
据IRCC NEWS消息,目前加拿大对 部分旅行者 恢复在入境口岸(Port of Entry, POE)申请工作许可的通道!

由于实施了旅行限制,大多数前往加拿大的旅行者在疫情大流行期间无法在加拿大入境口岸申请工作许可证。 但是目前,加拿大对部分旅行者恢复了在入境口岸申请工作许可的通道。有2类人有资格在入境口岸递交工作许可:

  • 无需持临时签证就可以在加拿大工作的人;
  • 美国、格陵兰或圣皮埃尔和密克隆的国民或永久居民。

Temporary foreign workers are generally required to get their work permit before travelling to Canada. You are allowed to apply for one at a POE if you have a job offer in Canada, will not be working as a live-in caregiver or as a seasonal agricultural worker, and meet one of the following requirements:

  • If you do not need to get a temporary resident visa to work in Canada.

This includes if your job is part of the International Mobility Program (IMP). This program allows employers to hire foreign nationals without needing to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). An LMIA is a document that shows that there are no Canadian citizens or permanent residents available to perform the duties of the job.

This also includes if your job falls within the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). In this case, you will need to get a positive or neutral LMIA. The LMIA should be issued by the time you arrive in Canada.

  • If you are a national or permanent resident of the U.S., Greenland or Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.

Nationals or permanent residents of these countries or territories may be allowed to apply for a work permit at a POE whether their job is part of the TFWP or the IMP.

刚刚小编查询了IRCC网站, 对于需要持访问签证才能入境加拿大的人来说 ,目前依然 不能在入境口岸递交工作许可申请 。只能从加拿大境外递交申请,或者是从加拿大境内递交申请(前提是符合在加拿大递交工签的条件,且已经拿到豁免,被允许持访问签证入境加拿大)。





上面提到, 目前加拿大对 部分旅行者 恢复在入境口岸(Port of Entry, POE)申请工作许可的通道。那么目前在入境口岸递交工签需要什么文件呢?

如果工作属于Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP),并且需要获得LMIA,那么在加拿大边境时需要携带以下文件:

● 雇主信;

● LMIA复印件和LMIA Number;

● 能够履行工作职责的证明,例如工作资格和/或经验证明。


如果工作属于LIMIA豁免 International Mobility Program (IMP) 类别,那么应该携带以下文件:

● 雇主信;

● 雇主提供的工作编号;

● LMIA文件豁免证明;

● 能够履行工作职责的证明,例如工作资格和/或经验证明。

