达尔豪斯大学转学分介绍Transfer Credit of Dalhousie University

达尔豪斯大学 Dalhousie University 继续讨论:

##达尔豪斯大学转学分介绍Transfer Credit of Dalhousie University##

转学分 Transfer credit

如果转校生就读于达尔豪斯大学认可的大学或学院,学生可以在达尔豪斯大学获得已经完成的课程的学分。学生可以在学校官网Transfer Credit Equivalencies Table系统浏览 过去为转学分评估过的大学和学院工作。要获得转学分,必须做到以下几点:

  • 缴纳200加币入学保证金
  • 期末成绩达到C
  • 课程水平要等同于达尔豪斯大学的课程
  • 课程符合学生所学的专业
  • 在转学到达尔豪斯大学的时间范围内完成学业

If you have studied at a university or college that is recognized by Dalhousie, you may receive credit for course work already completed. You can view university and college work that has been assessed for transfer credit in the past on our Transfer Credit Equivalencies Table. To receive credit you need:

  • to have paid the $200 admission deposit
  • a final grade of ‘C’ or higher
  • a course that is equivalent to one offered at Dalhousie
  • a course that applies to your program of study
  • to have completed the course within the time period to transfer to Dalhousie



University credit for AP courses(with final result of 4或5分)


Equivalencies can change if a course is re-evaluated.

AP课程 AP Course 达尔豪斯大学同等水平课程 Dalhousie Equivalent
生物 Biology Biology 1010.03 and 1011.03
微积分 AB Calculus AB Mathematics 1000.03 and 1010.03
微积分 BC Calculus BC Mathematics 1000.03 and 1010.03
化学 Chemistry Chemistry 1011.03/1012.03 or 1021.03/1022.03 or 1041.03/1042.03
汉语和汉文化 Chinese Language and Culture Chinese 1030.06
计算机科学 A Computer Science A Computer Science 1100.03
计算机科学AB Computer Science AB Computer Science 1100.03 and 1101.03
英语文学和写作 English Literature and Composition English 1000.06
环境科学 Environmental Science Environmental Science 1000.06
欧洲历史 European History History 1004.06
法语 French Language French 1045.06
法国文学 French Literature French 1999.06 (elective)
德语 German German 1010.06
希腊语 Greek Classics 1700.06
人文地理 Human Geography Geography 1035.03 and 1999.03 (elective)
意大利语言和文化 Italian Language and Culture Italian 2999.06 (elective)
日语和日语文化Japanese Language and Culture Japanese 1999.06 (elective)
拉丁维吉尔 Latin Virgil Classics 1800.06
拉丁文学 Latin Literature Classics 2800.06
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics Economics 1102.03
微观经济学 Microeconomics Economics 1101.03
音乐 Music Music 1001.03 and 1002.03 (students may consult department for Music 1201.03 and 1202.03)
物理 1 Physics 1 Physics 1310
物理 2 Physics 2 Physics 1320
物理C:力学 Physics C: Mechanics Physics 1190
物理C:电磁学 Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Physics 1290
政府与政治-美国 Government and Politics - U.S. Political Science 1999.03 (elective)
政府与政治-比较学 Government and Politics - Comparative Political Science 1999.03 (elective)
心理学 Psychology Psychology 1011.03 and 1012.03
统计学 Statistics Statistics 1060.03
美国历史 US History History 1999.06 (elective)
世界史 World History History 1501.03 and 1502.03
  • 当前AP艺术史,英语和写作或西班牙语不能转学分。
  • At present, transfer credit is not offered for AP Art History, English Language and Composition or Spanish.



University credits for IB HL classes (with final score of 5, 6 or 7)


Equivalencies can change if a course is re-evaluated.

国际中学文凭课程(高级课程 )IB (HL) Course 达尔豪斯大学同等水平课程 Dalhousie Equivalent
阿拉伯语 A1 Arabic A1 Arabic 3031.03
阿拉伯语A2 Arabic A2 Arabic 2999.06 (elective)
阿拉伯语 B Arabic B Arabic 1020.06
生物 Biology Biology 1010.03 and 1011.03
化学 Chemistry Chemistry 1011.03/1012.03 or 1021.03/1022.03 or 1041.03/1042.03
汉语 Chinese A1 ASSC 1999.06
计算机科学 Computer Science Computer Science 1100.03 and 1101.03
经济学 Economics Economics 1101.03 and 1102.03
英语A 文学 English A Literature English 1000.06
英语 A 语言 &文学 English A Lang & Literature ENGL 1991W.03 and ENGL 1992W.03
欧洲史 European History HIST 1999.06
电影 Film Theatre 1999.06 (elective)
法语 A1 French A1 French 2999.06 (elective)
法语 A2 French A2 French 2999.06 (elective)
法语 B French B French 1045.06
地理 Geography Geography 1030.03 and Geography 1035.03
德语 German German 1010.06
全球政治 Global Politics Political Science 1100.06
历史 History History 1501.03 and 1502.03
全球社会信息技术 Information Technology in a Global Society Computer Science 1200.03 + Sociology/Social Anthropology 1999.03
伊斯兰文化 Islamic History History 1999.06
意大利语 B Italian B Italian 2010.06
拉丁语 Latin Classics 1800.06
普通话 B Mandarin B Chinese 1030.06
数学 Mathematics Mathematics 1000.03 and 1010.03
音乐 Music Music 1003.03 and 1004.03 (students may consult department for Music 1201.03 and 1202.03)
哲学 Philosophy Philosophy 1000.06 or 1010.06
物理 Physics Physics 1280.03 and 1290.03
心理学 Psychology Psychology 1011.03 and 1012.03
社会学 Sociology Sociology/Social Anthropology 1000.06
西班牙语 Spanish Spanish 1020.06
剧院 Theatre Theatre 1999.06 (elective)
土耳其语 Turkish ASSC 1999.06
知识论 Theory of Knowledge Philosophy 2999.06 (elective)
  • 当前IB艺术史、工商管理、英语A2、视觉艺术A或视觉艺术B不能转学分。
  • At present, transfer credit is not offered for IB Art History, Business Management, English A2, Visual Art A or Visual Art B.



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