and welfare providers, boards and funding bodies to discuss areas of health and welfare service cooperation and coordination
- 给政府机构提出有关改善健康和福利服务和设施的方法建议 advising government bodies about measures to improve health and welfare services and facilities
- 代表机构参与协商,会议,研讨会,听证会和论坛 representing the organisation in negotiations, and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums
- 控制员工的选拔,培训和监督 controlling selection, training and supervision of staff
- 管理初高级医疗人员 managing senior and junior medical staff
飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Medical Administrator 134211医疗管理员职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2017年5月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。