加拿大TRV申请人的双重意图Dual Intent

当一个已经递交了加拿大移民申请的外国公民申请作为visitor, student, worker前往加拿大临时待一段时间,Dual Intent就存在了。

双重意图是符合移民法的(一个是临时居住,一个是永久居住)。 申请临时居留的人将来也有可能获批永久居留权, 但这并不能使他们豁免IRPR第179条规定的临时居民必须在规定期限内离境的要求。

审核Dual Intent


  • the length of time that the client will be spending in Canada
  • means of support
  • obligations and ties to the home country
  • the purpose and the context of the stay
  • the credibility of documents and information submitted
  • past compliance with requirements of the IRPA and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) that are applicable to temporary residents (visitors, students and workers), as well as information available in biographic and biometric information sharing



  • whether the sponsorship application has been approved
  • whether the application for permanent residence has received stage one approval
  • to what extent the applicant has retained ties in their home country
  • what the applicant’s plan is, should their application for permanent residence be refused

如果配偶或伴侣可以使移民官相信有这种可能性:如果他们的永久居留申请被拒绝,会根据移民法案在授权居留期结束时离开加拿大, 那么移民官就可以签发临时居留签证(TRV)。



  • 正在申请永久居留权
  • 希望访问但不打算移民加拿大

如移民法案第A22(2)款所述,成为永久居民的意图并不妨碍某人成为临时居民。 如果父母或祖父母最终打算成为永久居民,并且可以根据R179节的规定,使移民官确信在允许的居留期满后他们能够离开加拿大,则移民官通常会签发TRV。 如果申请人提供了超级签证所需的文件,则可以签发超级签证。


Dual Intent的存在本身并不会成为TRV拒签的原因。如果您能够使移民官相信,在您的authorized stay结束后您肯定会离开加拿大,那么无论将来PR申请的结果如何,您的TRV都有可能获批。


An applicant for a work or study permit who indicates that they have no intention of leaving Canada has demonstrated only a single intent—permanent residence. Their application will be refused, even if the applicant might subsequently qualify for the Canadian experience class (CEC) or the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). This is because the applicant has shown that they would not respect the terms and conditions of temporary residence, should they not qualify for permanent residence.

Section R179 is balanced by the flexibility of subsection A22(2), which allows the officer to consider an applicant’s intent in relation to the particular circumstances of the application. For example, an applicant for a study permit who may qualify for the CEC in 3 years has a different set of circumstances from that of a provincial nominee whose application is near completion and who applies for a work permit, with the support of the province, due to an urgent need for their services. Please note that all applications should be assessed on their individual merits.

Officers are reminded to use their own judgment and the flexibility afforded to them by subsection A22(2) when making decisions on applications with a dual intent aspect. Global Case Management System (GCMS) notes should clearly demonstrate the officer’s reasoning when assessing an application.

Dual intent should be mentioned if it was considered as part of the decision on the application. If the officer is not satisfied that the applicant’s intentions are bona fide, and has dual intent concerns, the applicant should be refused as per section R179, with dual intent outlined as a concern in the application notes.