


We recognise that all relationships are different. You should provide any evidence that you think is relevant to demonstrate the nature of commitment in your relationship.

The following are some examples of evidence you may be able to provide. Please remember, these are suggestions only: 以下材料仅是建议提供,意思是不必须所有都提供

Financial aspects

  • shared financial commitments and responsibilities, sharing of household bills and expenses; 共同承担家庭财务
  • joint ownership of real estate or any other assets (eg cars, appliances) or joint liabilities (eg loans, insurance, credit cards); 联名房产或其他资产,共同债务(贷款,保险,信用卡)
  • sharing of finances; (eg. separate bank account statements which show how your finances are arranged or show transfers between accounts, payments for household expenses) 共享的财务(各自银行账户的流水记录着各自的钱如何安排,账号间的转账,家庭开销的支付)
  • legal commitments that you have undertaken as a couple; 法律上被认为是伴侣
  • evidence that you and your partner have operated joint bank accounts over a reasonable period;联名账户

The nature of the household

  • children of the relationship, joint responsibility for children; 有孩子
  • shared responsibilities within the household, how responsibility for the housework is distributed; 对于家庭共同承担责任,家务的分工
  • your living arrangements; 生活安排
  • joint ownership or joint rental of the residence in which you live; 联名房产或者合租
  • joint utilities accounts (eg electricity, gas, telephone), joint responsibility for bills for day-to-day living expenses; 水电气共同支付,日常花销共同承担
  • mail to you jointly or separately at the same address.共享一个收件地址(比如信用卡账单邮寄地址,官方机构邮寄的地址等等)

Social context of your relationship

  • how your relationship with your partner is seen by your friends and family; 朋友和家人的见证
  • evidence that you and your partner are generally accepted as a couple socially (eg joint invitations, going out together, friends and acquaintances in common); 日常生活中的赴约,出行和交际等被认可为伴侣
  • supporting statements regarding the genuine and continuing nature of your relationship provided by family or friends (see form 888) 家人或者朋友对申请人关系的声明
  • evidence that you and your partner have declared your relationship to government bodies, commercial/public institutions or authorities; 申请人关系在政府机构等的声明
  • any other statutory declarations made by you or your partner’s parents, family members, relatives or friends; 其他来自于伴侣父母,家人,亲戚朋友的声明
  • joint membership of organisations or groups; 组织结构的联名会员
  • evidence of joint participation in sporting, cultural, or social activities; 一起参加体育,文化或者社交活动
  • joint travel. 一同出游

The nature of your commitment to each other

  • evidence of mutual commitment between you and your partner; 申请人和伴侣的声明
  • intention that your relationship will be long-term, plans for the future; 维持长久关系的意愿及对未来的规划
  • the terms of your wills, superannuation, insurance etc; 申请人遗嘱,养老金和保险的条款(比如受益人是伴侣)
  • evidence of ongoing contact during periods of separation (eg correspondence, e-mails, phone bills) 两人短暂分开时的联络(包括书信,邮件和电话单)
  • symbols of commitment to each other (eg ceremonies, rings, gifts intending to declare commitment) 两人承诺的见证(包括仪式,戒指,礼物等)

Types of documents to provide – originals or copies?

Police certificates, medical reports, statutory declarations: Originals
Personal documents – eg marriage certificates, birth certificates etc: Certified true copies
Evidence of genuine and continuing partner relationship: Photocopies 关系证明的材料仅需要复印件即可

A ‘certified true copy’ is where an appropriate person, such as a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations, certifies that a photocopy is a true copy of the original document.

Please note: Original passports, photo albums, folders, videos, films, tapes and compact discs will not be accepted. 移民局不接受护照原件,相册,文件夹,音频,磁带和光盘等