
问一下,因为我的相关工作不是近5年的,而是近十年的,所以想先做PTA, 如果过了的话,再VET,是不是这样比较合适?这样的价格应该跟直接VET一样吧,需要关联还是做什么?VET和PTA是什么关系,谢谢


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Points Test Advice 是vet提供的一项帮助计算工作分数的服务,有时移民局要求这个东西,有这个,工作经验加分更明确。


做之前要先了解清楚呀,根据自己情况确定选择的类别是否对,我不知道你说的是不是这个,这个如果是新申请不需要,如果移民部要求提供肯定是感觉你的工作经验加分不好确定,vet说明和材料里都有雇主工作经验部分介绍,你看看下面VETASSESS pta 的介绍:

Points Test Advice

The Points Test Advice is an opinion of:

  • the comparative educational level of your qualifications against the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
  • your employment in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation in the 10 years before you applied to us.

The Points Test Advice will be taken into consideration by DIBP when assessing your eligibility for points. The Points Test Advice provided by VETASSESS is not binding on DIBP and DIBP may undertake further investigations to verify the qualifications and employment claims made in your application. Determination of the points remains at the discretion of the delegated officers of DIBP. A successful skills assessment from VETASSESS is not a guarantee that you will meet the Points Test requirements.

Who can apply?

You’re eligible to apply if:

  • you have a pending Skills Assessment application with us and now also require Points Test Advice
  • you have received a Skills Assessment from a different assessing authority and have been referred to us by your skills assessing authority and/or DIBP for Points Test Advice
  • you have already received a positive skills assessment from VETASSESS for your nominated occupation and now wish to apply for Points Test Advice for your additional qualifications and employment.

Please note that as of 1 January 2015, if you’re a new applicant who intends to apply for a skills assessment under a VETASSESS general professional occupation, your skills assessment outcome letter will include your highest qualification up to postdoctoral degree level as well as the date that you were deemed skilled in your nominated occupation based on closely related employment within the last ten years.

How to apply

You may lodge your application online or by mail. Before applying, make sure you have read these important sections:

Required Documents

6. Employment evidence

For each position, you need to provide official evidence of your employment detailing the employer’s name, the period of employment, the position held, the main tasks and hours of work for each position.

In addition to evidence of a Statement of Service from your employer, you are required to provide official evidence that the employment was paid, such as payslips and taxation records.

Please note that you are required to provide an Organisational Chart (on company letterhead) highlighting your duties, if nominating a managerial occupation.

VETASSESS will assess employment of no less than six months’ blocks.

Once you are familiar with the application process, proceed to the lodgement of your application by following the link below.