

medical Examination for Applicant DOB: XXX HAP ID: XXX [DLM=Sensitive]


Dear Mr XXX,

I refer to your medical results received by the Global Health (GH) for your Australian visa application.

The Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC) has advised that further information is required before it can be determined whether you meet the health criteria for entry to Australia.

It is therefore necessary for you to undergo a further medical examination. Please attend the panel clinic where your initial medical examination was performed. If it is not possible for you to do so, an alternative panel clinic may be approached for this follow-up request. The additional requirements have been loaded into the electronic system and available for the Panel Physician to record the results.

Please present your passport at the time of examination.

The following additional information we require are:-

Chest specialist (or chest clinic) investigation and report required for current status regarding tuberculosis. XXX

Please note that all costs involved in the examination are your responsibility.

Processing requirements provide a time limit of 28 days for you to provide reports to this office. If we have not received the additional information or the case officer has not heard from you by that time, the case officer may proceed to decide this application on the basis of the available information. (Please note: some testing and treatment, such as those for tuberculosis, may take longer than 90 days).

Please contact your case officer if you require further information or you are unable to meet the requested timeframe.

Yours Sincerely,

Global Health
Department of Immigration and Border Protection

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