Copywriter 212411文案职业基本介绍
Copywriters design and compose written material to advertise products and services.
以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:
- Newspaper or Periodical Editor 报纸或杂志编辑
- Print Journalist 报刊杂志记者
- Radio Journalist 电台记者
- Technical Writer 技术作家
- Television Journalist 电视记者
- Journalists and Other Writers nec 其他未分类的记者和作家
- Advertising Specialist 广告专员
- Marketing Specialist 市场专员
- Public Relations Professional 公关专员
Copywriter 212411文案职业评估要求
- Copywriter 212411文案属于VETASSESS评估的Group B职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以。
- 如果所学的专业是与提名职业高度相关的,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验即可。
- 如果所学专业不与提名职业高度相关,那么需要近五年内有三年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验。
- 如果申请人是有相关专业的专科学历,但是本科学历专业不相关,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验即可。
- 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得学历之前的,那么需要额外有五年相关工作经验,且在近五年内有一年相关工作经验才可以。
- 学历要求至少有本科学位
- 相关专业包括:写作Copywriting,新闻学Journalism,传播与媒体学Communication and Media Studies,广告学Advertising
- 基于申请人所从事的工作领域,如果所学专业与工作领域是一致的,且所学专业中也有足够的与文案写作相关的课程,那么也可以算作相关专业,包括:策略和活动策划Strategy and Campaign Planning,传播Communication,新闻学Journalism,媒体艺术及制作Media Arts and Production,媒体传播Media Communication,专业和创意写作Writing: Professional and Creative,写作编辑Writing and Editing,公共关系Public Relations,组织传播学Organisational Communication技术写作Technical Writing,信件写作Letter Writing,诗词写作Poetry Writing,小说写作Story Writing,媒体报道写作 Reporting and Writing for the Media
- 高度相关的工作职责,包括:
- 与客户和管理人员沟通以确定广告方法,研究产品以确定主要的卖点determining advertising approach by consulting clients and management, and studying products to establish principal selling features
- 给报刊,广播电台,电视台,电影屏幕,广告牌,商品目录,商店展示牌等写广告 writing advertisements for press, radio, television, cinema screens, billboards, catalogues and shop displays
- 与客户确认稿件的主题,风格和长度 defining themes, style and length of copy with clients
- 将思路和理念呈现给客户 presenting ideas and concepts to clients
- 规划并写作手册,新闻稿,年报,文件,演讲稿以及其他销售和促销材料的文本及标题 planning and writing text and headlines for brochures and press releases, annual reports, documents, speeches and other sales and promotional material
- 可能给产品命名,外包装文案写作,以及撰写其他销售和促销材料 may name products, write copy for packaging, and write other sales and promotional material
- 可能给广播或者电台报幕员写作文本以确保播报的连续性 may write scripts for radio and television announcers to provide continuity for broadcasts
- 提供广告和促销的思路以协助艺术总监,通常思考出产品名字以及标语,以用于产品包装或者其他促销材料 assisting Art Directors with ideas for advertising and promotion, often thinking up names for products and the slogans that appear on the packaging and other promotional material
- Copywriter 212411文案就业情况
- 文案职业一般是将创意和想法通过词汇和语言传达给读者以促使读者采取某种行动,比如,购买一件产品。通常是用于广告,销售文案,邮件,书面广告,电子广告,宣传册,登录页面等。
- 文案职业一般就职于以下工作单位
- 广告公司 Advertising agencies
- 广播和电视台 Radio and television stations
- 零售商的广告部门 Advertising departments of retailers
- 批发和制造企业 Wholesale and manufacturing firms
- 某些政府部门 Some government department
- 自雇或自由职业者 Self-employed/freelance
- 出版社 Publishing houses
- 其他有专门的通讯部门的企业单位 Any business or organisation which has a dedicated Communications department
飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Copywriter 212411文案职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2019年12月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。