高贵林学院学费 Tuition and Fees of Coquitlam College

高贵林学院 Coquitlam College (卑诗省高贵林市) 继续讨论:

高贵林学院学费 Tuition and Fees of Coquitlam College

学费 Tuition

加拿大公民/永久居民 Canadian Citizens / Permanent Residents

类别 Category 收费单位 Fee Unit 费用 Fee 备注 Notes
申请 Application $125 Non-refundable and must accompany application.
高中课程 High School Programs per course $825
大学课程 Univeristy Programs per 3-credit course $750 $250.00 per credit
英语学习课程 English Studies Program per course $750
计算机实验室 Computer Lab per course $60 University Program
科学实验室 Science Lab per course $120 University Program
书本 Book Deposit $175 $150.00 Refundable English Studies & High School Program
活动费 Activity Fee $25 per semester

留学生 International Students

类别 Category 收费单位 Fee Unit 费用 Fee 备注 Notes
申请 Application $125 Non-refundable and must accompany application.
高中课程 High School Programs 4 courses $5280
大学课程 Univeristy Programs 4 courses $5520 (Based on 12 credits) $460.00 per credit
英语学习课程 English Studies Program per course $4800
计算机实验室 Computer Lab per course $60 University Program
科学实验室 Science Lab per course $120 University Program
书本 Book Deposit $175 $150.00 Refundable English Studies & High School Program
活动费 Activity Fee $25 per semester


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