VETASSESS职业Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员职业介绍Information Sheet

Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员职业基本介绍

建筑和工程技术人员协助房屋和其他结构工程的建设。 该职业是包括在该ANZSCO组别没有分类的职业。

Building and Engineering Technicians assist in the building of houses and other structural projects. This occupation group covers Building and Engineering Technicians not elsewhere classified.

以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:

  • 航空绘图员 Aerospace Draftsperson
  • 飞机系统技术员(空军)Aircraft Systems Technician (Air Force)
  • 自动化技术员 Automation Technician
  • 航空电子系统技术员(空军)Avionics Systems Technician (Air Force)
  • 生物医学技术员 Biomedical Technician
  • 腐蚀技术员 Corrosion Technician
  • 采矿详图绘图员 Mining Detail Draftsperson
  • 造船绘图员 Shipbuilding Draftsperson

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • 维护计划员 Maintenance Planner
  • 冶金或材料技术员 Metallurgical or Materials Technician
  • 矿副 Mine Deputy
  • 土木工程绘图员 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
  • 土木工程技术员 Civil Engineering Technician
  • 建筑绘图员 Architectural Draftsperson
  • 建筑协理 Building Associate
  • 建筑监督员 Building Inspector
  • 施工预算员 Construction Estimator
  • 管道监督员 Plumbing Inspector
  • 测量和空军Surveying or Spatial Science Technician
  • 其他未分类的建筑,施工和测量技术员 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec


NEC职业意思是not elsewhere classified其他未分类的。如果提名职业是NEC职业,申请人需要确认其学历和工作履历是与某一特定的职业相关的。如果申请人的职责与NEC职业相符,而不与其他职业代码的相符,则可以被考虑评估NEC职业。 申请人也需要附上一个COVER LETTER说明提名NEC职业的合理原因。

Some occupations assessed by VETASSESS are listed as ‘nec’ which means ‘not elsewhere classified’. If nominating one of these occupations, you must ensure that your qualifications and employment are highly relevant to one of the occupation titles given in the ANZSCO description for the particular occupation. Other specific occupation titles which cannot be found elsewhere in ANZSCO will be considered on a case-by-case basis as long as they are relevant to the ‘nec’ codes.

In order to be assessed against an ‘nec’ code, your occupation would generally be described as non-classified, yet specialised or related to its ANZSCO Unit Group description. Your employment in these nominated occupations should not better match another ANZSCO code (whether assessed by VETASSESS or not).

When considering whether to nominate an ‘nec’ occupation, you should consider the ANZSCO sub major group description and determine whether your skills best fit this category.

VETASSESS conducts a case-by-case assessment to determine whether the employment can be considered highly relevant to the classification. If an applicant’s employment is highly relevant to another ANZSCO occupation, the same period of employment cannot be assessed suitably against an ‘nec’ classification, regardless of whether the occupation is available for migration purposes or not.

Applicants should provide a cover letter that justifies the rationale for choosing an ‘nec’ category

Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员职业评估要求

  1. Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员属于VETASSESS评估的Group C职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲专科Diploma层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
  • 专科学历且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 专业科学历但专业不是与提名职业相关的,但是有相关专业的专科以下学历(等同于澳洲Certificate IV层次),那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 专科学历且专业不适于提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得专科学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外三年相关的工作经验(这三年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)

  1. 学历要求至少有专科学历,相关专业可以是建筑设计Building Design,施工Construction,工程设计或者技术(土木),其他专业如果与工作行业相关但是没有建筑,施工和测量相关的科目,也有可能算作相关专业

  2. 工作经验要求,学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内,高度相关的工作职责,包括:

  • 准备,解释,检查和修改图纸,计划,图表,设计,地图和图表 Preparing, interpreting, inspecting and revising drawings, plans, diagrams, designs, maps and charts
  • 执行复杂的计算以及现场和实验室测试,并记录结果 Performing complex computations and field and laboratory tests, and recording the results
  • 安装,测试,修理和修改电气,电子和机械设备 Installing, testing, repairing and modifying electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment
  • 估算材料的数量和成本 Estimating quantities and costs of materials
  • 检查建筑物,管道工作,机器,设备,工作条件和公共场所,以确保遵守相关法律,标准和规定 Inspecting buildings, plumbing work, machines, equipment, working conditions and public places to ensure compliance with relevant laws, standards and regulations
  • 测试材料 Testing materials
  • 为建筑和工程专业人员提供技术支持 Providing technical support to building and engineering professionals.
  1. Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员就业情况:


Applicants are required to demonstrate that they are working in a niche role within a construction or engineering discipline that is not elsewhere classified in ANZSCO. As such, this occupation covers roles that are considered to have a construction, building or engineering focus, including in specialisations that can be broadly considered under construction or build, such as aviation, shipbuilding and/or mining detailing drafting. Works undertaken in such contexts may be deemed appropriate construct and build projects for engineering purposes. Employment that may be considered acceptable for this occupation may involve, (but is not limited to), the provision of drafting, materials testing, surveying or building-related services for such projects.

  1. 其他证明材料: 除开VETASSESS常规要求的工作材料,需要提供Cover Letter说明选择提名NEC职业的理由,同时还可以需要提供以下材料:
  • 公司网站链接
  • 公司注册信息
  • 其他有关申请人工作的在线信息
  • 公司项目列表
  • 作品集(不超过5M)
  • 其他有关申请人职位的材料

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Building and Engineering Technicians NEC 312999其他未分类的建筑和工程技术人员职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年11月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。