Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师职业基本介绍
室内设计师计划、设计、详述和监督商业、工业、零售和住宅建筑内部的建设,以制造适合目的的环境,特别强调空间创造、空间规划以及改善生活和工作环境的因素 .
An Interior Designers plans, designs, details and supervises the construction of commercial, industrial, retail and residential building interiors to produce an environment tailored to a purpose, with particular emphasis on space creation, space planning, and factors that enhance living and working environments.
以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:
- 商业室内设计师 Commercial Interior Designer
- 环境设计师 Environmental Designer
- 住宅室内设计师 Residential Interior Designer
- 零售室内设计师 Retail Interior Designer
以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:
- 建筑师 Architect
- 建筑绘图员 Architectural Draftsperson
- 其他未分类的建筑,施工和测量技术员 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec
- 室内装潢师 Interior Decorator
- 土木工程绘图员 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
- 视觉陈列设计师 Visual Merchandisers
Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师职业评估要求
- Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师属于VETASSESS评估的Group C职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲专科Diploma层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
- 专科学历且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
- 专业科学历但专业不是与提名职业相关的,但是有相关专业的专科以下学历(等同于澳洲Certificate IV层次),那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
- 专科学历且专业不适于提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
- 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得专科学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外三年相关的工作经验(这三年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)
- Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师学历要求至少有专科学历,相关专业可以是室内设计 Interior Design,室内建筑学 Interior Architecture
- 室内设计是有关房屋,办公室,工厂和其他有着功能性,实用性以及满足人类需求的建筑物的室内环境规划和设计的一门学科。相关科目包括但不限于,室内设计相关的沟通,设计,技术,照明,音响,材料和形式,建筑法规,结构设计,项目管理,人类环境,色彩协调,家居装潢,纺织品和修饰,空间体验。
- 建筑学相关的学历通常不算做相关专业,但是如果有足够的室内设计相关的课程,那么可以考虑。
Interior Design is the study of planning and designing interior environments of homes, offices, factories and other buildings with concern for functionality, practicality and human needs and requirements. Relevant subjects may include, but are not limited to, Interior Design-related Communication, Design, Technologies, Lighting, Acoustics, Materials and Form, Building Codes and Regulations, Structural Design, Project Management, The Human Environment, Colour Coordination, Furniture and Furnishings, Textiles and finishing, Spatial Experience.
Degrees in Architectural studies are generally not considered highly relevant under this occupation. If the course includes a sufficient range of interior design-related studies, it may be considered positively on a case-by-case basis.
- 工作经验要求,学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责,包括:
- 通过与客户和利益相关者协商确定设计纲要的目标和约束 Determining the objectives and constraints of the design brief by consulting with clients and stakeholders
- 研究和分析空间、功能、效率、安全和美学要求 Researching and analysing spatial, functional, efficiency, safety and aesthetic requirements
- 制定建筑内部设计概念 Formulating design concepts for building interiors
- 准备草图、图表、插图和计划以传达设计概念 Preparing sketches, diagrams, illustrations and plans to communicate design concepts
- 与客户、管理层、供应商和施工人员协商设计解决方案 Negotiating design solutions with clients, management, suppliers and construction staff
- 选择、指定和推荐功能性和美学材料、家具和室内产品 Selecting, specifying and recommending functional and aesthetic materials, furniture and products for interiors
- 详细说明和记录选定的施工设计 Detailing and documenting selected design for construction
- 监督室内的施工 Supervising the construction of interiors.
- 可与建筑师合作制定计划 May work with architects in the preparation of plans
- 估算所需的成本和材料,并向客户提交计划和报价以供批准 Estimating costs and materials required and presenting plans and quotes to clients for approval
- 设计原始家具和细木工以符合提议的方案 Designing original furnishings and joinery to conform with a proposed scheme
- Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师就业情况:
- 提名室内设计师,申请人必须证明其工作主要专注于特定于室内空间设计的项目工作。 这应该需要通过设计布局、照明、颜色、固定装置和家具来满足客户的要求和要求,从而为居住者提供整体室内空间体验。 合适的项目参与可能会有所不同,并且可能与各种类型有关,例如住宅、商业(包括办公室和零售)和机构(包括文化和教育)。 还可以设计船舶、飞机或其他运输工具的内饰。
- 室内设计师通常工作于,包括但不限于:室内设计公司,建筑公司,房地产开发公司,独立承包商/自雇
- 如果申请人的工作经验主要关注其他形式的设计/起草,例如建筑、工程、视觉营销或仅限于特定元素(例如仅照明或仅家具),则不建议申请室内设计。 这些方面的工作有的会对应 ANZSCO 其他代码,与室内设计师无关。
- 室内设计师也可以建立自己的私人执业或自雇。
In order to be considered as an Interior Designer, applicants are required to demonstrate employment in a role that is primarily focused on project work specific to the design of interior spaces. This should entail a development of the overall interior spatial experiences for occupants by designing the layout, lighting, colour, fixtures and furnishings to meet the client’s brief and requirements. Suitable project involvements can vary and may be related to various typologies such as residential, commercial (including offices and retail) and institutional (including cultural and educational). You may also design interiors for ships, aircraft or other transport vehicles.
Categories of acceptable employment contexts include, but are not limited to:
- Interior Design company
- Architectural company
- Property development companies
- Independent contractor/self-employed
If the primary focus of your employment experience relates to other forms of design/drafting such as architectural, engineering, visual merchandising or limited to particular elements such as lighting only or furniture only, then an application under Interior Design would not be recommended. Some of these activities are identified elsewhere by ANZSCO, and would not hold relevance under the occupation of Interior Designer.
Interior Designers may also establish their own private practice or be self-employed. Please refer to ‘Supporting Material for Assessment’ for documentation requirements relating to self-employed applicants.
- 其他证明材料:除开VETASSESS常规要求的工作材料,需要提供作品集可以看到项目文件样本以及项目列表。可以提供作品集的链接或者设计工作的样本,每个样本不超过5M。 如果申请人是自雇的,则需要提供以下材料:
- 自雇证明材料,比如营业执照,会计报告等,如果是律师或者会计出具的声明,则需要用律师或会计的信头纸,提及申请人的姓名,自雇的时间段,自雇业务性质,律师或者会计的签字和联系方式
- 列明自雇工作职责的声明文件
- 自雇收入证明,比如银行流水,纳税记录,客户发票等
- 其他材料,比如与客户或者供应商签订的合同,客户的证明,项目证明等
To further support your employment claims, you must also provide supplementary documentation to demonstrate your performance of architectural drafting duties. A portfolio showing project documentation examples and project lists would be appropriate for this purpose. Please provide a link to your portfolio or upload samples of your design work, of no more than 5MB per sample in your online application submission.
If you are nominating this occupation, and you are selfemployed, you are required to provide the following:
a) Evidence of self-employment such as sole trading or business registration details and / or official statements issued by your (registered) accountant and / or legal team. The statement from your accountant or solicitor must include the accountant’s or solicitor’s letterhead, your full name, how long you have been continuously selfemployed including official dates in each role, the nature of the business conducted, the signature and contact details of the accountant or solicitor.
b) Statutory declaration listing your main duties during self-employment;
c) Payment evidence showing regular income from self-employment, such as client invoices together with corresponding bank statements and / or official taxation records;
d) Supplementary evidence, such as contracts with clients or suppliers, client testimonials, evidence of projects completed, etc.
飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估 Interior Designer 232511 室内设计师职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年10月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。