VETASSESS职业评估Internal Auditor 221214内审职业介绍Information Sheet

Internal Auditor 221214内审职业基本介绍


An Internal Auditor examines, verifies, evaluates and reports on financial, operational and managerial processes, systems and outcomes to ensure financial and operational integrity and compliance, and assists in business process reviews, risk assessments, developing deliverables and reporting processes against outcomes.

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 会计 Accountants
  • 公司秘书 Company Secretary
  • 公司财务主管 Corporate Treasurer
  • 外审 External Auditor
  • ICT质量保证工程师 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer
  • 信息组织专员 Information and Organisation Professionals nec
  • 质量保证经理 Quality Assurance Manager
  • 专业经理 Specialist Managers

Internal Auditor 221214内审职业评估要求

  1. Internal Auditor 221214内审属于VETASSESS评估的Group A职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以,专业必须与提名职业相关才可以,且相关专业学历后有一年提名职业相关工作经验。

This occupation requires a qualification that is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher degree*.
In addition to this, applicants must possess at least one year of highly relevant postqualification employment, at an appropriate skill level, in the last five years. If the qualification(s) are not at the required educational level, and/or not in a highly relevant field of study, or if the employment has been completed prior to the qualification, then the overall assessment outcome will be negative.

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位:
  • 相关专业包括会计Accounting,商务/商业Commerce/Business,主要的核心课程应该包括风险分析Risk Analysis,商业法Business Law,组织方法和结构Organizational Methods and Structures,商业管理Business Management,会计Accountancy,以及商业流程和系统Business Process and Systems
  • 其他专业如果是与从事工作领域相关也有可能可以算相关专业 Other fields of study may be considered for a full skills assessment if the employment is highly relevant and the field of study pertains to the area of employment.
  1. 工作经验要求,相关职责包括:
  • 评估成本效益和运营流程,活动,政策和制度的风险 evaluating the cost effectiveness and risks of operational processes, activities, policies and systems
  • 将内部会计管理体制的存在性和有效性报告给公司管理层 reporting to management on the existence and effectiveness of the system of internal controls
  • 确立审计目标,设计和实施审计方法,流程和审计报告的标准 establishing audit objectives, and designing and implementing audit methodologies, processes and audit report criteria
  • 内审的工作依据是全球内部审计师协会发布的国际专业实践框架(IPPF)。 进行审核时,内审需要能够评估组织机构的运作并对治理,风险管理和控制流程有效性的提供保证。 为了最大程度地减少偏差,内审将独立于所审计的领域或组织机构开展工作。 审计范围除财务系统外,还包括对管理系统,人力资源,工作流程等的审查。Internal Auditors work in accordance with the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) published by the Institute of Internal Auditors - Global. When undertaking audits, Internal Auditors need to be able to assess an organisation’s operations and provide assurance on the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes. In order to minimise bias, an Internal Auditor works independently of the area or organisation being audited. The scope of audit includes review of the management system, human resources, work processes etc., besides the financial systems.
  • 如果所做的工作内容就是风险管理和合规,而没有体现内审的独立性和客观性,则不会评估为相关工作。Employment positions in the areas of risk management and compliance do not demonstrate the independence and objectivity expected of an Internal Auditor and are not considered highly relevant. They may be considered as closely related for points test purposes if at the level of a Professional or Manager in ANZSCO.
  • 内审应该独立于要审核的所有领域(包括合规职能),以确保客观性,并且不对实施风险管理流程直接负责。Internal auditors are independent of all areas subject to audit (including the compliance function) to ensure objectivity and are not directly accountable for implementing risk management processes.
  • 只要是属于ANZSCO 2212职业组别的工作经验都可以算作内审相关工作经验用于EOI加分。Roles classified in ANZSCO Unit Group 2212 may also be considered for points test purposes.

Internal Auditor 221214内审职业评估证明材料要求

  1. 雇主推荐信,需要明确写明所做的审计职责,需要包括这些细节内容:审计的特定领域,审计的频率,审计的范围,以及所汇报的对象,所呈现的审计报告的性质,以及汇报的频率
    Reference letters from employers should include detail of the audit tasks undertaken, in particular, details such as the specific areas being audited, how often these are audited and the scope of the audits conducted, as well as who the applicant reports to, the nature of the reports they present, and how often reporting is undertaken.
  2. 提名内审职业的申请人,需要提供简历,每份工作的组织结构图,组织结构图需要打印在公司信头纸上,有申请人的职位,上司,下属,以及所有汇报给申请人上司的人员的信息

An Organisational Chart for each period of employment. This should include the company letterhead, the applicant’s job position and those of her/his superiors and subordinates as well as all positions reporting to her/his immediate supervisor and to her/his direct subordinates

  1. 提名内审职业的申请人,建议可以提供以下补充材料
  • 审计计划 Audit plans
  • 审计章程 Audit charter
  • 内部审计人员配置计划概要 Summary of internal audit staffing profile
  • 公司概况,显示公司业务领域及主要数据 Company overview, indicating area of business and key statistics
  1. 如果提名内审职业的申请人同时在公司还有担任其他职责,需要证明主要职责是内审,如果内审是给外部客户提供的,则最好是提供客户公司的信息以及客户需要审计服务的说明

Applicants with an internal auditing role as well as other responsibilities within the organisation would need to demonstrate that their primary role is that of an Internal Auditor. Applicants engaged in the provision of outsourced Internal Audit services are encouraged to provide, to the extent possible, details of client organisations and their need for these services.

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Internal Auditor 221214内审职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2020年1月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。