VETASSESS职业评估Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业介绍Information Sheet

Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业基本介绍


An Advertising Specialist devises and coordinates advertising campaigns which encourage consumers to purchase particular goods or services.


  • Advertising Account Executive 广告客户主管
  • Advertising Account Manager 广告客户经理
  • Creative Director (Advertising) 创意总监(广告)

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • Marketing Specialist 市场专员
  • Market Research Analyst 市场研究分析员
  • Public Relations Professional 公关专员
  • Advertising Manager 广告经理


Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业评估要求

  1. Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员属于VETASSESS评估的Group B职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以。
  • 如果所学的专业是与提名职业高度相关的,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验即可。
  • 如果所学专业不与提名职业高度相关,那么需要近五年内有三年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验。
  • 如果申请人是有相关专业的专科学历,但是本科学历专业不相关,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的学历后工作经验即可。
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得学历之前的,那么需要额外有五年相关工作经验,且在近五年内有一年相关工作经验才可以。
  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业是广告专业,一般的商科专业通常不能算作相关专业。General business and commerce qualifications are not normally considered relevant

  2. 工作经验要求

  • 学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内
  • 高度相关的工作职责,包括但不限于:
    • 计划,开发并组织广告政策和活动以促进销售目标的完成 planning, developing and organising advertising policies and campaigns to support sales objectives
    • 对主管和客户提出广告策略和活动方面的建议以完成既定市场目标,形成在消费者中的知名度并对商品和服务的特点进行有效的推销 advising executives and clients on advertising strategies and campaigns to reach target markets, creating consumer awareness and effectively promoting the attributes of goods and services
    • 在时间和预算许可的范围内协调广告活动,包括了一些特殊的活动,如插图,广告文案,媒体脚本,电视和电影制作以及媒体投放 coordinating production of advertising campaigns involving specialised activities, such as artwork, copywriting, media scripting, television and film production and media placement, within time and budget constraints

Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业评估证明材料要求

  1. 除开常规的VETASSESS职业评估要求的材料,提名225111广告专员职业的申请人还需要提供个人简历,以及每份工作的组织结构图,组织结构图需要打印在公司信头纸上,有申请人的职位描述,申请人直接上司,同上司的平级同事,以及申请人的下属情况An Organisational Chart for each period of employment. This should include the company letterhead, an applicant’s job position and those of her/his superiors and subordinates as well as all positions reporting to the applicant’s immediate supervisorand her/his direct subordinates.

  2. 同时,有可能需要提供以下材料:

  • 广告计划 Advertising plans
  • 宣传材料 Campaign material
  • 合同 Contracts if relevant to role performed

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2020年1月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。

Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业基本介绍


An Advertising Specialist devises and coordinates advertising campaigns which encourage consumers to purchase particular goods or services.

以下职业 可以 算入该职业组别:

  • Advertising Account Executive 广告客户主管
  • Advertising Account Manager 广告客户经理
  • Creative Director (Advertising) 创意总监(广告)

以下职业 不能 算入该职业组别:

  • Marketing Specialist 市场专员
  • Market Research Analyst 市场研究分析员
  • Public Relations Professional 公关专员
  • Advertising Manager 广告经理


Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业评估要求

  1. Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员属于VETASSESS评估的Group B职业,要求至少有等同于澳洲本科层次学历才可以。申请人可以通过以下四类途径之一满足评估要求:
  • 本科学历且是与提名职业高度相关的专业,那么需要近五年内有一年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 本科学历但专业不是与提名职业相关的,但是有相关专业的专科学历,那么需要近五年内有两年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 本科学历且专业不适于提名职业相关的,且没有其他相关专业的学历,那么需要近五年内有三年与提名职业相关的工作经验
  • 如果申请人的相关工作经验是在获得本科学历之前的,那么可以是近五年内有一年相关工作经验的基础上,有额外五年相关的工作经验(这五年可以不是近五年内的,但是需要是近十年内的)

  1. 学历要求至少有本科学位,相关专业是广告专业,一般的商业商科专业通常不能算作相关专业。

  2. 工作经验要求:学历前的工作经验可以纳入职评考虑范围内, 高度相关的工作职责,包括但不限于:

  • 规划,制定并组织广告政策和活动以促进销售目标的完成 planning, developing and organising advertising policies and campaigns to support sales objectives
  • 对主管和客户提出广告策略和活动方面的建议以完成既定市场目标,形成在消费者中的知名度并对商品和服务的特点进行有效的推销 advising executives and clients on advertising strategies and campaigns to reach target markets, creating consumer awareness and effectively promoting the attributes of goods and services
  • 在时间和预算许可的范围内协调广告活动,包括了一些特殊的活动,如插图,广告文案,媒体脚本,电视和电影制作以及媒体投放 coordinating production of advertising campaigns involving specialised activities, such as artwork, copywriting, media scripting, television and film production and media placement, within time and budget constraints


Advertising Specialists are primarily employed by either advertising agencies or in-house in large organisations. They are rarely employed by other businesses.

  1. 广告专员的职责范畴:广告的重点是通过报纸、杂志、直邮、广告牌、电视、广播、在线平台等方式,通过战略性地放置内容或图像来细分受众、鼓励销售和吸引对产品的关注。它还涉及开发和组织广告政策和活动以支持销售目标、提高消费者意识和/或推广企业的商品和服务。

Advertising is focused on segmentation of audiences, encouraging sales and drawing attention to the product through strategic placement of content or imagery through means such as newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, TV, radio, online platforms etc. It also involves developing and organising advertising policies and campaigns to support sales objectives, create consumer awareness and/or promote the goods and services of the business.


The scope of an Advertising Specialist’s role includes coordinating production of advertising campaigns involving specialised activities, such as artwork, copywriting, media scripting, television and film production and media placement, identifying trends and insights.

  1. 其他证明材料:除开VETASSESS常规要求的工作材料, 还建议提供以下材料:
  • 广告计划 Advertising plans
  • 宣传材料 Campaign material
  • 合同 Contracts if relevant to role performed


Applicants nominating this occupation are required to provide:

  • A Curriculum Vitae / Resume
    Applicants are also advised to provide samples of some of the following supplementary material, if possible:
  • Advertising plans
  • Campaign material
  • Contracts if relevant to role performed

An organisational chart may also assist to clarify the focus and responsibility level of positions held. This should include the company letterhead, an applicant’s job position and those of her/his superiors and subordinates as well as all positions reporting to the applicant’s immediate supervisor and her/his direct subordinates.

  1. 职业评估后:申请人拿到VETASSESS职业评估结果后,对于后期想在澳洲从事广告职业的申请人,可以加入AMI协会,该协会有利于职业发展以及后续求职。

After receiving a positive skills assessment from VETASSESS and having a skilled visa granted by the Department of Home Affairs, applicants looking to develop their advertising career in Australia may consider professional membership. The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) is the association for professional marketers and sets the industry standard for marketing practitioners in Australia.

The Institute provides a wide range of opportunities, including learning and development, education and networking across Australia. An AMI membership may assist with professional fulfillment and career advancement.

For more information on AMI’s membership services, applicants can contact AMI directly: Professional Membership

飞出国:以上VETASSESS职业评估Advertising Specialist 225111广告专员职业介绍Information Sheet为官网2021年09月公布的最新版本,目前依然有效,该Information Sheet内容根据VETASSESS职业评估需要会不定期修改。