VETASSESS职业评估Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师职业介绍Information Sheet (202307版)

飞出国注:以下是VETASSESS职业评估Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师职业介绍Information Sheet的官网2023年07月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。

Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师职业基本介绍


Landscape Architects plan and design land areas for projects such as open space networks, parks, schools, institutions, roads, external areas for all building types, land subdivisions, and commercial, industrial and residential sites.

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 建筑师 Architect
  • 建筑绘图员 Architectural Draftsperson
  • 城市区域规划师 Urban and Regional Planner
  • 施工项目经理 Construction Project Manager
  • 大学讲师 University Lecturer


Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师职业评估要求

  1. Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业包括:
  • 景观建筑设计 Landscape Architecture:景观建筑设计包括规划,设计和安装外部环境的研究,关注功能性,实用性和人类需求。它包括与建筑环境相结合的公园和花园的设计。相关的课程包括园艺Horiculture/植物学botany,植物和土壤灌溉Plant and soil irrigation,水文学Hydrology
  • 如果是农业相关或者景观设计相关的专业,但是没有足够的景观相关课程,则不算相关专业学历。如果申请人持有景观建筑设计师的相关注册证书,则会case-by-case评估是否符合该职业。

Degrees in Architectural studies or Landscape Design without specific landscape subjects will not be assessed positively. Applications that fall into this category may be considered on a case-by-case basis if the applicant holds the relevant official registration as a Landscape Architect and their employment is assessed as high relevant.

  1. 工作经验要求, 只有相关学历后的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责包括但不限于:
  • 与专业人士和客户就外部区域设计、成本和施工进行咨询 Consulting with professionals and clients about external area designs, costs and construction
  • 编制和分析关于地理和生态特征、地貌、土壤、植被、场地水文、视觉特征和人造结构的场地和社区数据,以制定土地利用和开发建议,并编制环境影响报告 Compiling and analysing site and community data about geographical and ecological features, landforms, soils, vegetation, site hydrology, visual characteristics and human-made structures, to formulate land use and development recommendations, and for preparing environmental impact statements
  • 为土地开发准备报告、场地计划、施工图、规格和成本估算,显示开发方案的位置和细节,包括地面建模、结构、植被和通道 Preparing reports, site plans, working drawings, specifications and cost estimates for land development, showing location and details of proposals, including ground modelling, structures, vegetation and access
  • 通过公众参与和影响景观项目相关的决策,让当地社区、当局和利益相关者参与进来 Engaging local communities, authorities and stakeholders by public participation in decision making relating to projects that impact landscape.
  • 开展可行性研究和影响评估,以衡量开发对景观的生态、环境特征、文化价值以及社区健康和福利的影响 Carrying out feasibility studies and impact assessments to gauge the effect of development on the ecology, environmental character, cultural values and community health and welfare of landscapes.
  • 开展研究和分析,发展可持续景观设计、规划和管理实践、理论、方法和发展战略,以促进绿色基础设施、自然、农业、农村和城市景观的可持续管理以及全球环境资源的可持续利用和管理 Conducting research and analysis to develop sustainable landscape design, planning and management practices, theories, methods and development strategies to promote green infrastructure, the sustainable management of natural, agricultural, rural and urban landscapes and the sustainable use and management of global environmental resources.
  • 通过现场分析收集和记录数据,包括对土著习俗、地形、土壤、植被、水文、视觉特征以及人造和管理特征的评估 Collecting and documenting data through site analysis, including an appreciation of Indigenous practices, landform, soils, vegetation, hydrology, visual characteristics and human-made and managed features.
  • 准备景观文件,包括图纸、规格、时间表和合同文件,并代表客户招标Preparing landscape documentation, including drawings, specifications, schedules and contract documents, and calling tenders on behalf of clients.
  • 管理数字技术和空间系统的表示,以及与环境和景观相关的客户和/或社区演示 Managing digital technologies and representation of spatial systems, and client and/or community presentations related to the environment and landscape
  • 检查在建工程,以确保符合计划、规格和质量标准 Inspecting construction work in progress to ensure compliance with plans, specifications and quality standards.
  • 就冲突解决、司法法院和委员会、竞赛、媒体和公共关系中的景观问题提供专家建议和宣传 Providing expert advice and advocacy on landscape matters in conflict resolution, judicial court and commissions, competitions, media and public relations.
  1. Landscape Architect 232112景观设计师就业情况:
  • 景观设计师与自然和建筑环境密切合作,运用美学和科学原理来解决生态可持续性、景观质量和健康、集体记忆、遗产和文化以及领土正义 Landscape Architects work intimately with the natural and built environments, applying aesthetic and scientific principles to address ecological sustainability, quality and health of landscapes, collective memory, heritage and culture, and territorial justice.

  • 景观设计师还可能参与景观和湿地的恢复、对话和缓解。通过领导和协调其他学科,景观设计师处理自然和文化生态系统之间的相互作用,例如与气候变化和生态系统稳定性相关的适应和缓解、社会经济改善以及社区健康和福利,以创造可预测社会的场所。和经济福祉 Landscape Architects may also be involved with rehabilitation, conversation and mitigation for landscapes and wetlands. By leading and coordinating other disciplines, landscape architects deal with the interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, such as adaptation and mitigation related to climate change and the stability of ecosystems, socio-economic improvements, and community health and welfare to create places that anticipate social and economic well-being.

  • 可接受的工作背景包括但不限于景观设计公司,房地产开发公司,公共部门Categories of acceptable employment contexts include (but are not limited to):
    › Landscape Design Company
    › Property Development Company
    › Public sector.

  • 该职业要求申请人表现出对室外区域和开放空间设计的明确关注,以将自己与建筑师区分开来。申请该职业申请的申请人应准备规格、安排成本估算、列出所需的建筑材料以及现场的详细施工图。景观设计师负责理解和支持对建筑/自然环境的积极参与或缓解。他们与建筑师、工程师和其他专业人士联络,并就与环境规划有关的景观问题提供建议 This occupation requires applicants to demonstrate a clear focus on the design of outdoor areas and open spaces, to differentiate themselves from Architects. Applicants applying under this occupation are expected to prepare specifications, arrange cost estimates, list building materials required, and detail working drawings of the site. Landscape Architects are responsible for understanding and supporting positive engagement or mitigation of the built/natural environments. They liaise with architects, engineers and other professionals, and advise on landscape problems concerned with environmental planning.

  • 景观设计师也可以建立自己的私人事务所或自雇,自雇则要参考自雇的材料要求。 Landscape Architects may also establish their own private practice or be self-employed. Please refer to the paragraph below, Supporting Material for Assessment, for documentation requirements relating to self-employed applicants.

  • 该职业涵盖专业从业人员。主要从事学术类工作的申请人可能更适合 ANZSCO 上的其他职业。This occupation covers professional practitioners. Applicants primarily working in academia may be better suited to another occupation on ANZSCO.

  1. 其他证明材料:除开常规的VETASSESS职业评估要求的材料,申请人还要提供
  • 个人作品的链接或者上传设计工作的样本,每个样本不超过5M大小,参考VETASSESS官方模板

  • 如果是自雇,则需要提供以下证明材料:

    • 自雇证明材料,比如营业执照,会计报告等,如果是律师或者会计出具的声明,则需要用律师或会计的信头纸,提及申请人的姓名,自雇的时间段,自雇业务性质,律师或者会计的签字和联系方式
    • 列明自雇工作职责的声明文件
    • 自雇收入证明,比如银行流水,纳税记录,客户发票等
    • 其他材料,比如与客户或者供应商签订的合同,客户的证明,项目证明等

For this occupation, you must also submit a link to your portfolio or upload samples of your design work, of no more than 5MB per sample in your online application submission. You can find a template for this on the VETASSESS website.

If you are self-employed, you are required to provide the following:
a) Evidence of self-employment such as sole trading or business registration details and/or official statements issued by your (registered) Accountant and/or legal team. The statement from your Accountant or Solicitor must include the Accountant’s or Solicitor’s letterhead, your full name, how long you have been continuously self-employed, including official dates in each role, the nature of the business conducted, the signature and contact details of the Accountant or Solicitor.

b) A statutory declaration listing your main duties during self-employment.

c) Payment evidence showing regular income from self-employment, such as client invoices together with corresponding bank statements and /or official taxation records.

d) Supplementary evidence, such as contracts with clients or suppliers, client testimonials, evidence of projects completed, etc.