注意!首登日期后登陆澳洲需要先申请旅行便利信 travel facilitation letter


如果您在准签信上规定的首登日期(一般是准签信签发后一年)前未能登陆澳洲(目前是允许的,可以在稍晚些时候再登陆),您需要在签证有效期内(且需注意其他要求和签证条件,比如说移民监)进行登陆,登陆前需提前在线填写并提交旅行便利信申请表格travel facilitation letter request form (未婚夫妻结婚300签证持有人不适用)。然后,澳洲内政部一般会给签发一个旅行便利信,该信表明您被允许在首登日期后进入澳洲。登陆时要携带该信函,在办理登机手续和到达澳洲时需要出示。


  • 持有一个有效的永久或临时家庭签证;
  • 准签信上规定的首登日期已过或在您能够登陆澳洲时将会过期;
  • 现在已经准备好登陆澳洲。


Initial Entry Date (First Entry Date)

Please note this information only applies to permanent and provisional family visa holders (Partner, Parent, Child or other family visa).

If you can’t travel to Australia before the first entry date of your visa, you might still be able to enter Australia at a later date. Your visa will need to be valid and you must continue to meet all other requirements and visa conditions.

When you can travel, let us know by submitting the travel facilitation letter request form.

We may then send you a travel facilitation letter to state that you are allowed to enter Australia after the first entry date of your visa. If we give you a travel facilitation letter, bring it with you to your departure port. You must present it at check-in and on arrival in Australia.

Please note that: ‘Initial Entry Date’ (First Entry Date) is different to ‘Must Not Arrive after Date.’

Do not use this form if you hold a Prospective Marriage (Subclass 300) visa. See the advice for Subclass 300 visa holders.

If you are requesting a travel facilitation letter, you must ensure that:

  • you hold a valid Permanent or provisional family visa
  • the Initial Entry Date (First Entry Date) as specified in your visa grant letter has passed or will pass before you can travel to Australia
  • you are now ready to make travel plans for Australia

Travel facilitation letters will not be issued unless a permanent or provisional family visa holder has less than 3 months remaining on their first entry date.
