从 瑞尔森大学 Ryerson University (安省多伦多市) 继续讨论:
瑞尔森大学本科课程 Undergraduate Programs of Ryerson University
会计与金融(BComm) | Accounting & Finance (BComm) |
航空航天工程(工学学士) | Aerospace Engineering (BEng) |
建筑科技(BArchSc) | Architectural Science (BArchSc) |
艺术和当代研究(BA) | Arts and Contemporary Studies (BA) |
生物学(理学学士) | Biology (BSc) |
生物医学工程(学士) | Biomedical Engineering (BEng) |
生物医学科学(理学学士) | Biomedical Sciences (BSc) |
商务管理(BComm) | Business Management (BComm) |
业务技术管理(BComm) | Business Technology Management (BComm) |
化学工程合作社(学士) | Chemical Engineering Co-op (BEng) |
化学(理学士) | Chemistry (BSc) |
儿童和青少年保健(BA) | Child and Youth Care (BA) |
土木工程(学士) | Civil Engineering (BEng) |
计算机工程(学士) | Computer Engineering (BEng) |
计算机科学(理学学士) | Computer Science (BSc) |
创意产业(BA) | Creative Industries (BA) |
犯罪学(BA) | Criminology (BA) |
残疾研究(BA) | Disability Studies (BA) |
幼儿教育学(BA) | Early Childhood Studies (BA) |
电气工程(学士) | Electrical Engineering (BEng) |
英语(BA) | English (BA) |
英语和历史(BA) | English and History (BA) |
英语和哲学(BA) | English and Philosophy (BA) |
环境与城市可持续发展(BA) | Environment and Urban Sustainability (BA) |
时尚通讯(BDes) | Fashion Communication (BDes) |
时装设计(BDes) | Fashion Design (BDes) |
金融数学(理学学士) | Financial Mathematics (BSc) |
地理分析(BA) | Geographic Analysis (BA) |
图文传播管理(技术学士) | Graphic Communications Management (BTech) |
健康信息管理(BHA) | Health Information Management (BHA) |
卫生服务管理(BHA) | Health Services Management (BHA) |
历史(BA) | History (BA) |
历史和英语(BA) | History and English (BA) |
历史和哲学(BA) | History and Philosophy (BA) |
酒店及旅游管理(BComm) | Hospitality and Tourism Management (BComm) |
影像艺术:电影研究(BFA) | Image Arts: Film Studies (BFA) |
影像艺术:摄影学(BFA) | Image Arts: Photography Studies (BFA) |
工业工程(学士) | Industrial Engineering (BEng) |
室内设计(BID) | Interior Design (BID) |
国际经济与金融(BA) | International Economics and Finance (BA) |
新闻学(BJourn) | Journalism (BJourn) |
语言和跨文化关系(BA) | Language and Intercultural Relations (BA) |
数学及其应用(理学士) | Mathematics and its Applications (BSc) |
机械工程(学士) | Mechanical Engineering (BEng) |
医学物理(理学士) | Medical Physics (BSc) |
助产(BHSc) | Midwifery (BHSc) |
护理(BSCN)>四年合作课程 | Nursing (BScN) > Four-Year Collaborative Program (Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown) |
护理(BSCN)>张贴文凭 | Nursing (BScN) > Post Diploma |
营养与食品(BASC) | Nutrition and Food (BASc) |
职业和公众健康 - 职业健康和安全(BASC) | Occupational and Public Health - Occupational Health and Safety (BASc) |
职业和公共卫生 - 公共健康和安全(BASC) | Occupational and Public Health - Public Health and Safety (BASc) |
性能:代理(BFA) | Performance: Acting (BFA) |
性能:舞蹈(BFA) | Performance: Dance (BFA) |
性能:生产(BFA) | Performance: Production (BFA) |
哲学(BA) | Philosophy (BA) |
哲学和历史(BA) | Philosophy and History (BA) |
哲学和英语(BA) | Philosophy and English (BA) |
政治与治理(BA) | Politics and Governance (BA) |
专业通信(BA) | Professional Communication (BA) |
初级卫生保健护士执业证书(PHCNP) | Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate (PHCNP) |
心理学(BA) | Psychology (BA) |
公共管理和治理(BA) | Public Administration and Governance (BA) |
零售管理(BComm) | Retail Management (BComm) |
媒体RTA学校:媒体制作(BA) | RTA School of Media: Media Production (BA) |
媒体RTA学校:新媒体(BFA) | RTA School of Media: New Media (BFA) |
媒体RTA学院:体育传媒(BA) | RTA School of Media: Sport Media (BA) |
瑞尔森ESL预科课程 | Ryerson ESL Foundation Program |
社会科学和人文科学基金会(证书) | Social Sciences and Humanities Foundations (Certificate) |
社会工作(BSW) | Social Work (BSW) |
社会学(BA) | Sociology (BA) |
未声明的艺术(第一年研究只) | Undeclared Arts (First Year Studies Only) |
未申报工程(第一学期研究只) | Undeclared Engineering (First Semester Studies Only) |
未声明的科学(第一年研究只) | Undeclared Science (First Year Studies Only) |
城市和区域规划(BURPl) | Urban and Regional Planning (BURPl) |
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