VET 2015 年审理流程 - 飞出国
An applicant nominating the occupation of Chemist (ANZSCO Code: 234211) completes a relevant Bachelor degree in 2007 and has four years of relevant work experience from January 2010 to December 2013. One year of work experience post the relevant qualification meets the skills assessment criteria and the date the applicant is deemed skilled will be January 2011. Therefore, all relevant/closely related employment from January 2011 will be considered skilled employment and eligible for points test purposes.
飞出国注:也就是对于B类职业 专业不高度相关的话 要扣减3年工作年限。
VET费用及职业要求-飞出国:针对以上流程的改变,费用结构会更简单,VET还会对常见的提名职业出具information sheet详细说明该职业的评估标准,职责要求,费用和informaiton sheet已于2014-12在官网进行公布。
第一批公布information sheet的职业包括Management Consultant, Internal Auditor, Medical Administrator, Program or Project Administrator, Psychotherapist和University Lecturer。
**新旧评估标准更替-FLYabroad:**对于2014-12-31之前已完成评估或者评估正在审理中的申请人不受影响,但是从2015-01-01开始要做新申请(这个飞出国请申请人留意),reassessment以及points advice的将适用新标准。