VETASSESS职业评估Liaison Officer 224912联络官职业介绍Information Sheet

Liaison Officer 224912联络官职业基本介绍


Liaison Officers establish and facilitate communication between different community groups, organisations and governments.


  • 原住民联络官 Aboriginal Liaison Officer
  • 商业联络官 Business Liaison Officer
  • 社区联络官 Community Liaison Officer
  • 残疾人联络官 Disability Liaison Officer
  • 毛利人联络官 Maori Liaison Adviser
  • 警务联络官 Police Liaison Officer

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 移民代理/移民顾问 Migration Agent/Immigration Consultant
  • 信息组织专员 Information and Organisation Professionals nec
  • 客户服务经理 Customer Service Manager
  • 销售营销经理/业务开发经理/广告经理/公关经理Sales and Marketing/Business Development/Advertising/Public Relations Manager


Liaison Officer 224912联络官职业评估要求

  1. Liaison Officer 224912联络官属于VETASSESS评估的Group B职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
  • 本科学历且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 本科学历但专业不是与提名职业相关的,但是有相关专业的专科学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 本科学历且专业不适于提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有三年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得本科学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外五年相关的工作经验(这五年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业可以包括:
  • 原住民联络官:原住民研究Indigenous Studies,原住民政策和发展Indigenous Policy and Development,社会科学Social Science,原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民倡导Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advocacy
  • 商业联络官:工商管理Business Management,传播学Communication,商业Business,政策研究Policy Studies
  • 残疾人联络官: 残疾研究 Disability Studies
  • 警务联络官: 刑事司法 Criminal Justice
  1. Liaison Officer 224912联络官高度相关的工作职责:
  • 建立并促进不同社区团体,组织和政府之间的沟通 Establishing and facilitating communication between different community groups, organisations and governments;
  • 帮助解决问题并在各方之间谈判协议 Helping to solve issues and negotiate agreements between parties;
  • 向当事人一方提供有关其他组织或问题的建议和教育 Advising and educating parties about the other organisation or issue;
  • 就潜在问题提供建议并提出解决方案 Advising on potential issues and suggesting solutions;
  • 建议信任和尊重的坚实基础,增进了解,并在社区和当局之间建立战略联系 Building a solid foundation of trust and respect, improving understanding, and building a strategic link between communities and authorities;
  • 提供有关文化问题的建议 Providing advice on cultural issues;
  • 领导特别活动,以提高认识和加强关系 Providing leadership for special events aimed at promoting awareness and strengthening relations;
  • 研究和准备报告,情况介绍,备忘录,信函和其他文件,以帮助促进沟通 Researching and preparing reports, briefing notes, memoranda, correspondence and other documents to help facilitate communication;
  • 维护保密文件 Maintaining confidential files and documents;
  • 参加会议并作好记录 Attending meetings and maintaining records.
  1. Liaison Officer 224912联络官就业情况:
  • 联络官通常需要优秀的沟通和协调能力。从职责描述来讲,这个职业更偏于社区和政府领域,但是VETASSESS评估的时候,不会限制在这两个领域。联络官可以在不同工作领域工作,甚至包括私人企业。
  • 就职于私人企业的商业联络官通常需要在不同团体之间进行沟通联络,主要核心是作为不同团体之间的一个连接并促进有效沟通。这个与业务发展官员是不同的,业务发展官员是在不同部门之间协调以协调销售和营销活动为整体目的的。
  • 商业联络官也可以就职于政府部门或者市政局。
  • 如果工作只是侧重于给公司的客户提供支持和建议的客服职位,通常不能算做商业联络官。
  • 不论是何种联络官,核心职责都是促进不同团体,组织和政府之间的有效沟通。

Liaison Officers generally require excellent communication and negotiation skills.

Whilst the description for this occupation focuses on community roles and governmental areas, VETASSESS would not necessarily require that this role be restricted to those areas. This role could be performed in a range of workplace settings, including private companies.

A Business Liaison Officer employed in a private company would generally be required to liaise between different groups, with the primary focus of acting as a link between the groups and facilitating effective communication.

This differs from the role of a Business Development Officer, who liaises between the departments of an organisation for the overall purpose of coordinating sales and marketing activities.

Business Liaison Officers are also employed by government departments and city councils.

A Customer Service role that is only required to provide support and advice to the business’ customers would not be considered as highly relevant to Business Liaison Officer or at the required skill level.

For any Liaison Officer role, the primary purpose of the role must be to facilitate effective communication between groups, organisations and governments.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Liaison Officer 224912联络官职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2020年11月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。