
飞出国:澳洲技术移民打分中有一项是关于申请人婚姻状态的加分,统称是Partner Skills配偶加分,对应到的是申请人单身或者已婚情况下的加分。

  1. 申请人是单身或者配偶是澳洲公民或者永居You are single or your partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident,可以加10分

  2. 申请人是已婚或者有事实伴侣,且配偶或者事实伴侣随同申请的情况下,配偶或者事实伴侣可以提供近三年内等同于雅思4个6的语言成绩 Your spouse or de facto partner must also be an applicant for this visa and has competent English,可以加5分

  3. 申请人是已婚或者有事实伴侣(年龄不超过45周岁),且配偶或者事实伴侣随同申请的情况下,配偶或者事实伴侣可以提供近三年内等同于雅思4个6的语言成绩,提名职业和主申请人是同一个职业列表且有通过专业评估,可以加10分

Your spouse or de facto partner must also be an applicant for this visa and meet age, English and skill criteria

For you to be eligible for the award of these points your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass and must not be an Australian permanent resident or an Australian citizen. Additionally, you will need to provide evidence that when you were invited to apply for this visa that they:

  • were under 45 years old
  • had competent English
  • had nominated a skilled occupation that is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation
  • had a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated skilled occupation, and the assessment wasn’t for a Subclass 485 visa.


  • 单身Single,加10分
  • 订婚Engaged,加10分
  • 已婚,加0分
  • 事实伴侣,加0分




GSM visa applicants’ marital status will sometimes change between lodging the EOI, lodging the visa application, and when a decision is made on points. This change of status may result in the loss or gain of points at visa assessment. For example, a person assigned 10 points (as single) at EOI, may lose these 10 points at the visa application stage if they have subsequently married or entered a de facto relationship.

Where intending applicants are both in a de facto relationship and engaged simultaneously at time of EOI, they may consider selecting “De Facto” rather than “Engaged” when calculating their point score irrespective of the length of the de facto relationship. This will avoid being invited at a higher point score than what the visa applicant will be able to meet.

It is also important to note the implications of the overlay of the 12 month rule at visa stage. For example an intending applicant may declare a de facto relationship at EOI (where no 12 month rule is applicable) but if that de facto relationship is of less than 12 months standing at visa application then that de facto partner will not be eligible for consideration as the visa applicant’s partner for purposes of the visa.