VETASSESS职业评估Mathematician 224112数学家职业介绍Information Sheet

Mathematician 224112数学家职业基本介绍


Mathematicians develop and apply mathematical principles and techniques to solve problems in all areas of the sciences, engineering, technology, social sciences, business, industry and commerce.


  • 运筹分析师 Operations Research Analyst

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 如果工作更加偏于数据分析,预测/解释,调查涉及,统计建模,则是更符合统计学家,而不是数学家 Employment focused on data analysis, prediction / interpretation, survey design and statistical modelling is more relevant to the occupation of Statistician.
  • 如果工作更加偏于金融商业领域的商业和数据分析以及预算预测,则更加符合 224999信息组织专员 Employment in the financial and commercial sector focused on business and data analysis and budgetary forecasting may be more suited to the occupation of Information and Organisational Professionals NEC (ANZSCO 224999)

ANZSCO 2241 相近职业:

  • 精算师 Actuary
  • 统计师 Statistician

Mathematician 224112数学家职业评估要求

  1. Mathematician 224112数学家属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

This occupation requires a qualification that is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher degree*.
In addition to this, applicants must possess at least one year of highly relevant postqualification employment, at an appropriate skill level, in the last five years. If the qualification(s) are not at the required educational level, and/or not in a highly relevant field of study, or if the employment has been completed prior to the qualification, then the overall assessment outcome will be negative.

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位:
  • 相关专业包括数学Mathematics (Pure and/or Applied), 财务数学Financial Mathematics,运筹学Operations Research,数学统计学Mathematical Statistics
  • 数学是对演绎系统的研究,包括代数,数论,几何,分析,微分方程,离散数学及其在科学和社会科学中的应用。Mathematics is the study of deductive systems, including algebra, number theory, geometry, analysis, differential equations, discrete mathematics, and its application in the sciences and social sciences.
  • 以下专业,如果所学课程中有包括:数学Mathematics, 代数Algebra, 微积分Calculus, 预测建模Predictive Modelling, 数值分析Numerical Analysis, 优化Optimization, 线性代数Linear Algebra, 机械学习Machine Learning, 离散数学Discrete Mathematics, 数学建模Mathematical Modelling, 几何Geometry, 组合学Combinatorics, 拓扑学Topology, 逻辑Logic, 数字理论Number Theory, 动态系统Dynamic Systems, 微分方程Differential Equations, 以及财务数学Financial Mathematics,则也有可能算作是相关专业。且该学历的最后一年课程以及毕业研究课题也会纳入评估考虑范围。
    • 精算学Actuarial Science
    • 定量金融Quantitative Finance
    • 统计学Statistics
    • 计算机科学Computer Science
    • 数据科学Data Science
    • 电子/计算机工程Electronic / Computer Engineering
    • 物理Physics
    • 机械学习Machine Learning
  1. 工作经验要求
  • 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内
  • 高度相关的工作职责,包括但不限于:
    • 设计数学模型以模仿进程 formulating mathematical models to simulate processes
    • 将模型应用于实验观察并调整和重造模型 applying models to experimental observations, and adjusting and recasting the models
    • 使用数值分析方法来完善算法并进行计算 using numerical analysis methods to develop algorithms and perform computations
    • 开发用于物理,生物和社会科学中基础理论的数学理论 developing mathematical theory underlying processes in the physical, biological and social sciences
    • 可能会开发理论上的数学构想和假设 may develop theoretical mathematical constructs and hypotheses
    • 运用数学原理和技术解决研究,开发,生产,供应和其他领域方面的问题 applying mathematical principles and techniques to solve problems in research, development, production, distribution and other functional areas
    • 与管理层和客户进行沟通协调以确定要检查的主题领域 liaising with management and clients to determine the subject area to be examined
  • 数学家通常会从事以下领域:
  • 通过开发制定新的规则,理论和概念,扩展数学领域的知识,例如代数或几何 Expand knowledge in mathematical areas, such as algebra or geometry, by developing new rules, theories, and concepts
  • 使用数学公式和模型来证明或反驳假设和猜想 Use mathematical formulas and models to prove or disprove hypotheses and conjectures
  • 应用数学理论和技术解决商业,工程,科学或其他领域的实际问题 Apply mathematical theories and techniques to solve practical problems in business, engineering, the sciences, or other fields
  1. 数学家专业分类职业:
  • 应用数学家Applied Mathematicians 运用理论和技术比如数学建模来解决实际问题。这样的数学家通常和其他职业的个人一起工作来解决这些问题。比如,应用数学家与化学家,材料科学家以及化学工程师一起来分析新药物的有效性。其他的应用数学家有可能是和工业设计师一起工作研究新车型空气动力特征。
  • 理论数学家Theoretical Mathematicians 通常是做一些相关研究,发现数学中无法解释的事情并去解决这些事情。理论数学家一般是开拓新领域以及数学理论间的关系,以增加数学领域的知识和理解。尽管理论数学家不会将这些研究发现用于实践中,但是他们所开发的这些知识讲师可多科学和工程成果的重要组成部分。
  • 运筹分析师Operations Research Analyst 将科学方法应用于与工业,商业,政府和国防部门中的人员,机械,材料和金钱的系统管理中。相关职责包括:
    • 识别和解决业务,物流,医疗保健和其他领域中的现实问题 Identifying and solving real-world problems in areas such as business, logistics,healthcare, or other fields
    • 通过计算机数据库,销售历史数据和客户反馈等各种来源收集和组织信息 Collecting and organising information from a variety of sources, such as computer databases, sales histories, and customer feedback
    • 检查信息以找出与问题相关的内容以及可以使用哪些方法来进行分析 Examining information to figure out what is relevant to a problem and what methods might be used to analyse it
    • 使用优化,数据挖掘,统计分析,模拟,预测建模或其他方法来分析信息,并针对业务问题出具实用的解决方案 Using optimisation, data mining, statistical analysis, simulations, predictive modelling, or other methods to analyse information and develop practical solutions to business problems
    • 向经理或者其他决策者就采取对应的行动方案的影响提供建议,以解决问题 Advising managers and other decision makers on the impacts of various courses of action to take in order to address a problem
  • 计算科学家Computational Scientist 主要通过在高性能计算机上实施,使用和分析数学模型来寻求对科学和工程问题的理解。相关职责包括:
    • 对于那些通过直接实验来研究会过于昂贵或者危险的复杂系统和自然现象进行数值模拟 Undertaking numerical simulation of complex systems and natural phenomena that would be too expensive or dangerous to study by direct experimentation.
    • 与专业科学家和工程师合作,在气候建模,海洋学,采矿,核工程核医学成像等领域提供基于计算机的数学模型 Working with specialist Scientists and Engineers to deliver computer-based mathematical models in areas such as climate modelling, oceanography, mining, nuclear engineering and medical imaging
  • 数学建模师/定量分析师 Mathematical Modeller/Quantitative Analyst 是一类应用数学家,通过构造现实情况或者假设情景的数学表现,以便预测结果和后果或者创造可视化效果,应用范围从制造,环境建模到计算机/视频游戏和计算机成像。相关职责包括:
    • 使用合适的数学工具并与领域专家协商,量化现实世界中的问题和场景 Quantifying real world problems and scenarios using appropriate mathematical tools and in consultation with domain specialists
    • 与软件工程师和计算科学家合作,使用合适的用户界面和可视化工具将数学模学实现为计算机算法 Working with software engineers and computational scientists to implement mathematical models as computer algorithms with suitable user interfaces and visualisation tools
    • 在科学和商业环境中,为研究人员,管理人员和其他决策者提供各种假设情景的可能结果和影响的建议 In scientific and commercial environments, advising researchers, managers and other decision makers of likely outcomes and impacts of various hypothetical scenarios
  • 密码学者Cryptographer 使用密码学和计算机编码的数学理论来创建和解密数字密码。通常受雇于公司,机构,政府机构,警察和武装部队,以维护敏感的商业和政府交易与通讯的安全隐私。相关职责包括:
    • 创建,设置和评估旨在解决数论问题的算法 creating, setting up, and evaluating algorithms designed to solve number theory problems
    • 在政府和军事部门中,保护敏感的通信和数据系统不受外国政府和黑客的攻击,并提供情况和反情报服务的解密专业知识 In government and military sectors, protecting sensitive communication and data systems from foreign governments and hackers. Also providing decryption expertise for intelligence and counter-intelligence services
    • 在金融部门,确保信用卡,银行间,自动柜员机和其他在线交易的安全 In the financial sector, ensuring that credit card, inter-bank, automatic teller machine, and other online transactions are secure
    • 在通信领域,开发保护手机和互联网网络的技术 In the communications sector, developing technology to protect mobile phone and internet networks

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Mathematician 224112数学家职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2019年10月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。